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Warning: short mention of abuse, part between the symbols * *

Legolas whispers in Sindarin as the nobles protest "She was the one who helped us in Fangorn."

Aragorn looks at his friend and then at the woman, who seems to be trying to hide fear behind the anger her eyes portray. The king raises his right hand and says calmly "Silence," the lords quiet and he looks at the woman "I've been told you're a mercenary. Have you sworn your allegiance to Sauron?" 

"What?" Elarinya furrows her eybrows, trying to think of what the king means. She replies offended "No, I am no part of the Easterlings, Haradrim or Dunlendings, nor any of those kind. I lost to Sauron as much as you have. I am hired and payed to perform jobs that people require, that is the definition of a mercenary."

The guard on her left slaps her on the cheek "Speak properly to the King."

Elarinya looks wildly at the guard and bites the hand that remains close to her face. Suddenly the guard on her left unsheathes his sword and places it on her neck. Elarinya stops immediately. 

"Enough," Aragorn orders and sends a warning glance at the woman, who finally stays still. He looks at the lord who made the accusation "Please, explain what happened." 

The man proceeds to explain how the woman had managed to knock out his guards and infiltrate his mansion, reaching his room where he luckily was able to call for help and stop her attack since he was awake...

* *

"Abusing a girl," Elarinya interrupts. 

Aragorn immediately turns to the noble, whose face grows red with anger "That is an outrageous lie!"

Elarinya speaks louder and certain "Yes, I am paid to steal, hurt or kill, but I do not do that lightly without verifying the truth behind the request! It was the father of a girl who requested my services." 

The lord yells "That is a preposterous accusation, and an absolute lie! Both her and this man should be executed!"

Elarinya continues "If you go to his village you will find plenty of girls who will confirm, along with some of his servants, all too afraid to speak up as they have been threatened."

* *

"How dare you! Slice her throat, immediately!" 

The lords start ranting loudly once again as Aragorn takes in the gravity of the accusations towards one of the members of his court. The woman no longer tries to defend herself and Legolas notices fear flashes through her wide eyes as the guard who slapped her holds her hair violently and a small drop of blood runs along the blade. It's nicking her neck. Legolas warns quietly "Aragorn." 

Aragorn rises and speaks loudly "Silence! Blade away from her neck, let go of her hair!" 

The guards let go and a small cut graces her neck, not much blood coming out of it. Elarinya finally breathes with relief and closes her eyes for a while. Arwen is the one to speak this time, her voice authoritharian but never loud "These are far too grave accusations to be ignored. Guards, take lord Herured to a cell right away."

"But, my lady!" the lord says in panick.

"You shall only stay as long as this story is confirmed. If there is no truth to her words, then you shall not worry and she will receive justice accordingly." 

The lord stays quiet as he is lead outside the room by the guards, the other lords leave as well whispering among themselves. Aragorn sits on the throne again "Guards, you may leave, we will speak to the prisoner alone. You will be called when our dealings with her are finished." 

The guards throw her a dirty look, but turn around and walk away, closing the door. Legolas walks over Elarinya with a small cloth on his hand. Once he kneels and raises his hand, she flinches away and furrows her eyebrows at him. Legolas shows her the cloth and presses it lightly against her neck, cleaning the small cut until it stops bleeding. The woman watches him the entire time, and as he finishes Legolas speaks "It isn't a dangerous wound, it will heal. The king didn't intend for them to hurt you." 

Elarinya keeps looking at him with serious eyes, not saying any word. Legolas would offer her the cloth as a gesture of peace, but her hands are tied behind her back. He gets up and returns to Aragorn's side. 

"Even though the idea of having such a man inside my court disgusts me," Aragorn speaks calmly "I do believe you are not lying."

Elarinya shakes her head no to assure him she is being honest. 

"However, I cannot trust you completely and will have to send you to the cell once again. Only until I confirm the accusations."

Elarinya finally speaks again, this time quietly "The people will be too frightened to confess to a guard if they know their lord is to return."

"Then I will go there myself and assure the truth of this matter. Perhaps you could give me the names of the people you consulted," Elarinya nods as Aragorn finishes. Then he tries to be a little bit bolder "Perhaps you could give me your name too?" There is no response and so Aragorn continues "The Rangers knew me as Strider. Do your partners in business know you by such a name too?"

"Umbra, your highness." 

Aragorn grins and seems to have some fun "Ah, so you are good lurking in the shadows. My friends have told me you are quite a good fighter, Umbra. Tell me, how did you get caught yesterday?"

"I was very angry and trying to help the girl escape. He hit me on the back of my head with the hilt of the sword, I believe."

Aragorn's smile fades away and he nods. He speaks as he raises "Tell me the names of the people you have spoken to, I will go to his village right away and solve this before dawn. You will have to remain inside the cell in the mean time."

Elarinya says the names and jobs of the people she has spoken with as Aragorn writes them down. Gimli is the one to speak as it's finished "Let me and the elf take the lass back to the cell. To guarantee no funny business by the guards."

Aragorn immediately approves and both walk towards her, Legolas helping her to her feet. Aragorn assures as they leave "Justice will be served correctly."

Elarinya keeps walking and Gimli tries to lighten the mood "If you are to bite any of us, try the elf. Dwarf skin is very rough and thick, while his might just be softer for your teeth."

Legolas rolls his eyes but notices the smallest smirk on her lips, although it quickly turns into her unreadable semblance. As they lock her behind the door of the cell and untie her hands, Legolas says "We will join the king in search of the truth," he hands her the cloth "And here, for your neck."

Elarinya takes it without saying a word and sits on the corner of the cell, wiping her neck to check if any blood is still falling but the wound is dry. She brings her knees to her chest and rests her head over her knees. The two take a look at her before leaving to meet Aragorn outside the gate. 


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