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Jughead's POV
It was the first week of the New Year and Betty and I still haven't made things official but...our life has been getting a bit more...intense...mainly the sex part. Since I used to date a guy usually I'm not the one to take control but I am now and I have been fucking horny. Such as during New Years Eve, while everyone was celebrating we were at the Five Seasons...let's just say we...really took over the couples suite. From there it kinda went everyday now we were having sex, the next day she was the one in control and I let her be and I really much enjoy it. Today we were at my house alone, I was fucking her from behind as she held herself up against my chest, I held her and as we stopped we laid down and she carefully breathed and smiled.

"God I love doing this..." she moaned out.

She laid on top of me and I chuckled and my phone rang and I saw Archie.

She saw and said "your gonna have to tell him...you love me..."

I chuckled and she kissed me, I kissed her back and my phone fell off my bed and she stopped and went down and I smirked lightly and she began giving me a blowjob, I held her hair and moaned holding her head as she came back up smiling.

"God you boys always are so horny..."

I scoffed saying "hey, when I was with Archie I never put anything of mine into his, he usually liked taking control."

She smiled saying "so does it feel better with me?"

I smiled saying "it's so much better..."

She giggled and I kissed her and she held my face and I pulled away. She smiled and her phone began ringing and sighed she grabbed it.

She said "it's my mom, wondering when I'll be home"

I sighed and said "stay forever..."

She giggled and kissed me and said "last chance for sex..."

I smirked and she got up and began getting her clothes on, I grabbed my boxers and she began leaving and as she left my room I walked out and smirked grabbing her. She gasped and I kissed her.

She smiled saying "boys are so horny."

I scoffed and she said "it's the truth, I bet you can't go a week without sex."

I scoffed saying "are you asking me to a challenge?"

She smirked and crossed her arms and I smirked lightly as she sighed.

I said "fine."

She smiled and I said "how about we start...before you go? Like once you leave it starts?"

She sighed and said "your gonna go down..."

I smirked and kissed her, I lifted her onto the counter in the kitchen, I lowered my boxers and pulled her underwear and pants. She lifted up her shirt and I thrusted inside her, she moaned and I held her hips and thrusted inside her and she held my neck. I smiled and lifted her up and she held me.

I got her on the couch and she said "what if your parents walk in!"

I smiled and kissed her, she held my face and I thrusted inside her and moaned lightly holding her hips as her phone began ringing again, I threw it over to the small couch chair and she held my neck and kissed me, her hands ran through my hair and I smiled lightly and moaned.

She moaned out "fuck..."

She leaned back and I felt her hands pierce my back and I groaned lightly as I felt her hands touch my bum and she began pushing my bum closer to her.

"Keep going Juggie..." I smirked and went faster.

I felt her legs wrap around mine. I smiled and she moaned leaning back.

She said "god Jug..."

I groaned as she then pushed me off and went on top of me, I smiled and held her hips as I sat up, I held her and thrusted up and she moaned holding my neck. I smirked and kissed her.

She said "fuck..."

I smiled and groaned as I came and she gasped lightly and held me tightly and I groaned as I twitched inside her. We both panted and smiled as our foreheads laid on one another, she looked at me and I stared at her, she held my face and smiled.

She said "I still think your gonna loose."

She got up and I scoffed and she grabbed her clothes quickly getting them and ran out with her stuff as I grabbed my boxers and went back to my room.

Betty's POV
"He's gonna loose, boys give in so much easier then girls." Veronica told me.

Kevin said "no I think Betty will give in, girls have a very sensitive vagina and I think since Betty says he's ten inches like fuck I'd cum faster then someone could say boo!"

I yelled "I'm right here!"

Veronica and Kevin looked at me and I said "don't worry he's gonna loose because I'm gonna tease him, we've set up rules last night, we can't masturbate, no watching porn, nothing! If we do we just prove the other is better."

Veronica then said "well...since we're at my house...I may have some ideas..."

We were at my house and she had a full on clothing rack filled with lingerie.

I scoffed and she said "he will fucking crack."

I smiled and Kevin said "nope I think Betty is thinking on how big his dick is so then she can masturbate with herself."

I scoffed saying "he's weak, I'm winning."

As I put on different lingere clothing I took photos and sent them to Jughead, as Veronica put a robe on me we then sent them to him and he saw all of them, he called me, Veronica freaked out and Kevin stared at us and i sighed.

I smirked answering on speaker "Juggie?"

He then said "I'm winning, the lingerie won't phase me Cooper."

He hung up and I scoffed as suddenly he sent me a photo of him with no erection and him giving a thumbs up.

"Ugh! How rude! And gross! Ugh!" Veronica yelled.

I groaned saying "he's fucking going down..."

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