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"My name is Elarinya," she starts as the group listens, quiet and attentively "And I was born and lived here, in Minas Tirith, until I was seven. My father was a captain of the guard and he had been noticing the darkness luring over Mordor, even went to patrol the Black Gate and found a multitude of orcs. When he tried to warn Denethor several times, the steward refused to believe his kingdom was in danger. He considered my father and his company traitors and we were exiled.

"My father and his men were scared for their lives, for their families, so we went as far north as we could. We built a small village on the Langflood, near the edge of Mirkwood, and we had a peaceful life until the battle of Dol Guldur. Orcs escaped king Thranduil's armies and headed north, around the woods and would intercept our village. I lost both my parents and most men of my village that day.

"I have a younger sister, Athelas, she is all I have. For years after the War we remained in the village, until two years ago, when the orcs started to attack again. Our village was destroyed and we started heading south. But my people are mostly injured, elderly, too young or women who cannot fight, neither can I protect them all, we made short travels in order to find another place to settle, but with every attack we had to move. And they are growing tired and giving up, and most still refuse to return to Gondor, thinking that you would be just like Denethor, your highness.  

"And I thought that dealing with Goblin Town would be the end of the problem, but we have been attacked once again. I don't know where the orcs are coming from, and my people are not able or safe enough to make long travels," the emotion and despair is growing and evident on her voice, and her eyes are tearing up "I just want to guarantee my sister has a future and a safe place. I don't have much to give, nor does my people, but I-"

"Elarinya," Aragorn says, kindly and heartfelt, placing his hand over hers "You will have as many of my men as necessary to keep you and yours safe. I will go there myself and tell your people Gondor has not given up on them. We ride whenever you are healed." 

Elarinya keeps looking at the king until her eyes are watered. She covers her face and starts crying. Arwen hugs her immediately while her whole body shakes. Elarinya's grief, worry, and pain cannot stop the tears nor the violent sobs, and as Arwen realizes the exhaustion of the young woman, she whispers sweet elven words into her ear, calming spells that after a few seconds put Elarinya to sleep. 

Arwen speaks solemnly "We should let her rest." 

The hobbits leave sadly, and Gimli pulls up the blanket to cover her from the cold "Sleep well, lassie." 

As most leave, Arwen notices Legolas still stands by her bed. Knowing he is being observed by the king and queen's eyes, he speaks in their language "She is too young for this pain."

Aragorn answers "We will help her, Legolas."

Arwen gets closer to the elf "Their hearts are much stronger than ours, my friend," Arwen takes a small glance at Aragorn and smiles "Even though they feel more pain, they do not fear it. It's what makes them so special.

Legolas finally turns at the couple and nods in appreciation. He speaks "Go to your son. I will not leave her alone.

And like that night, Legolas sits on the bench and holds her wrist, feeling safe as long as the rythmic pulse is underneath his fingers. 

When she wakes up, Legolas is sitting by her side and unconsciously caressing her forearm with his thumb. He stops as she moves and opens her eyes. She covers her face with the other hand "I feel embarassed." 

Legolas smiles tenderly "No need. It must have been very difficult to tell everything," she doesn't answer but does uncover her face and looks at him, he tries to lighten the mood "I'm guessing your mother named both you and your sister." 

Elarinya nods and smiles "It was their favorite story. My father offered my mother a few flowers that some know as morning stars, others as morning glories. And one day he said he would offer her anything she asked, and my mother asked for him to be with her when the morning star shone in the sky. Hence my name," she laughs "It is quite cheesy, though I love it for being their story."

He smiles "I think it is quite beautiful, Elarinya. And Athelas?"

She warmed with the sound of her name coming out of his mouth "It grew near our house in here, and when my sister was born a sickness that had been worrying the town for some weeks was cured. Ironically, my sister has proven to have a particular fondness of healing and has been learning to become a healer," she smiles nostalgically, then turns worried "She is my everything." 

Legolas holds her hand tightly "We will bring her here, I promise," Elarinya blushes and Legolas removes his hand, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at her teasingly "So, you grew near my kingdom."

"I did. I even met your father."

"You did? How was he?"

"Looked like an older version of you. Tall, broad, royal and cold," during her teenage years, Elarinya had heard rumours of Legolas being gone, perhaps dead, and ever since she met him she never had the courage to ask why he had left. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she tries to get a response "Slightly sad," Legolas reaction was just as she expected, he worried and then some regret flashed through his eyes "It was said that you had left home, though you were part of Bilbo's adventure."

Legolas nods, accepting being honest with her. At least until a certain point. "It was then when I left. I haven't been home since." 

"It seemed your father missed you terribly. I believe you must miss him too," Legolas nods and Elarinya thinks her curiosity has lead her far enough, and she doesn't want to hurt him when he has been so kind to her "Do you know what I miss the most from the woods? The blueberries that grew by the side of the Forest River." 

Legolas eyes shine "The best berries in the entire Middle Earth. I've never tasted any like those. Did you use to venture into the woods?" 

"Not really," she chuckles "My parents were not very fond of the idea. And the enchantment in the woods was horrifying, the voices and the spiders and the darkness. I could never reach much far."

"Not even after the Ring was destroyed? The woods remain in darkness?"

Elarinya nods and notices his sad mood "Perhaps while darkness lurks in Middle Earth, the shadows over Mirkwood will stay. Maybe it is linked with this surge of orcs. But I believe the sun will shine again between those trees, and the dark will be replaced with green." 

Her words warm his heart, and for a few seconds Legolas misses home. He offers to bring lunch to Elarinya, and she is greeted, not only with a big meal worthy of a king, but also all her friends who come to talk and spend time with her. The queen even brings little Eldarion for her to properly meet him. 

After almost a decade, it had only been her and her sister, and few were the ones Elarinya trusted. And now she had found new bonds among all races, friends she would hold in her heart forever and would trust to death. 


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