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Jughead's POV
I was getting Betty's Present wrapped when my mom came into my room and she smiled walking over.

She said "is that for Archie or for Betty?"

I sighed and she smiled saying "Archie dropped this off."

She had a box and I said "what do I do mom?"

She then said "Jughead..."

She sat down in my chair saying "do you love Betty more than Archie?"

I gulped saying "I...I don't know mom...I really don't know...Archie and I have so much history but Betty and I fit..."

She smiled and stood up and stood next to me "you have to decide, I understand Archie and you have loved each other for so long, but what about Betty? You can't break the poor girls heart, do it softly if so though. But you must decide because Archie has to stop this because he thinks your not taken."

I sighed and bit my bottom lip and nodded saying "your right..."

She smiled and I grabbed Archie's gift and left for his house. I got there and knocked on the door and saw Archie, he smiled and let me inside.

I said "Archie...we've gotta talk."

He shook his head "before you say anything please...just open it?"

I sighed and looked at the present as I lifted the lid off of it and saw a little book, I was confused and I opened it and saw some memories from our relationship, our first ticket to a movie, drive in, the straw from our first milkshake. The time he invited me invited me to his football game, when we took care of his dog Vegas.

I smiled and he said "I know...I know I fucking messed up...but it's over now I promise...she was awful and I never realized how much I needed you more instead of her."

I gulped saying "Archie...this is really sweet but..."

He stopped me and said "come with me..."

I sighed and we went upstairs and we were in his room.

He said "Jughead...please forgive me...you know your the only one for me...I've regretted everything, I'm a fucking idiot, your everything for me. Your it for me...please...please forgive me."

I gulped and looked at him and kissed him, he kissed me back and he shoved me on the bed and climbed on top of me, I held his neck and he began undoing my pants and his own.

"Is your dad home?" I asked.

He shook his head and kissed me again and kissed my neck, I moaned lightly and he lifted his shirt over his head and I took off my jacket. Soon enough we...were having sex. When I woke up I was on top of him and I panicked. I got up quickly and grabbed my clothes.

He said "leaving so soon?"

I smiled saying "I've gotta go Archie I'm sorry..."

He grabbed my arm and said "I'm glad we're back together..."

I gulped and left.

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