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On the first two days of the journey, Elarinya barely speaks, unless if she is spoken to, and her answers are polite but short. The elf and the dwarf are very close friends who bicker with each other during most of the journey and reminisce about their adventures. Elarinya feels as an intruder and is aware that her place is not among them, finds it hard to trust them. In fact, she finds it hard to trust anyone ever since her parents died. 

By the third day of the trip, Gimli starts to make small talk and jokes along the way, and Elarinya retributes with polite smiles and comments in return. Legolas doesn't speak much to her, though she notices he frequently checks if she is following or if she is comfortable, makes frequent pauses for her needs and to alleviate from the ride. 

On the night of the fifth day, having already traveled half of the way to Edoras, a chill spring breeze runs in the air. They rest by the side of the Great West Road, Elarinya lights a small fire where they can warm themselves as they sit or lie down. 

Gimli teases as he eats some conserved bacon "Oh lass, after all this time riding together you must give us a name."

"Names hold some power, master dwarf. If you know my name and where I'm from, you can easily target my family, my people. It is a matter of security when one tends to get into trouble."

"Eh, that can't be true. Surely it would be if you associated a title with it."

"Well, from the moment you told me your names in Fangorn, I knew exactly who you were. It isn't hard to associate two most unlikely friends with the Fellowship of the Ring." 

"Ah! See, our legend is growing, lad!" Gimli exclaims to Legolas.

Legolas shakes his head and looks at her "How have you known about the quest?"

"Rumors ran around after a couple of years. Though what I've heard might not be what you have experienced. My point was, names hold power, even simply calling someone's name can be a cause of distraction. That is why I've decided some years ago that few would be the people who knew my name. Only those I trusted."

"Hmm," Gimli wonders "Then perhaps you could tell us where you are from?"

Elarinya furrows her eyebrows teasingly "North." 

Legolas huffs a laugh with her response, as Gimli protests "How far north? You are not going to tell us, are ye?"

"No," Elarinya smiles "But I could tell you my age if you reveal me yours." 

"Aye, I'm about to turn 149."

Elarinya nods surprised "You should throw a wondrous party when you turn 150, it is quite the mark," she picks her canteen to sip some water and looks at Legolas "What about you, immortal?"

Legolas raises an eyebrow at the term, then states simply "I'm 2940 if I'm not mistaken."

Elarinya wides her eyes and chokes on the water, starting to cough. They would have been worried if she could breathe, had she not cursed shortly after "By the Valar, how do you look around my age?" 

Legolas smiles "And that is?"

"I'm only 25!" Elarinya affirms still surprised.

Legolas' smile fades. The short life of humans has always bothered him when compared to his kind. As they count their lives in years, Legolas has mostly thought about it in centuries. He was only a small elfling when he was 25, and here he stands before a woman who has lived much more in the exact same amount of time. Legolas only caught the real grasp of time during his year with the Fellowship, where any moment could be his last. Legolas understands her shock, he has lived so long, and yet still didn't follow his kin to the Undying Lands. The thought torments him, and the sound of seagulls on the back of his head grows louder. 

The conversation doesn't continue, and Gimli sings quietly a dwarven song. Elarinya offers herself to feed the horses and takes the first watch of the night. Legolas follows her with his eyes as she walks towards the horses, speaks to them kindly, pets and feeds them. He decides to get some rest too before his turn to take watch comes.  

It is easier to talk in the following five days until they reach Edoras. Gimli spends most of the time asking Elarinya of what she has heard regarding the legend of the Fellowship, and then reveals what is true or not. Elarinya is very glad to hear the stories of the saviors of Middle Earth, though she does not confess and her expression remains a kind neutral. Sometimes, it only reminds her of what she has lost.

When the sun starts to set on the tenth day, they arrive to Edoras. Gimli is happier as now markets and commotion fill the streets, instead of the ill mood hanging in the air the first time the Felloswhip reached Edoras. King Éomer of Rohan and his queen offer them good food and a comfortable bed to spend the night. Elarinya presents herself as Umbra, and when asked if there is anything she would like, the woman says she could kill someone for a bath. 

Éomer laughs and comments "My sister would love to meet you. A mercenary woman, to say she would be impressed would be an understatement."

Elarinya smiles politely "Not that I am trying to threaten anyone, my lord. Though the bath can wait, as I would like to visit the town first."

Éomer's wife, Lothíriel, smiles "Edoras is most beautiful at sunset, when the hills shine like gold. Go enjoy these last few moments, and when you wish to return someone will lead you to your bath." 

Elarinya nods and bows and walks towards the town. Éomer turns to his friends "She seems kind, though very secretive. Do you trust her in this quest?"

Gimli says "She keeps many secrets, but she has saved us in Fangorn. Trust will be earned along the way, but I do believe she wouldn't leave any of us behind, nor turn her back."

"Oh, I have some news about the Glittering Caves."

As Éomer and Gimli speak, Legolas loses his interest and his gaze lowers to the town where he tries to spot Elarinya. She seems to be talking to a merchant, and he hands her a book as she hands him coins. The book is placed into her pack, and then she continues walking among the closing businesses and exploring the streets, finally stopping at a hill where she simply stands. Must be admiring the view. Legolas looks at the horizon too, as the sun indeed paints the land in golden light. 

Soon their talk ends and they are lead inside where they can put down their weapons and eat. Elarinya doesn't join them for dinner, as once more she feels it is not her place. Instead she relaxes in her long awaited bath, scrubbing all the dirt and sweat from her body and hair, while she realizes that after all those days the elf's hair was still perfect, neither did he smell terribly. It was extremely unfair and unnerving. 

She lies on the bed that was gently offered and eats some bread and meat that a servant might have left for her. Elarinya picks up her book from her pack and reads while lying down, until her eyelids are too heavy and she covers herself with a blanket. She falls asleep quickly, as the journey is tiring and she has to recover some energy before the next days traveling to Fangorn and then Lórien, the place where her mother was born and lived. 


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