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"Please, say none of it to Legolas," is the first thing Elarinya says once they reach the Houses of Healing and the healers assure Legolas will survive. The group looks at her sadly, but even Thranduil says nothing. She assures "I will tell him when time is right, but not now."

They leave her alone as Athelas arrives, worried and rushing to her sister. They talk for a while, Elarinya explains her what she did. Athelas comforts her the best she can, and guarantees she will look over Legolas all the time he stays there. 

Elarinya remains seated on her bed at the Houses of Healing for a while. Not that she had been hurt, but her heart ached, and her friends wanted to make sure the one sided bond wasn't degrading her body, or had any other unexpected effect. But she is better now, has returned to her normal self, is only a bit shaken, the healers say she can leave whenever she feels ready. She still has spots of Legolas' blood on her hands. She washes them and walks among the halls. Legolas is at the private room at the end, but she doesn't dare knocking. Instead she sits by the side of the door, brings her knees to her chest and hugs her legs. The House is quiet, except for the casual cough of the sick. 

"Elarinya," Thranduil's deep but gentle voice calls, and she lets go off her legs, holds herself to the wall to be able to get up. Thranduil's eyes are fixed on her face, they aren't cold or stern this time. "You've saved my son," she lowers her head "You love him very much, there is no denying it. Your love is the reason he is alive," she keeps quiet and the king seems worried "Are you in pain?"

She shakes her head no, still looking down "Not anymore, your highness." 

"He is still asleep, but do you wish to see him?"

She shakes her head once again and bows "Good night, my lord."

She turns around and leaves. She berates herself for not having the courage to see him, but she cannot recall the strength to be brave. Her heart feels fragile and her emotions hard to control. She walks home alone, unnoticed, and gets some sleep.  

Legolas' recovery is aided by Thranduil and Arwen's healing. The following morning he already opens his eyes and talks, but is very tired. His father explains the attack, tells he and Arwen healed him using the best of their abilities. Legolas smiles and asks him to tell his friends he feels better, and falls asleep right after. 

Elarinya doesn't leave her house either, she speaks to her sister and only barely. Athelas worries and cries with Gimli and the hobbits, afraid she has lost the spirit of her sister. The young healer even goes to the library and looks for books about the sacred bonds of elves, searches what can a half bond make. She finds nothing. 

By the third day, Legolas already stands, though it still causes some pain. Nevertheless, the elven prayers help deal with it. Athelas is there to help him every day, tends to his wounds and keeps him company, and he asks about her sister. Athelas lies, says she got a cold and was too afraid to come and make him worse. Legolas is worried too, as human sicknesses could sometimes kill them. Athelas places a vase with flowers by his bed. They're morning stars, and she sends it in name of her sister. 

On the afternoon of the fourth day, Athelas finally convinces Elarinya to come see him. She orders Thranduil out of Legolas' room, not caring if he is king or not, she is the healer of this patient, she is in command. Thranduil is shocked but does not refuse. 

"Athelas, I'm not sure..." Elarinya says weakly, walking through the hall. It's empty, no one interrupts them. 

"He doesn't know anything. I told him you were sick, and you're in such a horrible state that he will certainly believe it once he sees you."

"Sister, I-"

"Elarinya, stop," Athelas commands. Even Thranduil, standing in the other healing hall, listening, is once again impressed with her authoritarian tone "He needs you. He has been worried and asking about you, everyone has seen him but you. Stop being afraid, stop being a baby. Just go there and see for yourself that he is alive. He is more alive than you are right now, and I can't handle it. Now, let's go. I won't knock on the door for you."

Elarinya gulps but nods. She walks the rest of the hallway and knocks on the door gently before opening. Legolas is standing by the window and turns as she opens the door.  

"Elarinya!" he smiles excitedly. Elarinya cannot believe it, he is fine, walking and smiling at her. Her heart races as he approaches, his face turning worried "You look terrible." 

"I was sick," she says simply, and then stutters "I-I'm sorry I wasn't here, I-"

He embraces her waist without a warning. Elarinya stops talking right away and places her arms around his neck. Her heart is so swollen with love, it is such a strong feeling taking control over her. She closes her eyes and pushes it down, it must be the bond enhancing her emotions for him. 

Her voice is soft on his ears, she just whispers "You scared me, Legolas."

"I know. Forgive me."

They stay like that for a few more minutes. He is the one to let go, and she speaks "How are you feeling?"

"Better than yesterday, much better than the day before." 

She looks around the room. By the side of his bed are the flowers that share her name and a book "You have been reading."

"My father's stare is very intense sometimes, it distracts me," Elarinya chuckles and it causes a smile on his face "I'm feeling a little tired. Could you help me sit in bed? Perhaps read the book to me? It's my favourite tale."

Elarinya doesn't hesitate and prepares the bed right away and then helps him sit, assuring he is comfortable. The tunic hides his bandages, but it must be an awful wound. She sits on the chair on the side of his bed and starts reading from the beginning. The book is in Sindarin, and sometimes she has to show him some word she doesn't recognize.

Legolas wasn't feeling tired, but he was sensing her sadness and worry, and he missed her. Asking her to stay and read could be considered a little manipulative, but all he wanted to do was hear her voice, see her deeply focused as she reads, enjoying her company. He had almost died, he just wanted to cherish her presence, remember their time at the beach, love her in silence. She read to him throughout the afternoon and the night. 

Thranduil entered the room to bring dinner but both of them were asleep, Legolas on his bed, Elarinya on the chair. He smiled fatherly and pulled the blanket over his son, covered Elarinya's legs with another. On his way back, he passed by Athelas and told her in Sindarin she was and would continue to grow to be an incredible woman. Athelas blushed and the king continued on his way.

Time passed. 


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