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Elarinya looks at the spots of blood on the cloth without focusing her eyes. The cells are dark and no sunlight comes in, she can no longer tell how long as passed or if anyone has returned. She hopes the villagers have spoken the truth, hopes the terrible man receives his deserved justice, hopes the girls might finally find some peace. 

Most of all, she hopes not to be executed. Dead in the same city she was born, this time no family here to testify her fate. Elarinya sighs, her sister would despair for months, wondering why she had not come yet, only for someone figuring out and telling her she had died at the hands of the king of Gondor. Or worse, Athelas could think Elarinya had abandoned her. There would be no honor in escaping the dungeons, and plus she didn't have anything that would enable her to escape. All her weapons were confiscated, her cape was taken away even within the cold cells.

Elarinya gets up as the sound of keys unlocking the door. The elf has returned and looks at her "Come."

Elarinya offers him her wrists, but Legolas doesn't tie them, instead turns back and starts walking. Elarinya thinks it is a good sign, had she been found guilty he wouldn't let her walk freely. Nevertheless, he is an elf, faster and stronger than her, and unlike her he's armed, it could simply be a power display. She follows him quietly and with her eyes down, but notices it already is night time. 

Legolas doesn't look at the woman, and finds it very odd that she doesn't ask him what they have found. Is she so bitter and distrustful? Or too much confident? He leads her towards the throne room, where only Aragorn, Arwen and Gimli wait once more. Legolas nods to instruct her to walk ahead of him, and as they enter the room, he closes the door. 

Elarinya walks and stops at the same spot she stood trial before. Aragorn speaks "The people have confirmed the dreadful accusations about lord Herured. He has been removed from the court and will stand trial tomorrow."

"And the girls? Are they safe?"

Aragorn tries to hide a smile "They will face no more threats," Aragorn notices the light sigh that comes out of her mouth and proceeds seriously "Even if there is a reason behind all these events, attempted murder isn't looked upon lightly." 

Elarinya stays quiet and doesn't drive her eyes away from the king. She will be executed. Perhaps it could be only exile, she could live the rest of her life without stepping into Gondor. Her mind races, she must write a letter to her sister, but what will it say? Her heart aches for Athelas, they had lost her parents not even a decade ago, and now she would lose her. Had she stayed with her and not come for another job, then she would still-

"So, we would trade all that happened for your information and your services."

"I-" Elarinya returns to reality, but is very confused "Your highness?"

"The increasing numbers of orcs and their attacks worries us. You seem to have dealt with them recently, we would like to hear your opinion on the matter," Aragorn adds after "No need to share any personal information, only if deemed necessary for more clues."

Elarinya stares in disbelief for a while, but then continues "The highest concentration of orcs is between the Gladden river and Lórien. From what I've seen, they prefer to go north rather than south, perhaps as they are less likely to find an army in the north."

"Do you think they could be hiding in Moria?" Arwen asks.

"I think it's a possibility, my lady. Though I cannot confirm, for I dare not entering those mountains alone."

"Ah, what if you had company, lassie?" Gimli asks with a grin on his face.

"Gimli and Legolas will be exploring Lórien and Moria, to find if these are the source of all the trouble. It seems dealing with these orcs are in both our interests. This is our proposition, you join this task and in exchange this event will be solved."

"So, if we solve this ordeal, I do not have to spend the rest of my life in a cell."

Aragorn nods "That's it."

Elarinya ponders for a while. It is better than being executed or locked until the day she dies, even though she had not expected things to have followed this course. And the orcs have ruined the safety of her people just months ago, even though she didn't trust the king enough, nor did he trust her yet, to be able to ask him for help. Though risky, it would put an end to both problems. She looks ahead "When do we leave?"

Gimli laughs "I like her! Ah lass, here are your things!" Gimli walks towards her and hands all that was taken from her, and takes the chance to pat her back "We leave tomorrow, just after dawn!" 

Elarinya nods "Alright." 

Aragorn smiles "It is settled then. No need to return to the cell. We have a chamber prepared to-"

"I appreciate your kindness, your highness, but I can manage myself for the night," Elarinya speaks as she places her cape over her shoulders "I will be at the castle gates tomorrow at dawn." 

Aragorn nods "Very well then. You might go."

Elarinya steps to leave, but remembers she is facing royalty and decides to bow. As she leaves the castle, she pulls her hood up.

Legolas speaks "She could escape just now."

Aragorn turns to him "Do you believe she will?"

"No," Legolas smiles "She reminds me much of you on your early days as Strider. She will be here before dawn." 

"I thought so too," Aragorn smiles back and holds Arwen's hand "My friends, we have prepared quite the feast for the four of us on the private gardens. Let us celebrate tonight, and give you a good night's rest for tomorrow."

Elarinya walks to the tavern where she hopes that there are no guards there, only wishes a room she can pay for and some paper and ink to write. The young lady that receives her is very kind to her, and Elarinya recognizes her face from the village. Even though she has to pay for the room, the waitress says the food is on her account. As she finishes and heads to the room to sleep, paper and ink wait on the bedside table. Elarinya starts to write in Sindarin.

Dear Athelas, I hope this letter finds you before I do. This time it will take a little longer for me to return back to you, as I have found a job that requires more time and is slightly dangerous. But do not worry, I am in good company, as I travel with two members of the Fellowship. Stay safe, and wait for me. I promise to return. Love, Elarinya. 

When dawn starts to light the east, the king, his wife and his friends step out of the castle only to find Elarinya waiting for them, staring the the sun rising where once Sauron ruled. After a few words, the three leave towards a new adventure. 


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