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Veronica's POV
I panicked as Betty ran and I saw Kevin and I saw my brother.

I ran up to him saying "we need to find Betty please drive us!"

He nodded and we left.

He then said "get on my bike."

He sat in front and Kevin sat down too and I sat on his lap and we held Jughead tightly as he drove. We couldn't find Betty but my phone began ringing.

I picked it up hearing "Veronica? It's Pop...I don't think Betty is okay."

I hung up yelling "Pops now Jughead!"

He nodded and started up the bike and we drove off. We got to Pops and both Kevin and I ran inside and saw Betty, we ran over to her and she turned her head and cried and I hugged her.

She hugged me back as I said "I'm so happy you didn't hurt yourself..."

She said "me too..."

I sighed and kissed her head and said "don't ever do that again please?"

She nodded and I said "how about a sleepover? Sleepover at my place? You me, Kevin can you come?"

He sighed and said "I can't sorry, my dad wants me home just because I've been with Moose too many nights."

I sighed and said "then you me and Jughead? Jughead could you pick up some Pops? I'll text your parents okay? Our parents should be cool okay?"

She nodded and said "can we go now?"

I nodded saying "Jughead how about you order a bunch of stuff, I'll call Andre."

He nodded and stared at Betty as Betty was crying, I smiled gently seeing Jughead care about her and I began ringing Andre to my home. Soon we were at my house. I was in some Pj's and I let Betty borrow some of my clothes.

"Isn't this kinda...revealing?" She asked me.

I said "you look hot alright?"

She nodded and said "the Pops was amazing..."

I smiled and was in bed as she asked "can I sleep in the guest room? I promise...I won't do anything stupid."

She smiled and I smiled back saying "go ahead. I love you so much Betty, I would hate to see something happen to you."

She nodded and I kissed her cheek and hugged her tightly and she hugged me back.

Jughead's POV
I was pacing back and forth in my room when Betty came in and she smiled lightly and I hugged her tightly and she held me.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She shrugged and I held her face and stroked her cheeks saying "I was so scared you may have hurt yourself..."

She sniffled and began crying and I held her tightly.

I smiled and kissed her head and she said "can I...can I spend the night with you?"

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