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Betty's POV
I'm Betty Cooper and I'm a suicide survivor and... I'm a somewhat normal girl. I have had a messed up last year with my boyfriend and some kids...but now  thankful to finally be healthy again, not to where I used to be but I'm great and better. I was getting ready for my first day of school, I brushed my hair smiling today and I got my outfit ready. I slipped on everything and looked beautiful. I then ran over downstairs and saw food splattered around the kitchen table.

I yelled "this is amazing!"

I sat down and smiled as my mom said "I'm glad you're feeling better sweetheart."

My mom kissed my head and I kissed her cheek as my dad kissed my head too and sat down and mom handed his morning coffee and kissed him. I smiled as I continued eating.

When I finished I said "don't worry, Kevin is picking me up I promise!"

They nodded and I grabbed my stuff and saw my phone a text from Kevin, I ran out and saw him driving and I ran over and got inside. When we arrived at school I was at my locker when I saw Jughead, I smiled and was going to walk over to him but saw Archie with him, they were kissing and I gulped lightly and stepped back but when I turned around I saw Sweet Pea and Josie walking over to me and I gulped lightly as I ran to the girls bathroom and went into my bag but my pills fell out and I panicked more as I kneeled down grabbing them quickly as suddenly Josie walked in and saw me and laughed at me.

"Aww Betty Cooper, your trying to kill yourself again?" She asked me.

I gulped lightly and panicked more again as she went into a stall, I began getting my pills all back in and just left. The day went by a little better than I expected if I was going to be honest, it was lunch and I was alone in the Blue and Gold writing in my book.

I then heard "is this spot taken?"

I turned seeing Jughead and he smiled at me.

I got up saying "I've been trying to talk to you..."

He smiled saying "I know, I saw you trying to come at me this morning sorry about Archie, we haven't talked...all summer...it's been the first time we've got some company honestly."

I smiled saying "I just...I just wanted to see you..."

I went up to him and smiled, he smiled back.

I hugged him saying "I'm sorry I scared you...I just...I just felt like I wasn't needed because it didn't seem like I was."

He scoffed saying "everyone needs you Betty, I need you to keep my sister sane."

I smiled and he smiled and said "we should hang out more...especially cause I won't be here much longer."

I smiled and he suddenly came closer to me.

I gulped saying "that's a little to close for comfort..."

He chuckled lightly and suddenly he leaned in but all of a sudden I blinked and saw it was all in my mind.

"Oh my god..."

I looked at him and he said "what? You okay?"

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