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Elarinya's wound heals, Faramir's men arrive, Aragorn prepares his men and soon they set to Rivendell. With good mounts provided by Éomer, they intend to reach Rivendell in two weeks. They take six days following the Great West Road from Minas Tirith to the Gap of Rohan. Once it is passed, another three are necessary to ride the Old South Road until Tharbad, and then another six days to follow the river Mitheithel until Rivendell. 

These fifteen days pass by quickly, with the cold weather making the men haste, and not losing much time taking down the few orcs that come by. It is the last night before they reach the area of the elven city, and they take shelter from the cold snow on a cave. Elarinya sits on the far end of the cave, trying to warm herself on her cape, while the hobbits and most men are asleep. 

Legolas gets closer and sits by her side "You are anxious." 

"I am," she nods "There will be a lot of convincing tomorrow, the years have turned some of them very reluctant and greedy." 

Legolas thinks for a while then states wisely "Over the centuries, I've learnt that there is something that humans value with all their being, and perhaps is the reason why your kind always craves so much power," Elarinya looks at him curiously "Freedom and safety. Though there is a fine line that separates protection from power, a line that not all men are able to comprehend. It's what turns them villains, and what eventually kills them," he smiles at her "Unlike them, it is clear you do not seek power." 

"No," she shakes her head "Just safety. And a possibility to give a nice future to my sister." 

"And you? What do you wish for yours?" 

She thinks for a while and smiles "A house near the woods, a river nearby. Just some peace and quiet, some adventure here and there but nothing desperate for survival, just-" she ponders on how to follow "-just live, you know? Enjoy the rest of my years. Read all the books I can. Perhaps it is dreaming too much, but I would like to have the biggest library in the land. And sell, trade and copy as many books as I could until my very last breath," he looks at her with a kind but odd expression, and Elarinya, feeling slightly embarassed, tries to lighten the mood between them "Though all I wish for right now is to be a little less cold." 

Legolas takes his cloak of his shoulders and places it on her back, covering her arms "Sleep now, Ela. It will keep you warm." 

It smells of old wood and forest trees, and his words must enchant her as she closes her eyes and is asleep shortly after. Legolas stares at her for a while, until her body leans in and her head rests over his shoulder. He stays and his own eyes close. 

Aragorn and Gimli return after smoking their pipes, and Gimli pulls the sleeve of the king "Ah lad, look."

They stare at the two of them sleeping calmly, Legola's head resting over hers. Aragorn asks quietly "How long has this been going on?" 

"They got along right on the first journey, but never this close." 

"Arwen thinks there is something too. But he never spoke anything about it." 

"Neither to me."

"Do you think he..."

Aragorn never finds the courage to finish the question, not pronouncing the verb, but Gimli gets it. His voice is just a whisper, secretive and dark "After Erebor, some of the dwarves told that the red haired she-elf who loved Kili had broken his heart." 

"He loved her?" Aragorn asks, shocked.

"He threatened his father for her, it's the reason he left." 

Aragorn thinks for a moment "When I met him, he was much different from how he is now. He was bitter and harsh and... broken."

Gimli sighs "Let's get some rest before tomorrow. Whatever this is, it's theirs to figure it out."

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