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Months Later...
Betty's POV
I was with with Veronica in court with Miss McCoy I was sitting down, it was April and I'm supposed to be enjoying my senior year but it's been hectic. I was almost paralyzed from the waist down but thankfully the bullet didn't travel in deep enough. It was raining outside when I flinched at the gavel slamming down I gulped lightly as I turned my head seeing Archie and his mom. I saw him staring at me with his fists clenched and Mrs McCoy stood up.

She said "your honor, my client and I would like to... we would need DNA from Mr Archie Andrews to see if...his sperm matches what Ms Cooper found in herself the morning after the incident."

Then his mother got up saying "my son is underage he is not permitted."

The judge sighed and Ms McCoy saying "sir this man is being tried as an adult, he is legally 18!"

His mom said "he wasn't 18 during the time she said it had happened."

Ms McCoy said "yet he is still being tried as an adult your honor."

He slammed his gavel saying "sustained...Mr Archibald will provide DNA testing with the collected sperm molecules from Elizabeth Cooper. Recess."

He slammed his gavel and I sighed going to my mom  and she hugged me and held me and I held her.

She said "you are so lucky Dr Curdle Jr is amazing and you went to him during the whole predicament..."

It was the next day and we were back in court, I saw my mom and dad, they smiled and I smiled as Veronica hugged me and I sat down in my seat as people with cameras and all watched.

"Stay in motion and calm down sweetheart okay? I will make sure he's locked up." Mrs McCoy whispered.

I smiled and she smiled as we heard "all rise."

We stood up as someone said "court is now in session the Honorable Judge C. Britton presiding."

The man sat down as we were still up as a man said "you may be seated."

We all sat down and he looked at Archie saying "Mr Andrews, are you ready to enter a plea this time?"

He then said "yes your honor."

He then said "how do you proceed with the charges against you?"

He smirked saying "not guilty on all of them your honor."

I scoffed and Ms McCoy rubbed my thigh and I sighed lightly looking down. As the days would go by I just hated this...I was at home when I was in my room looking at a picture of Jughead and I on prom night.

I smiled saying "I wish you could be here right now..."

I sniffled and kissed the photos and set it down and a tear left my eye.

Suddenly I heard "you okay?"

I saw my mom and nodded saying "getting through it one day at a time."

She smiled saying "come on, we don't wanna be late"

I nodded and we left. We were sitting on our seats as the judge was sitting in front of us.

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