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After the War, after seeing so many wonders during their perilous journey, Legolas and Gimli promised each other they would visit together their favorite places. After helping Aragorn during the first couple of years on the throne, being there for his and Arwen's marriage, and being designated the ultimate orc hunting team, both decided starting with Gimli's plan would be the best.

On the third year of the Fourth Age, Gimli and Legolas set to visit the Glittering Caves. Gimli was not expecting to be handed the lordship of the caves, but as a dwarf of course he gladly accepted. Legolas helped the Lord of the Glittering Caves turn his undergorund land as dwavish-ly comfortable as possible, and even received Gimli's kin with a warm smile on his face. The dwarves had to admit to Gimli that their friendship was most strange, specially since they were Gloin and Thranduil's sons and history was sour between the two. Gimli laughed it off and said Legolas was the most precious gift he had found in his life, even taking into account all the gems on his Cave.

In the mean time, Legolas had been told that, like him, some elves from Rivendell, Lothlórien and Mirkwood had not wanted to depart to the Undying Lands, and were interested in some new adventures and a place to settle. Conveniently, Faramir and Éowyn had gathered people to rebuild and bring greatness to Ithilien. Legolas began the process of leading his own kin towards the forest of Ithilien, and this new friendship of Elves and Men turned this piece of land so close to Mordor into the the fairest country in all the westlands.

Finally, by the sixth year of the Fourth Age, Gimli joined Legolas in his trip to visit the Fangorn Forest.

Legolas spoke in Sindarin with Treebeard when Gimli apperared from his explorations. Legolas quirked his right eyebrow "You're taller."

"Have you been drinking from the water of the brook, master dwarf?" Treebeard questioned slowly, as it was expected of a Ent.

"Well, I was feeling thirsty. And those two rascal hobbits told me about the growing properties of the water! I had to prove by myself."

Legolas shook his head and apologized for his friend in elvish.

As they walked with no particular destination, they continued the conversation, now in the common tongue for Gimli to participate, about how the young trees were growing in the south of the forest, where they had been previously destroyed to the formation of Isengard.

"I'm pleased to know this forest finally has the chance to grow," Legolas says solemnly "It deserves the days of peace."

"The days haven't been so peaceful recently," Treebeard continues after he sees the curious look of the elf "We have had two orc attacks in the past month."

"Orcs?" Gimli asks, almost offended "Me, the elf and some guards have been hunting them for years after Aragorn's command! We have taken them all down."

"Not all, apparently," Legolas comments thoughtfully "Perhaps some remain in hiding. Were they many?"

"On the first time only three, easily defeated. On the second time it was over a dozen. Luckily we had the help of a human."

"Can you show us the place where the attack began?" Legolas asked.

"Follow me," Treebeard started heading north "Though you will find no orc body, the human dragged them out of the forest as she said no sacred forest should be stained with the blood of such horrid creatures."

"She?" Gimli exclaimed impressed "A woman? Fought the orcs with you?"

"She took care of most of them. We offered her some protection for the night in return."

"Well, that is someone I would like to see!" Gimli comments. Besides Lady Éowyn, most women in Aragorn's court didn't seem fighting fit. As they reach the place of the attack and Legolas explores for any evidence, Gimli remarks "It seems rather calm by now."

Orc shrieks are heard, three dozen enter suddenly in the forest. Legolas grabs his bow and starts shooting "Did you really have to say it?"

Gimli and Legolas fight, even Treebeard stomps the occasional orc that steps on his way with its roots. The orcs seem to attack Legolas more than Gimli, and even as experient as the elf is, suddenly he is surrounded and in danger. He takes his twin blades and as two orcs attack him, a third attempts to strike him. Gimli shouts his name to warn him, but it isn't enough.

An arrow pierces the neck of the third orc, who falls without hitting Legolas. Legolas kills the other two orcs and quickly looks back to take a glance at whom the arrow belonged. A figure with the height of a human or shorter elf, wearing dark pants, a leather vest and a dark burgundy cape with a hood on its head shoots another arrow by his side, killing another threatning orc. When the orcs start approaching the figure, it retrieves a sword and continues the fight. Legolas concentrates on the orcs again, and soon they all lie on the floor.

The hood has fallen and the face of a woman is revealed, with brown chestnut hair caught on a side fishtail braid tied with a fine thread of leather, and brown eyes under the shadows of the trees.

Gimli laughs "That was quite the fight! She saved your life!"

Elarinya looks at the dwarf and the elf, then at Treebeard "I figured they would return with a bigger horde, luckily I was passing by once again. This might teach them a lesson, hopefully no more will return."

"Luck has brought you to us once again. Thank you for helping."

"I must thank you too," Legolas speaks "Tell me, what is your name?"

Elarinya furrows her eyebrows as she looks at him, and proceeds to take her arrows out of the bodies of the orcs she has killed, cleaning them on her cloak before placing them on her quiver. She speaks after some seconds "Names have power, I do not reveal mine to those I don't trust."

Legolas seems offended with her response and Gimli is the one who intervenes "Well, you have helped us and possibly saved our lives, so we must offer ours. I'm Gimli and this is Legolas. And we appreciate your help very deeply. Could you tell us where these orcs are from?"

Elarinya looks at the pair for a while, her face unreadable as she associates the names to the heroes of the Fellowship. She finally says as she picks the last arrow "North. Probably the Misty Mountains, or the Grey Mountains."

She starts to leave the forest, walking north, but Legolas isn't satisfied "Hold. There shouldn't be this many orcs. What do you know? What has been happening north?"

Elarinya turns around incredulous, and speaks bitterly "It is very ignorant of you to think that Sauron's death means no more evil shall exist. Even if the southern lands are safe, other places of Middle Earth are facing more threats everyday. Not even with a king that was once a Ranger of the North sitting on the throne are the people from up the Anduin thought about or safe."

With this, Elarinya walks out of the woods. Legolas and Gimli stare in disbelief, not expecting her words. They run to catch her, but the woman with no name has mounted her horse and rides far away towards north.


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