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They were received in Minas Tirith with great pomp and circumstance, people cheering them as if they were lost heroes, and the palace holds a great banquet for their arrival. Even Faramir and Éowyn are there, and some of her people greet the lord of Ithilien with joy. Thanks to Arwen planning the celebration, all conflict is forgotten, and people find new hope for their future. Music plays and the smell of food fills the air. 

Aragorn speaks "So, Athelas, your sister has told us you are becoming a great healer."

"Oh," Athelas blushes deeply and sends a threatening gaze towards Elarinya "She must have exaggerated, sire."

Elarinya chuckles, sipping her wine, and Aragorn laughs. Arwen continues "The Houses of Healing are always in need of more healers, and they would be eager to teach you, if you were to accept."

She wides her eyes "Really? I- Of course, I would love to. Thank you so much for this chance, my queen and king." 

Embarrassed within the presence of royalty, Athelas excuses herself to go grab some food. Elarinya turns to her friends "I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for us. If I can pay you in any way, you only need to say."

"Well there are always some orcs to hunt everywhere," Gimli says "And you've proven to be an amazing partner."

Elarinya smiles "Oh Gimli, Legolas will be jealous that way."

"The pointy ears has had his chance."

They all laugh, Legolas too, and Elarinya goes to her sister and grabs some food too. Athelas speaks "There is something I've been wanting to say."

"What is it?"

"Well, the elven prince is quite handsome." 

Elarinya laughs "Athelas, I cannot believe you." 

"His father is too, right? And I've heard the king is coming here in some months. So, I've been wondering, if they are both available, for consistency with our age, perhaps you could seduce the father and I could get the son."

Elarinya laughs out loud "I will pretend you never said that."

Athelas smiles mischievously "Oh, are they not available? Or, ah I know, you prefer the son."

Elarinya blushes "Athelas!"

"I'm not blind, sister. You stare at him all the time."

"You said it yourself, he is handsome and very different from all other men."

"Hm hm. And he glances at you everytime you laugh. He did it just now."

"Athelas," Elarinya says, this time serious "Do not explore it, alright? There is nothing going on."

She smiles "Father always said he would only be happy if you married royalty."

Elarinya sighs "I should have left you in that cave, you are impossible."

Athelas laughs. The party goes on, and so does time. 


The people are well settled in Minas Tirith, and even Elarinya and Athelas have a small home in the white city. Athelas learns and works in the Houses of Healing, and Elarinya always finds a job here and there, or helps the queen and king in whatever they need. Their friendship grows more and more along the months, and whenever orc threats are heard, she, Legolas, Gimli and the hobbits go in a new small adventure to gather some more clues. 

Winter ends, Spring passes and Summer arrives, bringing Thranduil with it. Elarinya meets Legolas in the balcony of his room as he stares north. She speaks gently "Good morning, my lord." 

Gwaedh [Legolas Love Story] - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now