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The first time Elrond told Arwen the time of the elves was coming to an end, about two decades before, Arwen had a hard time believing it. Who was going to keep the world safe if Aragorn didn't want to follow his path, to become king? Elrond had smiled and answered wisely "A day will come when a human will sit on a elven throne". And certainly, Arwen was in Greenwood when that day arrived, saw Thranduil put his crown aside and let the new King and Queen of Eryn Lasgalen sit on the throne. 

It was a time of peace and prosperity, the best years of the Fourth Age as historians would come to say. The lands were safe, and they would travel freely to meet and celebrate with their friends. It was a time filled with love, as Arwen and Aragorn had more children, and so did Elarinya and Legolas, who had a girl, Gwestril, and two boys, Galadhanar and Laerornor.

Legolas had come to realize that Elarinya's life was like the seasons. Spring had started the moment she was born, and until her first years of adulthood she had grown, transformed, bloomed and explored, as all living things do when the warm first starts. And just like in spring, some days had cold and horrible weather, and so she had in the beginning of her life troublesome times, desperate stories.

Legolas had met her in the summer of her life, when Elarinya was still young but strong and warm and beautiful, when all things prosper. And like summer storms, there were times she had to fight, but in any of those she thrived. It was what made him fall in love with her. They completed their sacred bond, loved each other emotionally and physically, endlessly. Had children, taught them, helped them grow. Athelas and her husband jumped from Gondor to Lasgalen to everywhere in between, and all of them traveled to greet their friends, and cherished peace, and worked hard to mantain it. They ruled Lasgalen with Thranduil's help, and it became the first land to unite all species without exception. Men, dwarves, elves, ents, beornings, castaways and lost, all could come and find a chance in the green woods, where the birds sang, animals lived and butterflies crossed the air. At last, when their youngest boy, Laerornor, turned ten, Thranduil saw that all had been done. His kingdom was reborn and even if the elves were to leave, his grandchildren would keep it safe. He exited the woods through the Forest Gate, where Elarinya made sure his wife's statue had new flowers everyday. Thranduil sailed to Valinor.

The auttumn of Elarinya's life started when their kids asked to leave for exploring, to have some adventures of their own and discover more about who they were in this world. They were now grown, strong, beautiful and wise, and just like the leafs fall from the trees, so did their children, now young adults, left their home for a new life. Elarinya and Legolas smiled proudly at the gentle brave creatures their love had made. And with their kids away, their love rekindled, and they hunted and traveled and loved each other more and more everyday. Elarinya had improved Thranduil's library, being the most admired in all Middle Earth, though a considerable amount of books were stolen, and Legolas had learned to master the art of sneaking and stealing too. They surprised Gimli one day, the two of them taking time to learn the dwarvish tongue and talking fluently. Gimli taught them so many curses, offensive and funny jokes and songs, that Aragorn felt the need to learn Khuzdul too.

When their children returned home, they had met their special ones. The winter of Elarinya's life began, and as the snow fell, so her hair was graced with white strands. Legolas knew what that meant, as her bones were more fragile and the walks had to be slower, but she had this incredible strength to play with their grandchildren. It wasn't a wild, stormy and freezing winter, but rather a calm one, the winter one spends with a book and a warm blanket by a fireplace. And they would do just that, sit and tell their grandchildren the most amazing stories, teach them writing, reading, hunting, living. They would travel to the funerals of their friends, and offer them comfort. And through all, Elarinya remained with her kind forest eyes, her voice still defiant or lovely depending on the situation, her hair on a braid, the focus as she read. If Legolas thought too much about it, she hadn't changed a little, she was still the young woman he fell in love with, and he loved her more and thought her more beautiful even now that her hair almost matches his. 

"My love," she starts as they both lay in bed, her voice with a peacefulness and wisdom Legolas will never get to know as he will never grow old "I believe my days will come to an end soon."

Legolas looks at her with calm in his eyes. He smiles "What do you think you will do after?"

"Explore some more, perhaps. Maybe there are some books in the afterlife, I will try to read them."

Legolas laughs "I cannot wonder the punishment a dead can receive for stealing."

She smiles defiantly "As if I would be caught."

Legolas smiles and kisses her hand "It has been a privilege to share this life with you, my love," he kisses her forehead "You've made my life beautiful." 

She kisses him in return "One day the sea will call you again. But do not despair, as it is only your true home calling."

He nods "I will not fade, nor will I jump into it. I've promised our friends I would stay with them, and I will."

Elarinya smiles knowingly, as if she was sure of a future she would not be present to see. But she knows Legolas with every fiber of her heart, and knows he will deal with her death peacefully, cry a little but remember and smile the most. It all had been unique and beautiful, like she had told him decades ago on the beach. 

Elarinya does pass away some days after, during her sleep. Legolas cries but his heart doesn't ache, as his last sight of her was of her smiling in her dreams. She is now beautiful and serene, exploring this world on some other form, watching over him and their family, free. 

Aragorn, Gimli, Arwen, Merry, Pippin and Athelas come to say a last goodbye to Elarinya before she joins the earth, and all of them, Legolas' children and grandchildren, share stories of her. It was all beautiful, Legolas thinks. It gave his life meaning. 

The funeral was also the last time they met the Hobbits, as the years peacefully brought them death too.

As he had promised, he remains with his friends. With Elarinya's death, Gwestril takes the throne, and Legolas leaves for Gondor with Gimli, and they both join Aragorn as his hair turns grey too.

It is with Aragorn's death, on the year 120 of the Fourth Age, that the sea call returns. It is not a violent call, but rather a small reminder that there is something, some other adventure still waiting for Legolas. Arwen wanders deep into the woods, and Legolas is sad as he can't do anything to help his friend. No matter what he does or says, Arwen will fade. 

Legolas stands with Gimli by Aragorn's tomb. The dwarf too has grown old but still hasn't lost his spirit. They dine together with Eldarion and his family, Faramir and Éowyn's descendents, Éomer's descendents, Legolas' children and grandchildren too. It is done, Legolas thinks, Middle Earth is in the hands of Men now. Both he and Gimli must have the same thought, as they look at each other at the same time and smile proudly. 

By the end of the dinner, Legolas and Gimli sit around a fire pit and Galadhanar approaches with a wooden box on his hand "Father, I've been keeping this for some years now," Legolas tilts his head and his son continues "Mother asked me to give this to you on Aragorn's death." 

Legolas wides his eyes and takes the box, as Galadhanar smiles, kisses the top of his head and leaves. Gimli gets closer, curious with the box's contents, but inside it is only a small letter and a scroll.

«My love, I figure the sea is finally calling you. Trust your heart and follow it. Your carpentry skills were never great and I do not want this to be a task you do alone, so ask Gimli to join you on both land and sea. I'm sure the Valar will accept his presence, as there has never been a stronger and pure friendship such as yours.

Our life has been the most beautiful.


The scroll is the construction plan for a boat. On that moment, a gentle breeze passes by and it brings the smell of a flower he has grown very used to along these years. Morning stars. He smiles and a tear rolls down his cheek, as he feels his wife with him right on that moment, their sacred bond warming his heart, filling him with love. He cleans his face, stands up and offers his hand to Gimli "Come, my friend. There is one last adventure for us."

The two friends build the boat and sail. 


Thank you for being part of this journey, I hope you've enjoyed this story!

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