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Betty Cooper was a amazing girl, she was semi popular, she was cousins with the most popular girl in school however didn't enjoy much popularity. But she did enjoy it a bit considering she was noticed by tons of cute boys at her school, her best friend is Veronica Lodge, they've been best friends since middle school and have always been close to one another. Veronica Lodge also had a brother who was a grade above them named Jughead Jones, their father was pretty wealthy owning a few business. Jughead is dating Archie Andrews, everyone knew he was bisexual because he's been with a girl before however he's recently came out and he's been happy. Betty had been in an amazing relationship with Jughead's best friend Sweet Pea. She was extremely in love with him because he was so sweet to her, they began dating when she was in grade 10. She a sophomore and he a junior. She was so happy and she felt loved. She had a great relationship with both her father and mother, her father and mother both worked at the local newspaper together and Betty was happy with her life. She had the perfect life, an amazing boyfriend, amazing friends, she seemed to have the perfect life. However it was far from that to be exact. Betty and Sweet had dated exactly for 8 months...till an unfortunate happening...after 8 beautiful months of happiness, love. Everything. He ended it with her, she was getting ready for a date, it was the start of May, she put on a white skirt with a white cropped shirt, she had on some white socks and baby pink sneakers with a pink oversized sweater. She saw her mom come in and smile at her as she got ready.

Her mother asked "going to see Sweet Pea?"

Betty nodded saying "we've been together for 8 months...it's been so amazing! We're going to Pops."

Her mom smiled and hugged her and kissed her head while wiping off the lipstick from the spot.

"Have fun okay, your father and I need to go and have a special meeting about the newspaper with mayor McCoy, be home by 8 or 9 okay?"

Betty nodded and left behind her mom and dad, as she walked to Pops she then got a call from Veronica, she smiled picking it up.

But then heard "Betty?"

She was confused and said "Jughead? Why do you have Veronica's phone? What did you do to her!"

He sighed and said "don't go see Sweet Pea okay?"

She then asked "why? Why would you even care?"

He then said "just don't go okay?"

Betty hung up and rolled her eyes, she got to Pops and sat down ordering a vanilla milkshake for the both of them with some fries. Sweet Pea came inside and she smiled and kissed him. He slightly kissed her back as she had a large grin on her face.

She said "I ordered us some fries and a milkshake."

She fed him a fry with some vanilla ice cream on it and he smiled lightly as he ate it.

He sighed and said "Betty we...we need to talk..."

She nodded and he turned to him flustered and bit his bottom lip looking at her.

He said "I....I like Josie."

She stared at him and said "as...as a friend? Or..."

He sighed and said "more then...a friend...I have since sophomore year..."

She gulped and said "why were you with me then?"

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