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Author's Note: This is the song that plays on their last dance. The paragraph in which the song is introduced is marked with a *. I recommend you listen to the music once the mark appears. «Creep» by Radiohead represents Elarinya's feelings for Legolas, how he looks like an angel, a perfect creature that contrasts with the smaller beauty of humans, so if you don't know the song, check the lyrics after you finish the chapter. I also recommend you to listen to another variant of this song: Creep by the Brooklyn Duo feat. the Escher Quartet. This one truly represents what her heart means. 

There's food, drinks, music and many people in the banquet. The tables form an U around the room, the large middle allows people to dance. The kings sit at the center, with Legolas, Gimli, Faramir, Éowyn, Éomer and his wife on the middle too. As saviours of Middle Earth, the hobbits deserve a seat at the grand table too. Then the lords and elves sit by the tables on the sides, the ones who seem more important closer to the main table, they all want to speak with the great lords and kings. 

Elarinya and Athelas sit almost at the end of the tables on the right side. They do not mind, and believe that if Aragorn was the one to assign the seats, they would have been closer. But with each other's company they always have fun, commenting the beautiful dresses of the ladies and watching the dancers. Elarinya looks happily at her sister. Athelas is a beautiful young woman, her hair is caught in a long simple braid with flowers decorating it, she wears a simple white dress. Elarinya does look beautiful too, wearing a simple dark blue dress and some strands of her front hair caught on braids, connecting at the back. Though she still found the beauty of her sister mesmerizing, too much like her mother.  

They finish their plates and keep talking for hours, sometimes being asked to dance but both politely refusing. Until a young man comes, a healer that works with Athelas, Elarinya recognizes. A smile shines on her sister's face immediately and she greets "Hi Roderic."

"Lady Athelas, lady Elarinya," he greets gently back, bowing. Her sister blushes. "Athelas, would you like to dance?"

Athelas blushes even more and looks at her sister. Elarinya seems serious, but her sister looks so happy. She smiles "Go on."

Athelas immediately raises and takes his hand. They dance in the middle of the room, among other people, while Elarinya stays on her seat, watching them, drinking her wine. 

"Is that Athelas?" Pippin speaks on the grand table, catching the attention of his friends "Dancing with another healer?"

Merry laughs "Elarinya must be furious."

Faramir intervenes, laughing too "It could be a tragedy if she is armed. Though I believe she could cause enough chaos using only a fork."

"Aye, I'm gonna save our lassie, bring her here," Gimli says, finishing his beer and stepping out of the table.

Shortly after, she sits at the main table with her cup on her hand, still looking at the dancers. Faramir speaks with a funny smile "You shouldn't worry, Elarinya, Aragorn assures he is a very respectable young man."

"You do not understand it, my sister blushed! And it's already been six dances. Do you know what it means?"

The table laughs. Arwen speaks after chuckling "That she looks very beautiful and should enjoy her time."

"I mean, well, yes, of course," Elarinya sighs and drinks "I'll need more wine tonight."

"Me and Pippin will dance and keep an eye on her for you," Merry says "What do you say?"

"Oh yes, thank you."

The hobbits go and create a little party of their own. Elarinya sighs with relief and the table resumes talking. Legolas talks quietly with his father, though he eyes her from time to time, and smiles with her worry. The same worry returns after an hour "I cannot believe it, I don't see her! And the hobbits are distracted too!"

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