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Betty's POV
I was lying to everyone...I wasn't happy. I was trying my best but I'm slowly giving up. Inside I'm breaking and breaking and soon...I feel like my time will come. I've been trying to me happy but I can't...I've been able to get away with some things...such as cutting my thighs. Or digging my nails into my hands...it's been really easy but painful since Veronica tries to get us manicures every now and then. I was in the Blue and Gold with Kevin as we tried writing an article until the door blasted opened and we heard.

"Guys did you get my texts!?"

We were confused and Kevin said "V we're trying to publish about the upcoming football games and strategizing what we should do and all year long preparing for next year so no Veronica!"

I was in shock and he said "sorry...me and Moose have been fighting..."

Veronica said "it's alright, but Jughead fucking broke up with Archie for good! The bastard was cheating on him! Look!"

We were confused and she said "my parents have surveillance cameras all around our apartment, Archie came over for a sleepover the other day and me being me being snoopy..."

She came in between us and played a video of Archie jerking off.

I said "I don't want to see this..."

She said "come on B, please? I get your Virgin but...please?"

I sighed and said "fine whatever..."

We continued watching the video and suddenly he got a call.

He picked it up saying "hey?"

We stared at him and he said "don't worry Jughead and me are basically not a thing, trust me I don't even cum anymore when we fuck, and I fake everything..."

I sighed lightly and he said "I miss you too...don't worry...I'm all yours, this is our last night together I promise okay?"

He hung up and suddenly Jughead came out of the bathroom and I gulped.

Veronica stopped it saying "you guys know what happens next...I showed Jughead...he wasn't happy. He stayed home today. Poor brother is like a sad puppy..."

I sighed and said "he must feel awful...I wouldn't blame him..."

Veronica then said "hey...B I know you and Sweet Pea broke up just this year...but I can't speak to my brother maybe you can?"

I gulped and said "I don't know..."

She then said "you don't have to okay? It's fine I just...my brother has never been this heartbroken, cause he also told me...he knew he betrayed him once and trusted him again. And what he told me...he actually slept with someone when he found this out, I don't know who...but he said he regretted what he said to her..."

I looked at her and asked "what do you mean?"

Kevin nodded and she said "he told this mystery one night stand, after having sex with her it was a mistake...but as soon as he left her house...he just wanted to run back and tell her...he loved that she cared about him...even when she had been through her own messy life."

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