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Betty's POV
I was sitting in my seat as Veronica said "don't worry, he's coming back okay? I know he will."

I smiled and said "I know...I'm just worried."

She nodded and smirked saying "he's okay..."

I turned my head seeing Jughead looking upset.

I walked over saying "hey? You okay?"

He smiled and nodded and I saw his hand "what happened?"

I grabbed it and he said "nothing bad, I just punched him, I'm okay thought don't worry."

I sighed and kissed him gently and he smiled as I pulled away and I sighed lightly.

I asked "how about we finish that dance?"

I nodded and we went back to the dance floor, as we danced to a slow song I held Jughead.

He said "tonight...is gonna be a night to remember okay? I set up reservations for the most expensive suite at the Five Seasons, just you and I all night."

I smiled and kissed him and said "what about Archie?"

He shook his head saying "all I want to care about...is you."

I giggled as he twirled me and held me, he dipped me but as he did I looked ahead seeing Archie and something in his hand, Jughead rose me back up and suddenly we heard gunshots being fired, people began screaming but all I felt was a sharp pain against my stomach, Jughead grabbed my hand and told me to duck but I couldn't, I looked down at my stomach and saw blood leaving my stomach and Jughead saw and I dropped to the ground holding my stomach, Jughead began panicking as I began breathing heavier.

"Call 911!"

Jughead's POV
As I tried pulling Betty down she looked down at herself and suddenly I saw blood staining the front of her dress, she turned to me and I shook my head as she fell to the floor holding her stomach.

"Someone call 911! Please!" I screamed.

Veronica saw and screamed running over and I held the wound applying pressure as my mom called Betty's parents and my dad called an ambulance and police. Veronica held Betty's head as Betty opened and closed her eyes. I looked at Veronica and held her hand as I cried lightly. We were at the hospital Veronica was asleep after two hours of crying with her head on my moms lap. Kevin was asleep too and my dad was with me.

"It's all my fault...it's all my fault..." I said crying.

My dad said "it is not..."

I sniffled and I saw Betty's parent come out and I got up with my dad as Betty's mom was crying.

"They got...they got the bullet out but...shes..."

She sniffled and Mr Cooper said "she's in a coma...they don't know when or if she'll wake up."

I gulped and said "he's lucky...he got lucky..."

I stepped back and began running my hands through my hair as I cried.

I got up and said "I've gotta go.."

And I left the hospital, I ran to the police station and saw Ms Andrews and saw Mr Keller.

"Where is he?" I asked.

He sighed and said "in police custody."

I then said "he raped Betty, I don't want to lie but he did he raped Betty."

He then asked "do you have proof?"

I rubbed my eyes and said "she was bleeding from her butt for a straight week or two, Betty said in his room he must have something...please do something..."

He nodded saying "we are figuring it out I promise."

I sighed and left. The next day I went to visit Betty in the hospital. I was in her room staring at her.

I said "hey...you okay?"

I sniffled and kissed her forehead and said "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry Betty..."

I cried out and held her saying "we are Romeo and Juliet, something is always in the way of our happiness."

I sniffled and stroked her cheek as I began sobbing. Seconds were minutes, minutes were hours, hours were days, days were weeks. I had to graduate and didn't have my girlfriend beside me to congratulate me. It was getting close to August and the first semester should be rolling in soon but I couldn't leave Betty, not now especially.

Her dad said "they said she's been getting slightly better...they still don't know if she'll wake up."

I sighed and said "I know she'll wake up."

Her mom sighed and said "being in coma for two months Jughead...she should've woken up in three weeks..."

I shook my head saying "she'll wake up...I know she will...I know it. I believe in her she's fighting."

Veronica and Kevin usually came in, mostly to cry. Whenever they come over so I'm mostly there.

I went to sheriff Keller today and said "I wanna see Archie.."

He sighed and said "follow me."

I walked with him to a cell and he opened a door and let me pass through. I saw Archie and he stared at me.

I stood there and he stood up saying "how is she?"

I smiled saying "if Betty dies ill make sure your ass is locked away forever."

He sighed and I said "but I know she will pull through, she is strong, she is the strongest person I've ever met, even stronger then you. At least she didn't try to kill Sweet Pea or Josie or the Pussy Cats. But you decided to shoot up prom."

He glared at me and he said "I didn't care, all I wanted was you."

I smiled saying "you'll never have me again."

He stared at me and said "please Jug...my mom said I have no chance of winning if Betty wakes up, maybe you...maybe you can help me? Is she on life support?"

I scoffed saying "what the hell is wrong with you!?"

He gulped and I shook my head saying "once Betty wakes up, I'm getting a restraining order against you forever!"

I then said "I can't believe my first I love you was to you, I should've said it to Betty."

I then opened the door and left.

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