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They stand before the palace gate as the elves have already infiltrated and started clearing the way by killing all orcs who come across them. The group is silent, taking in what is about to happen next. 

Elarinya speaks "I won't follow you to face Thidialis," The males look at her, Legolas seems to be divided between relief, confusion and panic. She continues softly "I have no power or strength to battle a powerful elleth, I know where my abilities have an end. I would only be a distraction and a worry for you." 

Legolas speaks "Where are you going?"

"Help the elves, cause some havoc, gather some information. If anything I encounter is important, I will find you and help you take it to our advantage."

Aragorn nods "Stay out of trouble." 

She nods and Legolas' hand grabs her wrist. The worry is evident in his eyes, the clear blue suddenly clouded by a wave of fear. He lost his mother there, and now the simple thought that he could lose Elarinya too strangles him, a wave of panic closes his throat. He doesn't have the courage to say the words his heart feels, he can't even find the strength to speak.

She looks at him, and noticing the darkness in his eyes, she slides her hand and gently interlaces her fingers with his. Both are scared to lose each other. She speaks softly "I promise I will come back to you. You will face more trouble than I will, Legolas, I am very worried about you too and it would cloud my judgement. But you are strong and powerful, more than you imagine, and I believe you can deal with all this. And then, when we see each other again, perhaps a new time in Middle Earth will have started, a time of good and peace." 

He nods, tightening her hand, calmer and seeing more clearly now "I trust you too, Elarinya, with all my life," he smirks as she smiles "And perhaps you can show the Woodland Elves the excellent orc slayer you are, and your sneaking and chaotic abilities. You speak the truth, you are in less danger than us and it pleases me. But you have to promise to come for us or call for help if anything troubles you."

She nods her head solemnly "You have my word, Legolas," however, when she looks up, she offers him her classic defiant confident smile "Though, as time has proven over and over, I am the one who comes to your aid whenever you're in danger. The Valar seemed to have made it my destiny to rescue you, it is more likely I will once again come to save you today."

Legolas laughs and notices the chuckles from Aragorn and Gimli. After all they are being watched by their friends, and most likely his own father, which makes him more aware of how he behaves around her. But it doesn't matter, this is a fight like no other and he doesn't care what they might think. He pulls her closer, his free hand holding her cheek, and kisses her forehead "Then the Valar will make sure we see each other again."

They simply stand looking at each other for a few seconds, until they both nod. He finally lets go of her hand and she sends a look at Aragorn and Gimli that clearly states protect him. She bows to the Elven King, and he greets her in the elven way. It is clear now to him, after seeing the worry in his son's eyes and the gentle way he kissed her forehead. He too used to do the same, millenia ago, to his wife. Thranduil is the first to realize Legolas loves her in return.

Elarinya sneaks into the shadows of the castle. Elves arrive and escort the rest of them inside, though Elarinya is already nowhere to be seen. 

They walk through the palace, searching for Thidialis in every room. Teams of elves around them fight the orcs who come across their path. They reach a large stone room with a massive throne, and when Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and Thranduil enter, the big heavy doors behind them close, keeping all wood elves outside. They force the door and shout but nothing moves. They are stuck inside. 

Gwaedh [Legolas Love Story] - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now