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Elarinya inhales and her eyes flutter. Wood, a comfortable bed, fresh linens smelling of trees and leafs. She is in Mirkwood, laying in a bed, though all she recalled was the fight, taking her dagger and slashing the elleth's throat. 

Athelas steps into view "Ela!" she hugs her immediately, holding her sister tightly, caressing her hair "Oh I'm here Ela, everything is alright." 

Elarinya returns her sister's embrace, feeling much relieved to see her. As Athelas slowly let her go and sat, Elarinya tries to speak, her voice raspy and dry "Water?"

Athelas quickly gives her a cup as Elarinya sits and shugs it immediately, asking for more and only stopping after the fourth cup. The healer approaches, checking on her, and Athelas comforts her "It's no wonder you're so thirsty, you've been asleep for three entire days. Here, can you eat?"

Elarinya wants to ask many questions, but her stomach rumbles right away at the sight of the food tray, and she devours it quickly, almost choking in the process. More water and food, she eats an entire lembas bread, and in a matter of minutes feels finally satisfied, her body restored. She furrows her eyebrows "Three days?"

"Yes, Thidialis' last action was to let all her energy out. You were blown away and fell uncounscious."

Thidialis, the fight, Gundabad, all start to align on Elarinya's mind. She drops the cheese she was holding "How- Are they all safe? Where is everyone?"

"Yes, yes," Athelas holds her hands, seeing the fear growing in her sister's face "They are all safe, they have all returned and are very worried about you. They are not here however, it seems the last orcs started moving south this sunrise, and they are once again in the battlefield, waiting to finalize this war."

Elarinya sighs with relief, and then worry reappears on her face "Oh no, Legolas, he- Oh no, what have I done?" she rubs her temples "This was not how I wanted- I- I didn't even want to tell, not like this..."

"Ela," Athelas squeezes her hands "He is not mad, I assure you. No one is, they are all very proud and worried, they just want to see you better. They will be thrilled to see you on your feet."

"Yes..." Elarinya furrows her eyebrows and kisses her sister's hands, then lets go and raises "Yes, they will see me. The battle is on the Forest Gate?"

"Lady Elarinya," the healer intervenes "I do not advise you to go face a danger like that just after you've returned to your senses."

"I feel fine," Elarinya assures "Well rested like I have never felt before, and I've had food and water. I- I cannot wait here, my mind is the only thing that is not rested and my heart will explode if I don't resolve things, I owe him an apology... I will stay back and avoid fighting, but I must go, I need to-" Elarinya seems an anxious mess, looking around for her armor and weapons, giving up on her search and intending to leave "Believe me, it's this stupid bond, it is making my heart race and-" 

Elarinya looks worried and ashamed, as she has revealed enough to the healer. Lumornel smiles with complicity and Athelas holds her shoulders "If you need to go, I'm going with you. But you need to calm down and let us help you get in your armor. The prince and the king won't like the situation, imagine how much worse it will be if you go in sleepwear."

Elarinya blushes, nods and accepts their help. After some minutes she is secured and leaves on a horse with Athelas "The woods..." she mumbles as she looks at the green leafs and the sun shining through "There are no voices, the horse..."

Athelas holds her tighter and her smile is noticeable on her voice "Yes, it is no longer Mirkwood, but Greenwood. The change started with Thidialis' death. You did it."

Gwaedh [Legolas Love Story] - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now