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The travel goes by smoothly. The hobbits mount their ponies and even Gimli has mastered the art of mounting a horse, so he rides his own. Had they been racing with great horses, the way to Goblin Town could have been made in a shorter period, though they take it calmly, don't tire their horses too much, and stop for every meal. They specially decide to enjoy the first part of the journey, since once they reach the Gladden Fields, they are sure to be facing some orc patrols. 

They have formed quite the routine along these days. They stop at breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner and supper. The food at first was enough, but then all that remained was lembas bread, which Elarinya has started to get used and satisfied with, although she would miss the roasted meat or fish from time to time. With the lack of food, part of every morning consisted on Elarinya and Legolas hunting and gathering some berries. 

At night, they would train for a while before having dinner. Ever since Elarinya met the hobbits, everyday was a surprise to her. She was impressed with their ability to master a small sword, figured the hobbit species was quite peaceful, but those two had their ways with weapons. The war, she figured, teaches the most peaceful creature how to strike someone with a blade.

November had come, and with it the cold weather was a certainty of every day. Nervertheless, when the sun was bright in the morning it made the journey easier. They took six days reaching Rohan through the Great West Road, then five days crossing The Wold to get to the Field of Celebrant. From there, they would keep riding north to the Gladden Fields, then the High Pass and finally reach Goblin Town. 

It was the morning of twelveth day of their journey, on their way to the Gladden Fields. Even with the cold temperature, the sun was warming them along the way, though the hobbits had been wishing for some hot food after the previous night's rain. 

Elarinya rides closer to Legolas "We could stop for their luncheon by the river, catch some fish and light up a fire. Since we are closer to the Gladdens, it is best to light a fire during the day than over night. And enjoy some meals before we are attacked." 

Legolas nods and speaks louder for everyone to hear "We ride north for a little more and then west to the Anduin for lunch."

They hear the excitment of the hobbits and Gimli, that soon turns into worry at the thought that all they have is lembas bread. Legolas and Elarinya exchange a funny smile and continue riding. 

Once they stop by the river, the males start to discuss. Both Legolas and Gimli are quite good hunting but have never fished, Legolas figures it can't be that hard, while the hobbits are faced with the same trouble. Elarinya laughs "No worries, I will handle the fish," and climbs a tree in order to snap a thin branch. She takes her dagger from the belt and sharpens the tip of the branch while walking towards the river bank. She notices the other four keep looking at her and speaks "I hope there is a fire lit when I return with the fish. But if someone wants to learn, they can come." 

Merry and Gimli offer to light up the fire while Legolas and Pippin follow her. Pippin speaks as she undresses her cape and leather vest and takes off her boots and socks "Miss Umbra, how did you learn how to catch fish?"

"My father taught me how to get food," she sends a teasing look at Legolas "It is not like I grew in a palace where food magically appeared."

Legolas furrows his eyebrows teasingly in return "Very funny," and Pippin laughs. 

Elarinya steps into the river "It is quite easy, you just have to stand and wait for the fish. Though you cannot move your feet, otherwise you will disturb the water and the fish will swim farther from you. And there has to be a little coordination, but mostly patience. Also the deeper the water is, the more fish you will find," she walks until the water reaches her knees and prepares her improvised spear. After some seconds, she catches a small fish on the tip. They seem impressed and Pippin claps, Elairnya smiles and throws the fish to Pippin "I grew near a river. Want to try?" 

Pippin shakes his head "If I go there the water will reach my chest, and it is cold."

Elarinya laughs and points the spear towards Legolas. He takes it, takes off his boots and walks to her side. Like her, in some seconds he has caugh a fish. Legolas teases "Not bad for someone who grew in a palace."

"Show off," Elarinya teases in return and puts her tongue out "Well, stay there and keep catching fish, princeling, I will go for a dive for some more." 

Before they can say anything else, Elarinya has already walked farther and dived underwater. After a minute she returns to the side with a bigger fish and a cocky smile on her face. 

By the end, they have three big fishes and five smaller ones. Pippin takes them to Gimli and Merry as Elarinya swims out of the water and picks a blanket and a new chemise. Legolas is looking at her, as if trying to guess what she will do next, and she laughs "I'm going to undress, Legolas, I would appreciate it if you were not looking," the elf seems to blush slightly and Elarinya laughs more and turns her back to him. He walks away and the woman takes off her chemise, dries her chest, back and arms with the blanket and dresses the other. Then she wraps the blanket around her waist as a skirt and takes off the wet pants. 

They enjoy their lunch as her clothes dry by the fire. It is a beautiful day and they bast on the sun for a while, all of them aware this could be the last peaceful morning as they approach more dangerous territories. 

Elarinya looks at her partners while they relive the taking of Isengard. Their friendship is a treasure, and they have welcomed her so nicely and had warmed her heart so easily. After all these days, Elarinya can see clearly that they trust her, and she is too starting to learn to trust them in return, even the king and the queen. She wants to reveal them her name, her story, ask them for help to bring her sister and the rest of her people back to Gondor in safety, through lands filled with orcs. 

But now she has one mission only, reach Goblin Town and end that threat. Perhaps when she returns she can ask the king for help, though she isn't sure he would risk losing anyone just for her, specially with a child coming. Elarinya clears her head and pays attention to their talk. Soon her clothes are dry. She gets dressed and they ride away. 


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