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Jughead's POV
I was making food as I felt small arms wrap around me, I turned seeing Betty holding me. I laughed and she smiled and sat on the countertop.

"So what's my amazing boyfriend making tonight?"

I laughed saying "chicken and waffles."

She smiled and I kissed her.

She laughed saying "or..."

She turned the stove off and pulled me in between her legs. I smirked and she smiled as I kissed her.

She giggled and said "come with me?"

I nodded and we went outside, it was a beach house we were staying in, as we walked out I saw the waves and all and Betty smiled.

She said "it's beautiful at night no?"

I nodded and I wrapped my arms around her. She stared at me and I smiled looking at her.

"I also have some good news..." She told me.

She then said "it was very late and almost couldn't make it but...I turned in my applications..."

I scoffed and she said "but I'm unsure if...I don't know if they'll accept me..."

I held her shoulders saying "you are the smartest girl I've ever known, you will get into them and I know it. So don't pressure yourself alright?"

She smiled and I kissed her saying "now..."

I picked her up saying "let me finish our dinner."

She laughed and I took her back inside. As we were getting ready for bed I saw her brushing her hair and I smiled walking over and rubbing her back.

She smiled and I pecked her lips saying "you okay?"

She sighed and said "I'm still a bit shaky..."

I sighed and rubbed and held her hand tightly saying "no one's gonna hurt you okay?"

She nodded and I brought her to bed, she smiled holding me I rubbed her back as she began crying and shaking.

I sighed as she said "why won't he go away...I'm scared..."

I gulped and rubbed her head saying "hey..."

She sniffled and I said "let me make you some tea okay? You stay right here."

She nodded and I went ahead to the kitchen, I returned back and she was under her blanket and I set down the tea and she poked her head out and I looked at her as she to me and sat up carefully. I sat down and gave her the mug as she held it.

She looked at me and sniffled saying "the memories won't go away and I'm so scared everyday..."

I sighed and with a soft voice, let out "hey..."

She looked at me and I said "maybe you should go see your therapist again Betts, she helped you through everything..."

She nodded and I held her in bed and rubbed her back to calm her down. When I woke up the next morning she was asleep and I began to go ahead and make breakfast when I finished she was still asleep, she hadn't gone to bed till around almost 5 in the morning. I kissed her head and smiled as she moved and saw me.

In a tired voice, rubbing her eyes said "hi..."

I laughed saying "you want to do something?"

She asked me instead "can I show you something?"

I nodded and she smiled and carefully got up and brought me to her computer.

She opened it and said "I applied for schools...in the winter."

I said "why didn't you tell me! You've lied to me!"

She said "because my grades slipped!"

I scoffed and looked at her and she said "I wasn't valedictorian...I was on the path and I failed and I didn't want you to be disappointed...I didn't tell my mom, my dad...no one..."

I sighed and she said "I'm sorry..."

I shook my head saying "so..."

She told me "I barley got accepted into any...and for there reasoning was because I was in a legal battle..."

I frowned saying "I'm sorry."

I shook my head telling her "hey...it's okay...I'm guessing you didn't get in?"

She shook her head and I frowned as she said "and I can't repeat so...I'm never gonna be accepted..."

I frowned and she slowly began to cry and I held her and rubbed her shoulder and she held me tightly and began shaking.

I sighed as she said "I'm gonna go to a regular college...you don't think less of me? Right?"

I said "Elizabeth Cooper I would never..."

She smiled and I smiled and said "I love you, everyday my heart beats for you and only you, because I love you."

She smiled and said "I love you...thank you for being there for me and for always supporting me..."

I kissed her forehead and she said "thank you..."

I nodded saying "just...let's get you ready for college."

She sighed and we got up and began to work. As night came by and we were in bed I held her and rubbed her back.

I heard her say "Jug..."

I nodded and she looked up at me saying "I love you."

I sat up and I held her face saying "you could never ever disappoint me....I don't care if you don't get into Yale Betts, would I have loved it? Sure, I would've loved to be on the same campus's but Betty...I still know your a smart beautiful amazing girl...and I love you for who you are."

She sighed and said "you sure?"

I nodded and kissed her and she held my neck.

I laughed saying "nothing will change what I love about you."

She smiled and I kissed her again.

"Do you wanna have sex?" She asked me against my lips.

I laughed and said "well that's weird to ask the one who always wants too."

She laughed as we kissed and I smirked and pulled her down on the bed.

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