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In the middle of the night, Thranduil has to leave to help accomodate the most seriously wounded and manage his warriors. Legolas stands in the same position since hours before, against a wall on his room, waiting for Elarinya to wake up. Athelas sits on the bed by her side and uses a comb to gently untangle her hair.

"Athelas," Legolas starts "Forgive me. I promised I would protect your sister, and yet-"

"She is alive, only sleeping. You've kept her safe as well as you could, my lord. She is very thick-headed and persistent, she will jump into dangers to protect those she loves without thinking."

Legolas feels small under Athelas' gaze, after hearing her words. He still has a hard time believing Elarinya had bonded to him to save his life. The day he was trespassed, Thranduil and Arwen had saved him, but only thanks to her. She loved him enough to keep him in this world, to hold his life while offering hers.

Athelas realizes the pain in Legolas' eyes, Thranduil had told her what happened, that her sister's bond was revealed. Legolas is much older and wiser than Athelas can ever hope to be, but he seems so lost in this moment. She raises and leans on the wall next to him, her voice soft "My sister will kill me if she discovers I'm telling you this, but do you remember the banquet in Minas Tirith, for your father's arrival? When you two danced together, that was when she realized she loved you. Though I think she had the feeling growing ever since your first journey."

"I didn't know..." he feels timid, he didn't know many things.

"You probably never would. Elarinya is very brave but for this she was really scared. She had never loved someone, romantically I mean. Confessing feelings to anyone is already hard as it is, imagine it from a woman to an elf, and even a royal one. I think her fear was justified, I wouldn't have the courage either."

Legolas knew how hard it was, having been trying to understand his own feelings for her and managing a way to say it, even though fear also kept him aside "I understand."

"And she was also scared of your reaction to the bond. She knew it was something very serious and that you should know too, but she was afraid you would formalize a position or some kind of wedding with her, out of convenience, out of pity," Legolas is trying to find the words to deny all this, but Athelas gets ahead "And when you came here, she heard the elves speak about you and Tauriel. I do not intend to offend you as I know it is a matter that pains you, my lord, but please, you have to understand that Elarinya could not confess when she knew you love another, as it would hurt her so. Our short lives cannot compare to yours, her days will run before your eyes and she will have returned to the stars before you notice, at least this is her reasoning behind all this hiding."

"I-" Legolas' words struggle to come out and he sighs "I do not love Tauriel. I do not deny that I had some - feelings - for her, decades ago, and I was confused and younger-" Legolas gets lost in his thoughts as Athelas looks at him respectfully. He inhales and turns to Athelas, bowing his head "I could live an eternity and it would matter not if Elarinya can't share her days with me. I love her very much too, and if you give me your permission, Athelas, I would like to return these feelings and bind myself to her, if she is to accept."

There is nothing but silence for a few seconds, and Legolas keeps his head down, afraid Athelas won't give him her blessing. He raises his head slowly and fearfully, only to see Athelas looking at him with a smile on her face and tears on her eyes. Her voice is caught on her throat, hopeful "You love her too?"

"With all of my being," Legolas says immediately, finding it easy to speak his heart to assure her "It struck me before I was injured, on the beach. It scared me too, but it scares me more to think about a life without her."

Athelas' smile grows and she hugs him suddenly, the joyful tears falling freely from her eyes "Nothing would make me happier than seeing you with my sister."

Legolas returns the embrace right away. They let go of each other while laughing with joy. He speaks "I would like to be the one to tell her."

"Of course, Legolas, I will not say a word to anyone. I cannot believe this, this brings me so much joy!"

They both walk closer to Elarinya, expecting her to open her eyes, but she doesn't. Athelas sits again, ends detangling her hair and Legolas caresses Elarinya's jaw without fear, making Athelas smile with him.

Athelas eventually falls asleep after the sunrise, exhausted both physically and emotionally. Legolas will not be able to sleep as long as Elarinya doesn't open her eyes, and he has something to clear. He silently exits his room, sunlight enters the palace and he walks to the throne room. His father and all his friends are there, and rush to know about how she is.

"She is still asleep and does not seem to be in pain," Legolas pacifies them, even though he too wishes to see her awake. "The battle?"

"The orcs were handled, but those on Gundabad or the ones who escaped are still to be defeated. A couple of days and they will attack one last time, perhaps," Aragorn answers.

There seems to be a sour theme that has to be discussed, questions and answers his friends want to ask and offer, but all are too afraid to do, guilt fills their eyes. Legolas speaks first "Athelas has talked with me. I could not dare to be mad at any of you, as I know you only kept it secret at Elarinya's request, and I respect it deeply."

Gimli comments sweetly "I, for one, am slightly mad at her, she put her life on risk to protect us all. But even that cannot make me mad, as it is what makes her such a great friend. She protects us without thinking and asking for anything in return. I hope you are not mad at her, laddie, for hiding her bond. She did it to protect you too."

Legolas nods "I know," and he thinks for a while, even though he already knows what he has to say. He speaks to all, but his eyes focus on his father "I do not hear the sea calling ever since that day on the beach. It was the day when I understood that I love her. It was Elarinya that made me want to return home and now I want it to be hers, because it won't be home if she is not with me. I have already asked Athelas, who gave her permission, so once Ela is awake, I would like to return her feelings and ask her to allow me to bind myself to her."

His friends, like Athelas, are in stunned silence for his sudden confession. No one speaks and they don't have to as Thranduil steps forward and smiles tenderly in a way Legolas's hasn't seen him do ever since he was a little elfling, not since he lost his mother. Legolas was prepared to fight Thranduil and put his own crown aside, he will give up everything to be with her. But none of that is needed, as Thranduil's smile reaches his twinkling eyes, and his arms warmly embrace his son.


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