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Author's Note: this is the song an elleth will sing during the feast. The paragraph in which it is introduced is marked with a *. I recommend you listen to the music once the mark appears. It is amazingly beautiful.

As much as Legolas wanted to stay with Elarinya until she opened her eyes, he had been called to greet his people as it was supposed for the prince. The elves stranded him, saying how good it was to have him back, asking him about his quest, announcing they were very excited for the feast they had for his and the king's return, and Legolas wouldn't mind attending to his diplomatic duties any other day, but not now when Elarinya could have been hurt because of him. 

The last elf to approach was Tauriel "How is the woman?"

"She is sleeping."

"Harthon apologizes deeply for losing her. Apparently the hobbits were too agitated and she seemed fine, he didn't notice her leaving."

"I shouldn't have been distracted either."

There is regret in Tauriel's eyes "My lord Legolas, I betrayed you and disrespected your feelings-"

"Tauriel," Legolas interrupts calmly "It's in the past."

She looks at him and almost doesn't recognize him. He is fine, but the war has changed him, his heart was stronger. She notices he wants to leave so she bows and goes.

Legolas finally has the chance to go back to Elarinya, but first he owes his friends some words. He goes to the dining hall where they eat some fruit and he guarantees she is fine, just asleep, and the situation won't occur ever again. His friends sigh in relief and he leads them to their rooms, invites them to get changed to the best formal clothes that await them on each bedroom. They will have a great feast and he will meet them with Elarinya as Thranduil himself shows them the palace. When Legolas at last gets to his room, hours after leaving, Elarinya is no longer there.

Elarinya had woken up feeling better, only sad. Her heart didn't ache anymore, but she had no idea where she was. She looked around the room, the smell of wood and leaves, the silver circlets on display, the great selection of bows, twin blades and swords. She was sleeping in his bed. She blushed immediately, it was too innapropriate, specially in his own kingdom. 

She raised and sighed, remembering all that had happened. She could never feel angry at him, and the situation only reinforced the decision she had made - their bond would remain a secret. He was a great friend, and she loved him for it too. She would mantain their friendship without a second thought, but she needed some time alone now, to organize her thoughts, clear her mind. She exited the room and spoke in Sindarin, asking a guard to take her to the safe place she always found, the library. She found it strange the guard didn't question her, but Thranduil had already given orders that the palace was at the will of their guests. 

As she reached the library, old and rich and towered with books, she wondered if it was possible to love a single room as much as she loved her sister or him or her friends. If all elven libraries were like this, she would beg Arwen on her knees to allow her to visit Rivendell. She could start her search about the elleth commander of the orcs, but she was in such awe she didn't want to ruin the moment with battle thoughts. She picked a tale's book and sat down reading. 

An hour later her heart beats stronger. Ever since her bond, she would feel it whenever Legolas approached, if she were to follow her instinct it would lead to him, if he felt an intense emotion she would feel a taste of it. He enters the library and she looks at him. There is an immediate smile on his face. 

"Of course you would be here."

She closes the book and prepares to raise, but he motions her to stay sit and sits by her side. Elarinya starts "The guard didn't refuse bringing me here, but if I shouldn't be-"

Gwaedh [Legolas Love Story] - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now