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Betty sat in her room for days on end and just didn't speak with anyone, didn't speak with friends, didn't speak with almost anyone anymore. Her mother and father didn't know what happened and couldn't understand. It was the last day of sophomore year and she combed her hair as her mom and dad walked in holding a tray full of goods for breakfast.

They said "we made special blueberry pancakes."

She then said "I'm not hungry..."

Her mom sighed and she walked out.

Her dad asked "want me to drop you off today? Call Veronica? Kevin?"

She then said "I...I rather go alone please?"

He nodded and kissed her head of hair saying "just be okay alright? We love you."

She nodded and he smiled, when she walked to school she looked at her phone seeing photos of Sweet Pea and Josie, she went through her phone and saw photos of her and Sweet Pea, she was at Sweet Water lake and sighed lightly. She kicked her legs on the bridge and sighed looking around, she then saw messages from Josies friends about her and she cried lightly as she looked down, she saw some messages from Sweet Peas friends and cried. They were awful messages, horrible messages because Sweet Pea was telling lies and no one knew but them. She then sighed lightly and went into her contact and saw a number, she pressed it and placed the phone to her ear as it rung, on the second ring it was picked up.

They picked up saying "hello?"

She smiled saying "hey it's Betty..."

They then said "Betty? Do you need Veronica?"

She then said "no...I just need you to tell her something..."

Betty cried saying "tell her she's been an amazing best friend...that I love her more then anyone in this world...that she was the sister I never had...and that she's never going to be replaced in my heart. Tell Kevin I could've never asked for a better gay best friend I hope him and Moose stay together...tell my mom and dad I love them?"

They said "Betty what are you doing? Where are you?"

She then said "Sweet Pea...Fangs...Josie and her PussyCats....tell them that they can be happier cause I'm done with this life now. And that they can be happier."

She hung up the phone and threw it in the water, she went into her bag finding some pills and began taking them over and over and over again. She drank some water in between and wiped her mouth. She sighed and went up on the bridge and stood on the edge. She gulped and put her headphones on and turned around closing her eyes and held her arms out as she shut her eyes closed and tipped back falling all the way down.

The random person she called, was Jughead.


Jughead worried of course ran to Archie saying "somethings extremely wrong right now Betty... somethings wrong."

He then said "I'll get Mr and Mrs Cooper, you call 911."

Archie nodded and of course the whole huge event happened. Soon the cops were able to trace Betty's phone call and found her at Sweet Water Lake, everyone was in panic in the community over why this had happened, her parents had the biggest worry of all. She fortunately survived. If not had been for Jughead's actions, she wouldn't have made it. Soon enough Betty woke up in a hospital room when her parents were in relief that she was finally awake. She was panicking and was apologizing over and over to her parents. They of course didnt want her to speak but to just be with her and didnt want to know at that moment but be grateful she was okay after 72 hours on watch she was able to go home, when she got home she was on her bed holding her legs to her chest as her mom came in still worried.

"Will you say what happened?" She asked.

Alice gulped and said "Betty...please tell me what's wrong?"

She then said "everything! I try to be perfect for everyone but I can't be! Sweet Pea and his friends and his new fucking girlfriend hates me and I don't even know why..."

Alice sighed and said "Elizabeth...why didn't you just come to me?"

Betty cried out "I didn't want to be a bother..."

Her mother said "sweetheart...you will never be a bother to me or your father..."

Betty began crying and her mother hugged her.

Her mother said "we're gonna get you some help okay? I promise, just don't do this again please..."

Her mother and father both found her a therapist she would go to her everyday and talk with them. She would go everyday of the summer and never had contact with any of her friends because of her embarrassment and sadness. Betty was at the park alone on a swing looking at the floor, she snuck out of her house.

Suddenly she heard "hey?"

She turned her head slightly seeing Jughead, he sat down on the swing next to her.

He said "none of us have seen you...for a month."

She shrugged saying "I didn't want to bother anyone..."

He then asked "why'd you do it? And why call me?"

She sighed and said "because you defended me against Sweet Pea...you tried...plus we didn't usually talk...I only speak with Veronica, Kevin...Cheryl. I just thought...you wouldn't think anything of it."

He sighed and said "of course I would...I wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

She sniffled and got up and began walking away, she put her hood on her head and he ran over to her and he stopped her.

He asked "hey...why are you acting like this?"

She then said "I just...I just want to be alone please leave me alone..."

She began walking away and he sighed and watched her run away. As days came closer to the first day of school Betty was working on herself.

As she was in therapy, her therapist said "now that school is coming closer...how about talking to some old friends? Even if...you know."

She sniffled and said "I'm scared...I'm scared they hate me."

She sighed and said "if they hate you they aren't friends sweetheart."

She sniffled and rubbed her eyes as her therapist said "call them okay."

She rubbed her eyes and nodded lightly as she grabbed her phone and called Veronica.


She then said "V? I think I need your help..."

Veronica hung up and Betty looked at her phone and she was about to cry till again Veronica called.

"Where are you!" Veronica shouted into the phone.

Betty then said "Riverdale Mental Therapy Clinic."

The phone hung up again and in a few minutes her therapist got a call and Veronica was at the door.

Betty got up gulping saying "do you hate me?"

She asked and Veronica began crying and hugged her tightly saying "I could never ever hate you...I love you and missed you so much Betty..."

Veronica smiled and Betty smiled and hugged her as her therapist smiled.

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