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Lórien wasn't what Elarinya expected it to be. For years she had asked her mother to tell her how the woods looked and what it was like to live by the side of the elves, and her mother had always answered that Lórien was filled with light. They had reached the woods shortly after noon. Now that night was falling, no light but the moon cleared the woods. The Lady of Light must have left with the elves. 

Elarinya looked at the face of her companions, who too seemed disappointed by the woods, as if something was missing. The light, the life, perhaps. They strolled through the forest quietly, as any orc could appear at any moment. 

The plan was quite simple - kill as many orcs as possible, discover their hideout. If the orcs outnumbered them greatly, they were to return to Gondor, where Aragorn would prepare an army to attack. First they would tread through Lórien, then head to Moria if nothing was conclusive. 

Gimli explained to her they would reach the eastern exit of Moria in less than a day, and would enter the mountain through that same gate to explore the caves for a little. According to them, there wouldn't be much exploring since the bridge that allowed them to cross to other parts had been destroyed.

They walk silently until Legolas stops and raises his bow, pulling the string and preparing to shoot. Elarinya heard nothing but soon he let his arrow fly, and something screeched and fell far away. He was very good. 

They continue their walk, and once again Legolas signs towards Elarinya's direction. Though she hears nothing once more, she guesses the elf has enhanced senses and must have detected an orc approaching. Elarinya hides under the shadow of a tree and finally hears the quickening steps of a creature, followed by the foul stench of an orc. As it passes by her on the other side of the tree, Elarinya steps behing the orc, and in a second covers its mouth and slices its throat with a long hunting knife. She holds the orc and gently places it down, only making the slightest of sounds. 

The group continues like this, quietly killing the orcs that cross their path. They have already killed seven when they spot another five making camp under a flet. Legolas shots two of them in the back in a blink of an eye, while Elarinya throws a dagger towards the thrid orc's neck. Gimli jumps out of hiding and charges the fourth orc with his ax. The fifth one is on the groud, with Elarinya's hunting knife touching his neck, her voice threatning "Where do you come from?"

The orc spits on her face, laughs, and then leans its head forward, empaling himself on the long blade. 

Elarinya cleans her face with her sleeve as she whispers a curse. Gimli stands by her side, leaning on his ax and looking at the orc "Well, that is a first I would dare say."

Legolas nods "They usually do trade information if we spare them. Taking its own life..."

"Must have had instructions to do such," Elarinya states "Something is leading them." 

Gimli hums in agreement and continues after some seconds "Of one thing we're sure. The orcs are not coming from here."

"Then into Moria we go," she looks at the two of them "Should we leave now?"

Legolas nods "These lands are not safe, even though it seems we have killed all in the woods. It is best to move."

The three companions head out of the woods, where their horses had been resting, and ride towards the mountains. On the way, few are the orcs that come across them, easily shot by Legolas while they keep moving. The sun has only been up for a few hours when they reach the entrance. 

The first part of the journey inside the mountain is peaceful, and no orcs are heard or seen. But then they reach the stone bridge. Even though the middle is gone, an improvised wood passage unites the two sides.

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