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Veronica's POV
I was with Cheryl as she told me "prom is a week away! And every senior is doing a promposal! I wanna know what Toni's is? Or do I have to do it? Usually it's the boy who asks the girl so what do you do when your Lesbian?"

I shrugged and we saw Betty, we ran and hugged her.

Cheryl said "sorry cousin I haven't spent time with you all year, between school, my relationship...it's been a lot...but I'm so upset you and Betty can't come to prom! It's so stupid."

We laughed and I said "well my parents said they're gonna chaperone and I'm planning it all so I may go but I still need to work it out you know?"

Betty hugged me and Cheryl then said "so what about Jughead?"

Betty then said "I don't know honestly...we have a class together so maybe he'll do it there? Maybe the Blue and Gold? I'm not really sure but i don't think he'll do it just because we haven't....we haven't been out together and you know..."

I sighed and said "for all we know he will do something, anyways I've gotta go do tickets catch your girls later, and I ran off.

Betty's POV
I was in class with Jughead when we sat together.

Suddenly he said "hold up Betts."

I smiled lightly and nodded as he ran over to the front of the class and suddenly he took out to vials and poured them into a soda bottle and I gulped as suddenly it puffed up and I smiled lightly and I saw Moose and Kevin and I stared at them and suddenly Moose set the foam and it all burned but a note appeared in his hand and he opened it.

"Go to prom with me Kev?" He asked.

Kevin smiled and kissed him and I smiled clapping my hands as Jughead sat down next to me and I sighed. As the day went by I saw so many people being done up with proposals even Cheryl got one by Toni! I was kinda jealous...I was at lunch when I sat down I saw Veronica come by.

"Nothing from Jughead?" She asked.

I shrugged saying "he's not ready to reveal anything yet, I'm okay with that."

She sighed and I smiled as suddenly another proposal was done with cheerleaders. I groaned and smacked my head against the table and Veronica rubbed my back. As I was at home along with Jughead who came over, I was doing homework.

Suddenly he said "so I was wondering..."

I smiled and he said "I say prom night we stay here."

I was confused and he said "have a you and me day, sure we always have those but who we truly care about is each other no?"

I sighed and smiled nodding "yeah...yeah we do..."

He kissed my forehead saying "plus Prom costs a lot so why go for one night?"

I sighed and continued working. Later that night I was at home playing with my food when my mom stared at me.

She said "Elizabeth are you okay?"

I shrugged saying "I'm not sure."

She sighed and asked "what's wrong?"

I looked at her and said "Jughead doesn't want us to go to Prom...and inside my head and I hate that I think like this!"

She asked "what do you think?"

I gulped saying "is he ashamed of me being with him?"

She sighed and hugged me and I said "was it because what happend with Archie...because I have tried to kill myself?"

She smiled and stroked my face saying "I just think Jughead loves you so much...he doesn't need you to wear some pretty dress dance with him for a few hours, eat, possibly do what teenagers do and then that's it. You can do that any other day and have it be more special."

I smiled saying "I guess..."

She smiled saying "Jughead is protecting you, have you not seen what Archie has done? I feel like I've seen Jughead here sleep in a car overnight just to make sure you won't get hurt..."

I smiled and she smiled back saying "he loves you so much Elizabeth."

I smiled brighter and she kissed my forehead saying "no matter what prom is...it doesn't mean he doesn't or does love you."

I nodded and she kissed my forehead. Later that night I was up watching F the Prom with Veronica on the Netflix sharing app.

She said "alright B I'm pooped, everything locked?"

I nodded and we hung up, I slipped inside my bed and my dad came in smiling.

"You okay?" He asked me.

I nodded and he turned off my lamp and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight sweetheart" he whispered.

I smiled and he left, I snuggled against my cat plush as my phone rang, it was Jughead and I smiled.

I picked up and said "hey, I was just about to go to bed..."

He then said "I just wanted to make sure your okay."

I nodded saying "I'm alright Juggie I promise.."

He said "I love you."

I giggled lightly saying "I love you more..."

He suddenly hung up, next thing I knew I heard tapping on my window, I walked over seeing Jughead and he waved at me. I smiled and opened the window and helped him in, he locked it and I smiled and he kissed me, I held him and he held me back.

I said "you've gotta get home."

He smirked and kissed me again and I laid down on my bed as he hovered over me, he kissed me and I giggled lightly.

I said "my mom and dad are here..."

He stared at me and kissed me, I held his waist giggling gently.

He said "your so beautiful..."

I laughed and he kissed my forehead and sighed "how did I get so lucky?"

I laughed and he kissed me again and I said "stay the night? We can watch a movie?"

He nodded gently and he took his shirt off and pants. He came into my bed and held me as I turned my TV on. He held me from behind and I held his hands, but I soon turned around and hugged him tightly and began crying.

He rubbed my head saying "hey...it's okay, it's just me alright? No one's gonna hurt you..."

I nodded and I curled into a ball as he held me against him, he rubbed my legs and I sniffled and he turned the lamp and and held me, he tried to soothe me and I looked at him.

"He's not gonna hurt you I promise, if he dares put his hand on you I'll kill him."

I leaned up and kissed him and he smiled saying "come on, let's get some rest."

I nodded and he rubbed my back and I began falling asleep.

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