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Jughead's POV
I was at Betty's house, I was having dinner with her parents tonight.

"This is amazing Mr and Mrs Cooper you honestly don't know how much I'd love my own mom to cook me a homemade meal, I mean...not that having steak everyday is a bad thing..."

They laughed and Betty smiled, I smirked lightly as I put my hand near her thigh and she crossed her legs, I smirked lightly as I moved my hands closer and suddenly her spoon dropped.

"Crap..." she muttered.

She went under the table and suddenly I felt her near my lap, I gulped and she smirked at me and began feeling my crotch, I groaned and moved lightly.

She said "it must be right in front of me I can't find it..."

I gulped lightly and she stopped and came back up having the spoon in her hand and I glared at her, and that went on for a whole week...we were at the last day and I was in class when I was walking out of class I was shoved into a room and it was Betty.

"Fine! You win! Fuck me Jughead..."

I rose my eyebrows and I said "really?"

She nodded and I smirked and said "not here...I know some place...that people won't find us..."

She smiled and I took her with me, we were in the boys locked room and I slammed her against the wall and kissed her, I kissed her neck and began taking her clothing off, I took mine off as well and groaned.

"Fuck I've missed you so much..."

She then said "me or my body?"

I then said "both..."

She giggled lightly and I then set her down and took her pants off and she smirked at me and I smiled and kissed her and held her. I lifted her against the wall and slammed into her it.

She said "I win!"

I was confused and she covered her mouth saying "I told you I wanted you to fuck me...but I didn't put your penis inside me, nor did I shove you down and begin riding you...so I win..."

I scoffed and said "you tricked me."

She giggled and said "I'm smarter then you, another thing that girls are better then boys at."

I scoffed and said "you've been...a naughty girl..."

She smiled saying "you gonna punish me?"

I smiled and lightly held her neck and she held my hand. I smirked and pulled out of her and I pushed her down on her knees and she smiled grabbing me and blew me, I groaned and held her head as I leaned back my head, she looked up at me and gasped.

I smiled lightly saying "how about we finish this somewhere else?"

She smiled and we left school quickly. We were at her house, I held her in bed as she held me.

I said "fine you won fair and square."

She giggled and said "told ya..."

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