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During the rest of the journey, they came across eleven orc search patrols, with four to six orcs each. However, they were easily dealt with.

They sneaked into Goblin Town through the exit the dwarves had taken before. However, they exited as soon as they entered as it didn't take them long to realize an army was needed - hundreds of orcs stood over them, and they would never be able to kill them all.

They rode fast, away from the mountains, and started the return journey to Gondor. As they prepare to leave after resting in the High Pass, Elarinya speaks "I'm not returning south with you."

They all look at her in disbelief. Gimli is the first to speak "You're staying here?"

She nods "I have some dealings in this area. I will be here when the army comes though, and help slaying all those orcs."

The hobbits start asking a thousand questions - where would she go, what did she need to do, why couldn't she come with them and then return here with the army, and many more. Elarinya kept silent, and her face still like a statue with a serious semblance, usual whenever she was asked a personal question she did not want to answer.

"Merry, Pippin," Legolas calls quietly "We will be safe and Umbra can take care of herself," he looks at her and then with a confident smile at his friends "I'm sure we will meet again."

"Yes, I promise to return," Elarinya nods, throwing Legollas an appreciative glance "But I really must do something now, and I cannot go south and north and waste all this time. I'm very sorry to disappoint you, and it is not my intention to make you feel that you have been betrayed, but I have to stay."

Gimli surprises her with a hug, which Elarinya returns warmly and tights him with a smile on her face. He speaks "Until the battle, then. Be safe, lassie"

The hobbits follow and hug her too. Elarinya feels bittersweet, but she has to return to her sister and prepare her people for the possible incoming orc attacks. She helps Gimli and the hobbits mount and Legolas is the last to come to her. She speaks lowly in his tongue "My lord, I apologize for this unexpected-"

"You don't have to explain," Legolas interrupts with a small smile "Do you need anything for your journey?"

He is so beautiful and kind, Elarinya is out of words. This time, she is the one who wishes to throw her arms around him and hug him tightly. She shakes her head instead "I still have a lot of supplies," she pauses "Thank you, prince Legolas. We will meet soon. And send my congratulations to the queen and king once their child is born."

He smiles and places his left hand over her right shoulder. It's the elven greeting and she knows it, but feels too innapropriate and close to respond. His words surprise her even more "Stay safe, mellon."

Legolas rides, the hobbits wave goodbye, and she watches them leave. When she loses them to the horizon, she mounts her horse and heads to the mountains.


After a month and half, Legolas and Gimli, along with Gondorian soldiers, return to Goblin Town. Elarinya doesn't meet them before the battle, nonetheless they know she is inside, as havoc starts on some upper level, making a huge pack of orcs fall to their deaths. Also, an orc that is prepared to strike Gimli is struck with an arrow in its lower back, and though the injury is nothing, the arrow suddenly lights up on fire, the orc burns and the havoc the burning orc causes is enough to kill three others. Gimli cheers wildly and raises his ax, slaying the rest that surround him.

Amidst the soldiers and the orcs' bodies, the two friends can't find Elarinya. They search for her inside, scavange among the bodies, head outside and call for her, but she doesn't appear.

"That sneaky little woman, she entered and exited without being noticed!" Gimli says, encountering Legolas after searching for her.

"I'm sure she is alright," Legolas says, mostly trying to convince himself. He thought she would at least have the decency of greeting them "She could already be with the men on the front, perhaps."

They stay for a little longer, searching for her on the paths of the mountains, but they never find her. Gimli speaks "If she wants to come with us, she will find her way. We should go, lad."

Legolas nods and they join the guards in their return to Minas Tirith.


Six weeks pass after the assault on Goblin Town when Elarinya reaches Gondor. It is already night and Minas Tirith is slightly covered in snow, but what is most noticeable on the city is the party. People celebrate everywhere, there is music on the streets, the air smells of warm food and beer, and flags of Gondor, Rohan and Ithilien are hanging from all over the place.

Elarinya reaches the palace where she enters easily. A party is being held, celebrating the three months of the birth of little prince Eldarion, with the surrounding kingoms invited, and people are welcome to celebrate the life of their future king.

The formal attire contrasts deeply with Elarinya, who still has snow embeded in her hair and in the black fur blanket that covers her usual cape, and her nose and cheeks are red from the strong cold winds and snow hitting her face. It calls too much attention, but luckily some of the attention she wishes - two hobbits appear in front of her "Umbra!"

"Merry, Pippin," Elarinya seems shaken and tired, she forces a smile "It is good to see you."

"Well, we were expecting you would be here sooner," Pippin comments "Is everything alright?"

"Not quite. I suppose king Aragorn is too busy?"

"They are all attending their lord-y duties, still greeting and talking to all lords, even though Eldarion already went to his room," Merry answers "Everyone is here, you can finally meet Lady Éowyn and-"

Elarinya interrupts "I'm sorry Merry, but I'm feeling too tired. I'll just wait around for the party to be over."

The hobbits don't have a chance to say more, Elarinya walks away deeper into the palace and they lose her between all the people.

Elarinya escapes the mess and climbs the stairs to the floor where the room queen Arwen had offered her stays. The hallways are dark and the music is muffled, so Elarinya sits on the stairs and sighs, finally having some time to rest and think.

She had rode so fast that she made the way to Minas Tirith in less than two weeks. More orcs, out of nowhere, had attacked the place where her people stood, and they still refused going south to Gondor. Elarinya must ask Aragorn for help, but how will he trust her? She didn't return with them to Minas Tirith the first time on Goblin Town, neither did she join Gimli and Legolas after the attack. They must hate her, even the hobbits seemed a little harsh towards her. She probably deserves it, but all she wants is to keep her sister safe.

Her self-loathing thoughts and worries only stop when she hears metal hitting the ground on the lower floor. She raises and peers over the handrail. From her point of view, a guard that secures the hallway to the royal chambers is collapsed. She furrows her eyebrows and then Merry's words pop in her head «Eldarion already went to his room».

Elarinya races down the stairs.


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