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Author's Note: The paragraph in which the song is introduced is marked with a *. I recommend you listen to the music once the mark appears, and you can read along with it as it is only instrumental - no need to focus on lyrics, just provides the mood. 

Elarinya is impressed, Ithilien has the most beautiful woods, and out of its ruins a small castle stands. Human, elves and dwarves hang around, planting, building, fixing, all in harmony, calm and serene. They all bow at the passage of their special visitants and greet with pleasure Legolas, Faramir and Éowyn. 

They show Thranduil the entire place, where the elves stay, and those who go and greet him speak very well of their new home. Some Galadhrim and Woodland Warriors are very happy to have a peaceful time along with some adventure, as they are sent to explore Mordor from time to time, guarantee its safety. 

Faramir decides not to throw a giant banquet, but rather a small feast with his guests and some of the habitants. Everyone is pleased and they sleep well. 

In the morning they visit some more, and during the afternoon they ride south. Faramir wants to show the new harbour they are building, that will allow easier trade and travels along the sea. 

Elarinya looks at Legolas riding his horse, there is tension on his shoulders, something is wrong with him. She stops her thoughts before they derail, she has decided she will do everything to maintain their friendship just as it was, a beautiful friendship that she should enjoy as long as she could. But, as a friend, she worries and can't stop wondering that something is wrong. 

It's the middle of the afternoon when the seagulls are heard, and the sky and the sea are only separated by a thin blue line. The mess starts in Legolas' head, as he hears both seagulls, the real and the unreal. And the waves are still far away but to him they are crashing closer, inside his own head.

Faramir stops on a large cliff and with Éowyn's help sets a lovely picnic as he tells about the harbour, the construction already begining to their left. Elarinya has never been in a beach, has never seen the sea this close and has many questions about it. 

Legolas never sits for the picnic, instead he finds a small path among the grove of the cliff that leads to the beach and decides to follow it. Thranduil looks at his son from far away and Aragorn approaches, speaks in Sindarin "Has he told you?

Thranduil nods and notices the concern on the face of the young king. "He is strong, Aragorn. He will stay with you."

Elarinya is too curious with the somber moment, and stares as Legolas sits on the sand. She sits and eats, only to notice worry and sadness in the eyes of the hobbits. All this is too strange. All but Legolas come to talk and eat a little. Elarinya can't help but peek over her shoulder towards him. After a while Gimli speaks lowly to her "The elves that do not die of injuries or a broken heart sail to the Undying Lands, where they can continue a peaceful life. Legolas has been hearing the call of the sea since the War."

Elarinya frowns sadly "It hurts him staying here?"

"No. But the sea cries too loudly sometimes." 

They rejoin the talk on the picnic, but it is useless to Elarinya as she remains worried. The sun will start to set on the west and he remains in the beach. When they raise and go for a walk where they can best appreciate the harbour, Elarinya takes the moment to sneak away from them, and goes down the path to the beach. 

* She takes off her boots and walks barefoot in the sand towards him. Unlike when they were in the balcony, he hears her footsteps and says as she reaches him "They have told you." 

"They are worried about you. But I'm not here to judge you," she finally sits by his side and plays with the sand on her hands. His eyes are the same color of the sea, and watch it endlessly. Somehow her presence quieted the sounds on his head a little. She pulls her knees to her chest and rests her head on them "How are the Undying Lands like?"

"It is said it looks like the elven cities, like Lothlórien and Rivendell, as it is the home of the Valar and also the High Elves, the first ones to ever live. It's a paradise on the other side of the Great Sea, filled with wild life and light. It's a whole other continent, it has mountains and forests and beaches and pastures. But there is no war, no trouble, only a peaceful eternity. My kind used to be able to travel there and return, but that ability has been lost over time." 

"It seems beautiful."

Legolas nods and looks at her "Would you take it if you could? Immortality?"

Elarinya thinks for a while and then answers "No," Legolas is impressed and she sees it on his face. She chuckles "Don't get me wrong, I would enjoy having a few more years to live and explore, like Aragorn. And I very much like the idea of not dying to any sickness. But I can't imagine my life lasting for too many centuries." 

He smiles a little "If you had forever you would be able to read all the books that were ever written."

She smiles in return as she raises her head and extends her legs "It is true, but that is what makes the ones I read so special," he is looking at her with a curious glance "You see, since I will not be able to read them all, I cherish those I had the chance to read. It's what makes things beautiful, I think. Moments are made of the places I visit with the people I'm with, and it's what makes me cherish them, because it won't happen ever again. It was unique and beautiful," she places a strand of his hair in its place "We will probably never be here again, not like this, the two of us sitting and watching the sea as the sun sets. And while it may be sad, it is tremendously beautiful. It's what gives this moment and life meaning." 

After almost three thousand years, time hits Legolas. It's an overwhelmingly intense feeling and he can't stop looking at her. She won't be here forever but she is now, and he must seize it. It would be good to spend the rest of eternity knowing he would have her, but her finitude is exactly what makes her so exceptional. There will never be anyone like her, there will never be anyone as beautiful as she is right now, or as she was two nights before, dancing with him. The little treasures in his life are not gold or gems, but moments like this. 

Her eyes don't abandon his, and Legolas is aware that minutes have passed. The sun shines on her face and for the first time he notices something. Her eyes aren't just brown, when the sun shines the irises have rays of green entertwined with the brown. He looks attently and their color remind him of old forests with green leaves and the sun shining through. It reminds him of home, the Greenwood he can have once the darkness is lifted. For the first time since he left, Legolas has this deep desire to return home, to bring sunlight to the woods, just like her eyes are showing it to him, just like she believes it will. He wants to return home for her, with her. She makes him feel home.

She looks so beautiful, here, in this moment, sitting on the beach with him, enlightened by the golden light of the setting sun. Suddenly he realizes there are no seagulls or sea. At least not inside his head, only the ones that surround him. The call of the sea has stopped. 

He finally understands, and it washes him like a violent wave, strikes him out of a sudden without any warning prior. He finally feels time is passing by because it passes by her. And she means so much to him, he should cherish every moment with her. He loves her.

He raises and reaches his hand for her. She takes it and he helps her stand up, she wipes the sand on her hands and pants. "Elarinya," he says, his voice serene, his head clear "Thank you."

She smiles "Are you feeling better?"

"Yes," he smiles in return "Yes, I am now. Come on, let's return."

They walk back to the cliff. Legolas doesn't look back at the sea. There is no more call.


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