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By the afternoon of the following day, Elarinya is allowed to leave the Houses of Healing, her wound making an impressive but slow recovery due to Legola's healing magic. Her blood is free of the poison too. 

The elf and the dwarf lead her to the throne room, where Aragorn wants Elarinya to meet his other friends. Éomer and his wife greet her kindly, and then Faramir approaches "My eyes must betray me, you remind me much of someone of my past. Tell me, do you have any relation with lady Saewynn?"

Elarinya smiles "She's my mother, lord Faramir."

Faramir wides his eyes with joy "Elarinya?" as she nods with a smile, Faramir hugs her "By the Valar, how you have grown!" He turns to his friends, who are impressed with this interaction "Her father trained both me and Boromir, he was our captain and the best swordsman in Gondor. I've known little Elarinya since she was born!" He turns again to her "Tell me, how are Saewynn and Eamond?" 

Elarinya smiles sadly "They have passed in the War. And I know that lord Boromir died too on the quest, I'm very sorry." 

"If it wasn't for your father's warnings, Boromir would have never joined the Fellowship, and perhaps the Ring wouldn't have been destroyed," he speaks solemnly "We will hold them in our hearts forever," there is a short pause "And tell me, how is baby Athelas?"

She laughs "No longer a baby, my lord. She is the most beautiful woman, an exact copy of my mother." 

Aragorn speaks "We will bring them back to safety."

Faramir nods "My dear, whatever you need, I will help. And you will always have a home in Ithilien if it is your desire. Here, let me present you my wife."

Elairnya bows "Lady Éowyn, Merry and Pippin have told me much about you. You are an inspiration."

Éowyn smiles "And I'm happy to meet a woman who is not afraid to fight." 

They continue talking throughout the afternoon and during dinner, telling tales of the past and getting to know each other. Aragorn speaks of the rescue mission for Elarinya's people, and Faramir offers "Aragorn, if you would allow it, I would send three of my men with you. They were partners of the company that was exiled, and their wives and the ones who survived should be more trustful in the presence of someone they knew."

Aragorn nods "It seems a good idea. Tell me, Elarinya, where are you hiding now?"

"Near Rivendell. The waterfall nearby hides the entrance to a considerable cave. I thought it was best and hardly found by the orcs, instead of the elven city," she looks at Arwen "And I didn't wish to pay any disrespects. Nor do I wish to separate you from your husband for this journey." 

Arwen smiles "These are people of Gondor and appearently an important part in preparing this kingdom to Sauron's attack. You and they deserve everything. And I know Aragorn will return, we can handle the palace for a while."

"We cannot forget the number of orcs seems to be increasing again," Gimli reminds as he smokes his pipe "Even after all we did."

"Why not going around?" Éomer suggests "Cross the Gap of Rohan and follow by the west side of the mountains. Surely there would be less orcs and it would be a safer journey." 

"Yes, that would be a great plan," Aragorn says gladly and turns to the lord of Ithilien "Faramir?"

"My men will be here in five days."

The king turns to Elarinya "Your wound?"

"I can handle it. It is healing and there isn't much pain."

As Aragorn is about to open his mouth and say an arrow wound takes long to heal, bleeds easily and needs care, Legolas intervenes humbly "I used some elven healing. It should be healed in three days."

Gwaedh [Legolas Love Story] - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now