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Veronica's POV
I was with my brother and held his hand as my phone dinged.

"Mhmm Betty?"

I opened the message that read 'Archie almost beat up Kevin. Come help me at his place?"

I gasped and Jughead said "what's wrong?"

I then said "Archie was beating Kevin..."

I grabbed my things and Jughead said "I'll come with!"

I sighed and he said "you won't make it to his house that fast."

I groaned and we left together. We got to his house and I knocked and rang the doorbell like five times.

Betty saw me and I asked "how is he!"

I walked inside the living room and saw Kevin on his couch with a ice pack on the left side of his head, his right eye a black eye, his leg had a bruise.

I said "holy fuck what happened!"

I went over and Betty said "well first we bumped into Archie and then he said if we were Jughead's 'bitch of a sister friends'."

I got up slowly saying "alright that's it! He's getting thrown off a cliff!"

I stomped for the door but Jughead grabbed me and set me down as I huffed.

"Fine! Ugh!"

I sat down on the couch chair and crossed her arms.

"Then I told him to not call you that and may have...slapped him. But then he threatened me, Kevin was defending me then he just went all over Kevin." Betty said.

Kev sighed and said "I'm glad I took wrestling this year and last year..."

I groaned and looked at Jughead.

He said "I've gotta do something..."

He kissed Betty goodbye and left and I went over to Kevin.

I said "Archie is a lunatic..."

Jughead's POV
I was at sheriff Keller's job and saw Ms Andrews and Archie together.

"Hey Archie..."

He hugged me and I gulped and Ms Andrews walked away.

He said "god your sisters friends are so ridiculous and stupid. They literally beat me up for no reason and then say I'm the reason Kevin got hurt...could you believe it!"

He laughed and I said "you called my sister a bitch, you beat up her friend and you threatened them."

He then said "so? They're losers Jughead, they don't care about people like us...you really think someone like...like Veronica could one day be with someone, please shes a slut..."

I clenched my fist and he said "Kevin too! Him and Moose have been on the rocks and once they finally break up then what? He'll just run off to the first boy who wants him."

I clenched my other fist and he said "what about Betty? That no good Betty? We saw her at the party she kissed Sweet Pea, for all we know she...she gave him a..."

I clenched my fist harder and punched him and he held his face as I grabbed his collar.

"Don't you dare talk about my friends and family like that. I swear to god if you ever speak about my little sister and her friends that way Archie...it'll be the last you hear from me...and don't you dare talk about Betty like that. Sweet Pea fucked her up and she almost committed suicide twice...maybe even almost a third time...but if you say anything and she actually is able to go through it...god Archie you'll never even see me again let alone speak or make contact with me." I told him.

I let go of him and he gulped and I said "we're...we're done."

He looked at me and I said "I needed to say it for a long time but I loved you so much and wanted something special I was so fucking blind to not see it!"

He looked at me and I said "I'm fucking done...this whatever it was...you can forget about it."

I frowned and just left. I was at my house and rubbed my head and groaned as Veronica walked in.

"You okay?" She asked.

I sighed and she came next to me saying "it'll get better."

I sighed and she sat on my bed smiling "it may not feel like it...but you and Betty are endgame, I can feel it...every time I see you two...it just fits...like an Oreo...your the chocolate, shes the filling, or a chocolate strawberry, again, shes the strawberry your the chocolate...your the only thing that's make her a tad bit better cause your protecting her more than any of us can..."

I smiled saying "really?"

She nodded and said "Jughead...I have not seen Betty this happy, you and her are meant for each other."

I sighed and she kissed my cheek saying "trust me big brother...I can see true love from miles away."

I smiled and suddenly we heard a knock and saw Betty, Veronica got up and turned back and winked at me, I rolled my eyes and Betty came over to my bed.

She asked "you mad at me?"

I scoffed saying "no."

She then said "I'm sorry for picking up a fight..."

I shook my head "it's fine Betts, you stood up for my sister, I just hate that he threatened you..."

She smiled and kissed me and I kissed her back and she giggled lightly.

I smiled and she said "you know your the most amazing guy ever..."

I gulped and she kissed me again.

I looked at her and said "I'm sorry I've been keeping us a secret, but your everything... your it for me."

She smiled and kissed me as I kissed her back.

She said "how about a sleepover? No sex, just us, watching movies while eating popcorn?"

We laughed and she said "or maybe...we could go for one round...but we have to be quiet..."

I smirked saying "then how about I love you tonight?"

She smiled and kissed me and I kissed her back and she laid down on my bed.

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