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The number of orcs was significantly less this time, but so were the men, elves and dwarves, many dead and others injured. This battle would be shorter than the previous one, though Elarinya could notice everyone was tired, their strokes slower and weapons were drawn with less intensity. The number of wounded increased with every minute that passed and she did everything she could to bring them to the healers. It made her restless to think that her friends were fighting up front while she had to stay behind, but she comforted herself knowing that she was still being helpful.

Her peaceful time ended soon, as almost two dozen spiders exited the woods. Elarinya immediately picked her bow and shot as she warned screaming "Spiders on the right flank!"

The last spiders of Mirkwood made a mess, attacking every creature that came on their way. Elarinya's warning was immediately heard and some of the Woodland Elves turned for the attack, the Woodland prince quickly fighting right by her side. Elarinya kept shooting, targeting the ones closer to the medical area, and soon the company of elves finished the threat. They bowed their heads before her and returned to the battle, Legolas offered her a smile and ran to help their friends. Elarinya was suprised with the gesture but had no time to dwell on it, as she returned to her sister to make sure she was uninjured and help with the wounded.

The battle was over soon, with the dwarves and men cheering loudly as the last orc was sliced. Elarinya smiles at the sight and returns to her sister "It's done, we won."

The wounded soldiers cheer too and Athelas smiles "Good. Now, can you fetch me new bandages?"

Elarinya nods and rushes to get new supplies as more wounded are brought with the calm outside. Faramir soon enters the tent to kiss his wife, who tended a dwarf, and then turns "Elarinya, you were being summoned for the Elven King's tent."

Elarinya's heart rushes and she looks at her sister. Athelas smiles at her "Go, Ela. We can handle this here."

Elarinya nods and exits the tent. There was a rush outside, with everyone cheering or carrying less injured friends. As she reaches the area, the elves greet her kindly and respectfully, and Tauriel approaches to lead her to the tent.

Elarinya clears her voice "Thank you for the help with the spiders."

Tauriel smiles at the young woman, she could see now why Legolas liked her "We are the ones who must thank you for your courage on Gundabad. None of us would be here if it wasn't for you, and we would have no king nor prince," Tauriel stands by the side as they reach the tent "Here. Good luck."

Elarinya nervously whispers a thanks and enters. Thranduil, Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli surround a table with maps and talk, but soon turn around as she comes in, and Elarinya is immediately greeted by Gimli "Oh lassie, you cannot keep away from a fight, can you?"

She chuckles nervously "It's not like I called the spiders. And I didn't get myself injured, neither did you I hope."

"All these royal skins bear no scars, do not worry. Well, I must go to my kin," Gimli walks out and pats confidently her arm, whispering "You got this, lassie."

Aragorn follows, trying to send a comforting smile at his nervous friend "It's very good to see you standing, Elarinya. We will talk later."

Elarinya looks behind as her friends leave and is left alone with Thranduil and Legolas. Thranduil studies both of them for a few seconds, Legolas looks at her silently and Elarinya studies the tent nervously. The king smirks and exits the tent without saying a word.

Elarinya gulps and walks closer, though she stops at the table and her fingers play with the top of a chair. She is afraid if she walks farther, he will notice her heart rushing. The way it beats strong and fast at the moment he might as well be hearing it already. She knows what they are supposed to talk about, so she sighs and decides to put an end to this misery "I understand if you're mad at me for hiding this- my- my bond from you. I didn't mean to tell you but I didn't want it to be revealed the way it was either," she takes a small pause not daring to look at him "You don't have to do anything in return, I would hate myself if you were forced into anything. Nothing has to change, if it would be easier for you, we could never see each other again. I would wander away from you and our friends."

Legolas furrows his eyebrows but he can finally sense it, the fear and sadness Athelas spoke about. He walks closer and holds her hand "Why would I want to be away from you?"

His question makes Elarinya look at him and she sees the lovely smile on his face, his fingers interlace with hers, she looks at their hands "I thought- You and Tauriel..."

He still smiles and shakes his head no "I do not love Tauriel," he caresses her hand with his thumb and gives one more step, their bodies almost touching. He calls her name sweetly "Elarinya," her head raises and her eyes finally meet his. Hers are green and brown, just like the forest she saved, just like the home she offered him "Forgive me for not being clear enough, but I too have been afraid and trying to learn how to confess my feelings. My heart has been yearning for you and your love for quite a while, but it was only on that day on the beach that they were clear to me. You've made these years beautiful, and I would like to have as many more as possible, share every breath with you. You are my everything, my beloved Elarinya. I love you."

Her heart swells with love and happiness and her tears reveal it, as she laughs and cries with joy after his words, the pain in her chest disappearing and only feeling love. "I- I love you too..." Legolas lets both her hands go as he holds her face and cleans her tears with his thumbs. She chuckles "Legolas, are you sure?"

"There is nothing I've known with more certainty in my entire life. All these centuries will be nothing if I don't have you to the last day, as my princess, my queen. Your love kept me in this world, and now I offer you mine until the very end of our times. Will you accept my love, will you allow me to return the bond?"

Elarinya smiles and nods "Yes. Yes, Legolas, of course."

Legolas smiles in return and simply stares at her, his eyes starting to wander to her lips, wondering how he should proceed. He has no time to process as her hands surround his neck and she kisses him. Legolas smiles into the kiss and responds, keeping her face in his hands, feeling her hands getting lost in his hair. Both have never felt anything like this, the softness of each others' lips, the warm wave that runs through their bodies, the love that makes their hearts beat faster and their heads lighter. They spend minutes in this sweet, sometimes passionate, exchange, their hearts elastic and their notion of time lost. It's a moment that could stretch for all eternity, until the very world they stand on could cease to exist. They are finally complete.

When they step outside of the tent, he interlaces his fingers with hers and both walk to the Forest Gate. The trees are green, the sun shines high in the sky. Her eyes are a mirror of the forest that is about to turn into their home, their kingdom. They kiss each other longly and sweetly once more, among the cheers of their friends.

And then, they walk together into the woods.


This is it! The story is coming to an end, don't miss the Epilogue! Also don't forget to vote and comment your favorite parts!

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