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Betty's POV
I hugged him and he hugged me back and I cried.

"I've missed you..." I admitted.

He rubbed my back saying "I've missed you too Betts..."

I sniffled and cried holding him and he pulled away.

"How was your first year?" I asked.

He shrugged saying "it was good, I liked it..."

I smiled and he asked me "you okay?"

I nodded and said "I'm just so happy I..."

I then saw from behind him Archie and I gulped as Jughead turned his head and he held me and Archie walked away.

Jughead said "I'm here...just for a few weeks..."

I smiled and hugged him saying "I've missed you so much Juggie..."

He smiled saying "well, we have the whole day to ourselves...how about we do something fun?"

I smiled and nodded and he smirked as he ran out of the courthouse.

Jughead's POV
I took Betty to Sweet Water River and we were eating Pops on a blanket.

She smiled saying "I've missed you...it's been awful without you."

I laughed and she smiled "Riverdale High is not holding prom this year, because of what happened last year."

I sighed and said "I'm sorry Betts."

She shook her head frowning saying "I just wish...I could've been prom Queen, I've always wanted to...ever since I was 6..."

I sighed and she looked down and she said "I miss us...I missed you."

I smiled and felt her hand on mine and I held her hand and looked at her, she looked at me and I kissed her, she held my neck and she moved to my lap and I held her as we slowly pulled away.

I smiled as she said "I'm guessing you missed me too..."

I chuckled and she said "you know...I haven't had sex since you were gone...i honestly couldn't...I couldn't imagine someone else..."

I smiled and said "same..."

She smiled and said "really?"

I sighed saying "trust me...there have been may moments when girls tried."

She laughed and I smiled and kissed her she smiled and suddenly she got up.

She said "your gonna have to catch me first."

I scoffed and got up and she began running around, but I tripped and she moved away and I fell into the water. I swam up and she was laughing.

I said "this ain't funny!"

I sighed and she said "fine I'm sorry!"

She reached for my hand but I smirked and I pulled her into the water. She swam up and I laughed and she scoffed splashing water at me I chuckled and held her as she wrapped herself around me.

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