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Betty's POV
Today is the day of the party, I was getting dress and lightly curling my hair. When I finished everything I went downstairs to my parents.

I said "don't worry mom and dad I'll be back by 11. If I don't I'll text you."

As I left I was walking to my therapy session, I got there and was sitting with my therapist.

She said "today's your final day...but you can always call me if you ever feel anything."

I nodded and she smiled saying "so...is there anything that is bothering you that you'd like to tell me?"

I gulped lightly saying "I'm seeing someone... someone that wants to keep our relationship a secret, I agreed to it and suggested it, but what happens when you feel like the relationship is just...physical? And not...emotional?"

She sighed and said "so you are in a relationship that all you do is sex and nothing like dates, movies, normal teenage stuff, right?"

I nodded and she smiled saying "well sweetheart... you must tell him how you feel because if you don't it'll eat you up inside and cause you worry when you don't want to worry."

I nodded and she smiled saying "so who is this boy?"

I laughed saying "my best friends brother...it's not even that she'll care about it...more like...we got together after he broke up with his boyfriend...I'm scared what people will think...it was a one night thing but it grew more...and I like him a lot...I feel happier then with anyone ive ever been with or even liked..."

She smiled and said "and you don't want anyone to ruin it or think you ruined his old happiness?"

I nodded and she said "well...like I said, just talk to him, talking, trust, and honesty are the three key things to a relationship."

I nodded and suddenly her phone rang and she picked it up and spoke with them.

I waited she smiled saying "is there anything else?"

I shook my head and she smiled and led me out, as she escorted me I saw Jughead waiting for me in the waiting room. He got up when he saw me.

I smiled lightly saying "hey..."

He smiled at me as my therapist whispered "remember what we talked about."

I nodded and I held Jughead's hand and he smiled at me as he suddenly looked at my therapist.

"Is she...okay?" He asked her.

I gulped and she smiled saying "she's hanging in there, thanks to you."

I smiled and he looked at me and said "come on."

I nodded and we left.

As we walked out I said "thanks for coming..."

He nodded and I sighed lightly and stopped.

He stopped and I asked "am I a rebound?"

He stared at me and I said "we have only been having sex...and i know we said we have to keep this a secret but I want dates...I want presents. Attention, sleepovers...I want it all."

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