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Thidialdis' death causes a burst of energy that projects Elarinya back and makes those behind the barrier fall. At the same time, on the battle field, this same energy pulse feels just like a strong gust of wind. The trees shake and the orcs recoil and try to retreat. 

Elarinya's body rolls on the floor and stays motionless. Legolas yells once more and rushes to her. "Ela, Ela," he tries to shake her awake, holding her in his lap. She is bleeding and bruised, his fingers travel to her neck and feel her pulse. Weaker and slower than usual. "No, no, no, my love, please..."

His father arrives shortly after and kneels by his side, says a prayer, tries to wake her up. It doesn't work. He looks at Legolas "You must take her to the healer in Mirkwood."

His friends are there too and prepared to fight as orcs seem to head towards them. "Legolas, hold her," Aragorn orders "We will get you both out of here." 

Legolas picks her in his arms and follows his friends. The elves are out of the door, ready to receive them and attack, Thranduil only orders they must leave and protect them. 

It is a mess as they leave, the number of orcs increasing and coming out of dungeons and armories. The horses still wait outside and Gimli speaks "Ride with the lassie, Legolas. We will hold them back and give you time to get her to safety."

Legolas nods and Thranduil holds her as he mounts, then raises her to his arms, sits her in front of him, with her back laying against his chest and her head on his shoulder "Go.

As soon as Legolas leaves, his father, friends and elves slay the orcs, keeping them away from him. 

Her body is uncounscious in his arms, but he can still feel her breath on his neck. It makes him ride harder, he only wishes to get home, get her to safety. He whispers to her along the way, speaks in both Sindarin and the Common Tongue, calls her name lovingly to see if it could wake her. 

The sun is setting when Legolas glimpses the battlefield. Bodies of all species are now part of the ground, and gladly many elves, men and dwarves still stand, fewer are the groups of orcs remaining. But he takes no chance in crossing the field, he rides by the edge of the woods. 

Faramir spots him from far and rides to try to meet him before the Forest Gate, glad Legolas is alive but confused as to why he is the only one to return. Then he notices the body on his arms. 

Legolas is ready to dismount his horse and carry her in his arms through the woods as he nears the Forest Gate, but his horse does not falter, does not ride away with fear. So he leads him forward. As soon as they pass the Gate, a strong wind shakes the trees and the earth trembles for a second. The shadows of the woods disappear as he rides, letting the golden rays of the setting sun enter among the foliage. 

Éomer is next to Faramir and they both protect their faces from the strong wind, steady their horses as the earth shakes, watch the trees turn to green. Éomer speaks "The curse is broken. She has been defeated."

Faramir nods but turns his horse south and speaks gravely "Legolas carried Elarinya, she seemed injured. I must warn her sister."

Legolas arrives quickly at the palace and takes her in his arms as he enters and calls for their eldest healer, the elleth who had helped her as she got lost in the woods "Lumornel! Please! Someone get Lumornel!"

He carries her to his room once again, and lays her on his bed. The healer is there shortly after "We must remove the armor first."

They take off the boots, breastplate and mithril that kept her alive for the entire battle, the healer places her hands over her shoulders and then one on her forehead. She looks at the prince "Her body is bruised and with no energy but nothing is broken. Her will is tired and weak.

Legolas looks around, aggitated "I could gather some herbs, any potion she needs, a spell, a prayer-"

Lumornel shakes her head "All she needs is to sleep. This time it will take longer."

A longer time? Legolas might be an immortal, days used to be measures too little to him, but not at this moment, not when he needs to see her awake and talking and smiling. He nods "Her wounds-"

"Those we can treat. I need water, clean clothes. Bring all the lotions in your cupboard."

They work gently, delicately cleaning every blood drop on her showing skin. His hands often wander to the red mark growing more purple on her neck, then he searches her heartbeat under her jaw, or on her wrists.

The ones who were at the castle didn't kill all the orcs there, and instead left as soon as they felt Legolas would be far enough. Riding their horses, the orcs couldn't catch them, but they were sure to meet again. Being left without a queen, the orcs would reorganize to a final strike, perhaps some days later. All possibilities were a matter that would only be dealt later, as Thranduil's only order was to return to Mirkwood. 

When they arrive to the battlefield, Faramir is both killing orcs and impeding a crying Athelas from entering the woods alone. Thranduil stares at his home for a while. It isn't Mirkwood anymore as the trees are green, even under the darkening sky no shadow is cast upon then. He reaches his hand to Athelas "Athelas, come with me," Athelas accepts and mounts his stallion, and Thranduil speaks to his guards "Kill the remaining orcs, help manage the wounded. Bring whoever needs to the palace and the woods, it will offer shelter."

Aragorn and Gimli stay and help. Thranduil rides and Athelas wipes her tears "Please, your highness, is my sister-"

"She is alive, Athelas. Elarinya did it, she killed Thidialis. She suffered a strong blow, but your sister is just as strong, she will recover."

He guides her through the palace to Legolas' room. They have finished treating her wounds and Athelas rushes to his bed, kneels by her side, whispers to her sister.

Legolas' voice is weak "She just needs some sleep." 

Athelas caresses her face. No one leaves the room. 

At the battlefield, all orcs are dead. They find the wounded, light fires, serve dinner and burn bodies. Whispers run among the soldiers and Aragorn finally speaks. He thanks them for their courage and greets their bravery, as once more they have freed Middle Earth from evil. A lesser number of orcs might return in some days, as some have escaped and others were still in the caslte, and only then they will be able to sing victory. Their mission prevailed, and their lands will remain peaceful for a long time, as Lady Elarinya fought bravely and killed Thidialdis, Queen of Angmar. 

There is no cheer for this won battle as many lives were lost in this sacrifice. The ale passes among all soldiers of all species and there is a silent toast. The fire crackles and the night falls. 


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