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Five months had passed since Elarinya left, and the cold breeze of October embraces Minas Tirith. Aragorn, Arwen, Gimli and Legolas wait eagerly at the palace entrance for the arrival of two dear friends.

Mounting their ponies, Merry and Pippin reach the castle, entering the plaza triumphantly. The seriousness of the guards who surround the King's Tree and protect the entrance is opposed by the excitement the hobbits portray at the sight of their friends. Eight years have gone by since they have been together, and it is noticeable as the hobbits and Aragorn look slightly older.

The six of them exchange warm tight hugs, Merry and Pippin, delighted with Arwen's womb, keep on congratulating the couple. Arwen furrows her eyebrows as she notices a small cut on Merry's left hand and small dark blood splashes on Pippin's vest "Dear hobbits, did you run into any trouble during your journey here? Are you injured?"

"No injuries, but trouble yes," Merry says gravely.

"The way between the High Pass and the Gladden was terribly filled with orcs," Pippin comments "It almost looked like our Fellowship days."

Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas exchange a few looks, then Aragorn rests his hands over the hobbits shoulders and smiles "I'm glad you made it back safely."

Merry responds slightly nervous "Yes, well, there is something we have to ask Aragorn, or we will be in more trouble."

Aragorn looks worried "What is it, my friends?"

"A group of orcs got in our way shortly after the High Pass, and we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for a pretty woman that helped us," Merry comments "She was really skillful, got us out of trouble every time. And she offered us a deal, she would travel with us here and keep us safe if we paid her."

"The food east of the Misty Mountains is more expensive than the Shire, Aragorn, you should fix it," Pippin adds "Anyway, we didn't come prepared with that much money."

A pretty woman skillful with weapons. Payment. Legolas speaks "Was her name Umbra?"

Pippin seems excited "Yes! Do you know her?"

Gimli laughs "We do, lads! She also saved our lives and traveled with us!"

"Why isn't she here?" Aragorn questions.

Merry answers "We passed by a village that seemed to have been attacked. She helped us cross the river and said the rest of the way to Minas Tirith should be safe, so she went back to the village to help and said she would meet us here."

"We wait for her, then," Aragorn smiles "But let's head inside and eat. You must feel tired from your journey."

They dine a big feast, appropriate for the most important guests Gondor could have, and share the news. Pippin married in the beginning of the year to Diamond, who had not opposed for their travel to Gondor to visit their friends. Sam could not make his travel as he just had his third child and has to stay home with Rosie Cotton. But then they take three gifts, all the same, and hand them to Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas.

«There and Back Again... a Hobbit's tale by Bilbo Baggins & The Lord of the Rings by Frodo Baggins»

"Sam has been copying it for the last few years and wanted us to give it to you. There are some few blank pages in the end, for each to complete their history," Merry speaks solemnly, and then looks at Legolas with a teasing smile "Well, perhaps your number of blank pages should be equivalent to a book," Legolas laughs and then Merry continues more timidly, almost afraid of the question "I mean, that is if you haven't been longing to go to the sea anymore."

Legolas notices the table looking at him, all expecting he no longer feels pulled far away from his friends. He smiles sadly, not wanting to disappoint them "I still do hear the seagulls. But do not worry, mellons, as I do not intend to leave soon, not while my friends remain here."

The answer is enough to cheer them a little, though his friends will always remain worried.

Legolas can't sleep that night, the question seems to have made the sound of the seagulls louder. He steps out of the palace and looks at where once Sauron's eye stood, where Mordor covered the sky in darkness and veiled the stars. But not anymore, the stars are clear and bright, and the wind brings some petals of the King's Tree towards him.

He looks down and a rider approaches Minas Tirith. Long hair caught in a side braid and the horse looks familiar to him. Legolas walks to the stables where he is sure Elarinya will pay some boy to take her horse and then head to the tavern to rent a room. The seagulls aren't so loud anymore.

He greets the stable boy and warns him that a woman should arrive soon, asking for a place for her horse. Legolas waits inside, the boy is indeed surprised by the elf's guess as the woman arrives. Elarinya dismounts and walks the horse inside, wides her eyes as she sees him "Legolas?"

"Seems our paths have crossed sooner than expected. You should be glad to know Merry and Pippin arrived safely."

She looks incredulous at him as she places the horse on its assigned space and takes the saddle "Do you have the ability to see the future besides your enhanced senses?"

He smiles "No, I was watching you from the upper floor."

Elarinya smiles teasingly "You were waiting and spying on me? I didn't figure you were that interested, my lord."

Legolas' cheeks turn into a pale pink and he feels the need to justify "I just couldn't sleep. Merely a coincidence. Fate seems to keep leading you to us, really," he notices the small smirk on her lips and she walks out and locks the gate. She limps a little, smells of orc and human blood, and a stain marks the left sleeve of her chemise, reveals a cut and blood underneath. The concern is noticeable in his voice "You're injured."

"Nothing too serious, most are healed. We've come across many orcs, I suppose they have told you."

"Come with me, tell me what happened."

Legolas walks towards the palace as she tells him the events of the last weeks, when she helped Merry and Pippin. Though Moria seems cleared, more orcs have accumulated north. The village she had helped was next to where the Gladden meets the Anduin, and she helped the villagers cross the river and enter the road to Rohan.

They enter the palace, Legolas saying to the guards not to worry as the woman is with him. Elarinya keeps following him and telling the news, and expects he leads her to the king. She stands still at the door as Legolas enters a large bedroom and motions her to come inside. He tries to convince her "Do not worry, it's just my room."

Elarinya gulps and blushes, and notices that the guard of the hall they're in is looking mischeviously at her. The elves can't be so ignorant to what men think of such things. "My lord, really, I shouldn't-"

Legolas sighs, almost annoyed, and pulls her by the wrist, closing the door. Elarinya is burning red, her heart races, and seems both flustered and scared. She will fight the elf if she has to, though she knows she stands no chance. Legolas lets go of her wrist and heads to a closet "Humans are all the same, ignoring their wounds. I should know, Aragorn was just like that too. It could be fatal to some if left untreated, did you know?" he searches inside and takes a small pot "You can sit on the bed, I have some herbs here that can help them heal."

Elarinya sighs and feels relieved, the elf isn't trying to do anything wrong, just helping her. She sits on the side of his bed, though it seems very innapropriate. She is still speechless, but soon Legolas is on his knees in front of her, applying the herbal paste carefully on the cut she has along her calf. Next he raises her sleeve and applies it too on her arm. Elarinya clears her voice "Thank you."

He smiles and they talk through the rest of the night. The seagulls on the back of his head are only a small whisper, and the sun rises.


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