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Betty's POV
We were inside the room and I looked at Jughead and he held my face.

"You've got this...afterwords I have a surprise okay?" Jughead told me.

I nodded and he kissed me, I held his hands and he smiled.

I said "I love you."

He smirked saying "I love you more..."

I smiled and suddenly saw Archie coming in, I held Jughead and he walked past me.

Jughead said "calm down okay? I promise he's guilty, I believe in you."

I smiled and nodded.

I sat down and they said "rise."

We stood up and the judge said "does the jury have a verdict?"

A women said "yes your honor."

He smiled and grabbed an envelope and looked through it, I smiled lightly and he gave it to a person and I sighed and clenched my fists. I turned my head seeing Jughead as he smiled and began slowly breathing. I smiled and nodded as the envelope began opening and I held my stomach as it rumbled.

Before anything happened I said "excuse me..."

I ran out of there and ran to the bathroom and began throwing up, I held my stomach and I stopped. I washed my mouth and looked in the mirror and began crying, I cried into my hands and I saw Veronica and Kevin and I sniffled and she hugged me.

I sobbed saying "what if he wins..."

She then said "that won't happen B!"

I shook my head saying "what if he only gets like...2 years!"

She sighed and I said "I'm scared...I'm scared."

Kevin hugged me and I cried and they said "he's gonna loose we promise! He will not win!"

I whimpered and said "if I loose that means they didn't believe me...they didn't believe the truth! And I don't want to know that if he's not guilty!"

They sighed and I said "if not my life is over! I have to walk in fear everyday! Thinking that he'll rape me again! But this time succeed in killing me, impregnating me! All because Jughead loves me..."

I sighed and lifted up my dress saying "this! This is what I have to look at everyday and know he tried to kill me!"

They sighed and I held my head saying "Jughead didn't see it because I had it covered with makeup, but now I'm... I'm gonna..."

I sat on the floor and cried holding my head saying "I just want to have a normal life! A normal teenage experience! Got to school! Live my senior year! Get excited for college when I can't even think straight!"

They looked down and I said "I've not been able to look at my college applications because I was terrified...what if they know and don't want me?"

They sighed and I said "I'm scared... every time I'm in therapy I lie! Because I'm scared of what she'll think! I was raped! I can't talk about it with you because you don't understand! I wanted my mom! I wanted my dad! I wanted you! Kevin! Jughead! But I was in that bed and home all night long...with Archie. And now all I see when I look at myself is him right behind me..."

I cried and they held me and I said "I just want to be normal..."

I cried and Kevin said "there is no normal...we're so sorry Betty."

I cried and I said "I need help..."

Veronica then said "we know it's hard...but you have too be strong B...I get you want to break down but right now we must get the answer you need, after this you can tell me anything! And I will try to understand...B your like my sister and I feel horrible because I never realized you felt like this..."

I wiped my eyes and hugged her saying "I just...I just need you guys...after this...whatever happens...can we...can we get Pops? Got to your place, play some video games...have a sleepover..."

Veronica nodded "yes we will."

I laughed and hugged her as she said "now let's go get that verdict and watch Archie's ass be put in jail forever."

I smiled and nodded as she kissed my cheek and we got up and left.

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