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Five weeks after their departure, they finally set foot in Minas Tirith. Aragorn receives them at the castle gate with a proud smile. "My friends!" he helps Gimli dismount his horse and hugs him, greeting Legolas with a hand over his shoulder "It is good to see you are not wounded."

Elarinya dismounts her horse and looks at the king, who smiles kindly at her and she bows in return. 

Gimli speaks "We have much to tell you, Aragorn. Where should we speak?"

Aragorn leads them to his private study, sits on the desk and points the sofas for them to sit. While Gimli speaks of their journey, Legolas looks as Elarinya scans the books on the shelves. On their return journey, after passing Fangorn, every time they had a break or would rest for the night she would pick up the book she had bought in Edoras and read. He had come to notice that she liked to read when she knew they were safe.

"In total I would say we came across a hundred orcs during our trip, including Moria," Gimli concludes "Quite a considerable number."

"It is indeed, specially for the time it was," Aragorn smiles and then turns serious "Although I do agree with Umbra, the orc taking its own life was unexpected, someone must be behind this."

Elarinya finally turns to the king "If this is something bigger, there will be more villages attacked." 

Aragorn thinks silently, his hand passing through his beard, until Legolas interrupts him "Any word from my father?"

"There are more orcs on the north, though none dare entering your palace. Dale, Erebor and the Iron Hills are safe too. King Thranduil has been sending some of the guards to explore, nothing has been found yet, though the search continues."

Elarinya turns back to analyzing the books and Gimli speaks after a while "The dwarves from the Glittering Caves will be happy to survey and rebuild Moria. If we've missed anything there, they will notice, perhaps even find some clue."

Aragorn nods "I will send word for Éomer to gather some Rohirrim and take a look at the Gladden Fields," they stay in silence for a while, then the king calls "Umbra," she turns to him once more "Thank you for joining my friends. Our deal is fulfilled, and the charges on you have been dropped." 

Elarinya looks at him expectantly "So, no punishment?" Aragorn smiles and shakes his head no, so Elarinya bows her head "Thank you, your highness."

"And to celebrate, there is a small dinner prepared, just us and the queen. I hope you can join us." 

Elarinya ponders for a while, then questions "May I have a bath first?" 

After a few hours, the five seat around a large table filled with a vast selection of food. The drinks too vary, red wine for Elarinya and Legolas, beer for Aragorn and Gimli, while Arwen drinks some lemonade. Elarinya notices the small protruding belly and the preference for the beverage and smiles knowingly. 

During dinner, Gimli tells the king and queen of the adventures they had crossed and how a great warrior Elarinya had been "Oh, you would have loved to fight with her! She is very sneaky," Gimli laughs "And the chaos she caused in Moria!" 

"Master Gimli exaggerates," Elarinya says humbly and sips some wine. 

Gimli proceeds to tell more of his tales, and Aragorn reveals details of a small threat on an outside village, north of Minas Tirith, some Haradrim who have made camp and have been tormenting some villages, guards will be sent there the next day. Elarinya sees a servant man entering the room. He brings a beer mug in his hand and waits for the king to finish his drink. When Aragorn puts his jug aside, the servant pours the beer on the new one and approaches the table, silently serving the king. Then Elarinya notices Legolas' nose twitching a little. Aragorn picks the jug. 

"Aragorn, no," Elarinya warns, suprising the king about to drink the ale, she looks quickly at the servant, then at Legolas "Smell it."

Legolas picks the mug and smells it "Sour. It's poisoned." 

Elarinya raises and looks at the servant, who gets ready to escape, but Elarinya quickly picks up her knife and throws it, stabbing the back of his calf and making the assassin fall. Arwen immediately speaks "Guards!"

The guards come and take the injured man, and as quickly as the ordeal started, it is now over. Elarinya looks at the food and then Legolas "I believe it was only that mug, but can you smell anything else?" 

Legolas takes a few seconds "It is safe. Aragorn, are you feeling well?"

"Yes," Aragorn seems more shaken from the event than poisoned. He looks at Elarinya and says honestly "Thank you." 

Elarinya sits down and drinks "The man wasn't part of the servants that were here during dinner, and he brought the mug with himself instead of just pouring you more ale. It would be cautious if you got a royal taster, sire."

The whole table stays silent for a while until Gimli laughs "See Aragorn? This lassie is wondrous."

Arwen sounds thankful "Is there anything you need? Some place to rest?"

Elarinya smiles kindly to the queen "No, my lady, I have already rented a room at the tavern, though I appreciate your kindness. I will leave soon to get some rest before I part in the morning," She pauses "However, may I offer a piece of advice?" Elarinya looks at the king, who in turn looks attentively at her "There is no denying the good you and your friends have done for these lands, but there will always be some who would have prefered a different way, who would rather see another on the throne or used to profit with a war that is no more. I've once heard there was a bounty on your head, King Elessar, and many would never dare point a blade towards you for all that you have done, but there are some few who would. Trust your friends, my lord, but keep an watchful eye for others, trust is something that must be earned along the way," Elarinya raises from her chair and trades a tired smile between him and the queen "The War has taken much from all of us, I wouldn't like another child to grow without its parents because of shadows of the past," she bows and prepares to leave, but first she turns to Arwen and speaks in Sindarin "Congratulations, queen Arwen Undómiel. May the Valar bless you and your child.

The table is speechless and Elarinya leaves.

A couple of hours before the sun rises, Elarinya reaches the stables only to find Legolas preparing her horse. She teases "You really want me gone, hm?"

"I figured you would not have changed your mind, so I decided to help and say farewell."

Elarinya pretends a shocked gasp "Don't tell me you are going to miss me."

Legolas huffs a laugh "You weren't a bad companion."

"I say the same," Elarinya smiles softly at him and extends her hand, speaking once again in his tongue "Farewell, prince of the woods.

"Have a safe travel. May our paths cross once again someday."

Elarinya takes one last look at that handsome elf and rides north. 

That same afternoon, the guards Aragorn had sent to the Haradrim camp return, none of then has a single scratch nor is disheveled, no battle wounds mark their skins.

"They were all dead when we got there, your highness," the captain speaks "No signs of a big fight either. There was a letter adressed to you, sire, though we do not know what it says as it is in the elvish language."

Aragorn is handed the letter.

«King Elessar, thank you for granting me my freedom. Consider this an act of my gratitude.
- Umbra»

Aragorn smiles. There is hope still he will have found a new friend, and one day they may discover her name.


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