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Betty's POV
We had to come back the next day due to my incident I caused.

I was with Jughead as he said "no more crying okay? But if you need to I'm right here."

I nodded and he said "after this...we will do anything you want...even sex."

I laughed and he did too and I went to sit.

I then said to Ms McCoy "can I say one last thing?"

She nodded saying "your honor my client would like to make a concluding statement..."

He nodded and I got up and gulped lightly smiling.

I said "I would like to apologize for my actions the other day...I just...I needed a moment to collect myself. But even though I will...continue with the counts charged..."

I looked at Archie saying "I forgive you..."

I cried out and everyone began speaking.

I said "you still deserve everything that will come to you...but I forgive you...I don't hold grudges...I was bullied by a old boyfriend...and I forgave him...even though both instances aren't the same, I forgive you because...I need to get through this...it'll be difficult but, if I find no closure I won't be able to move on."

I smiled and looked down and sat down as my mom smiled at me and I smiled back as the judge sighed.

He said "thank you Miss Cooper, let's continue with the verdict. Officer please hand the envelope to juror number 1."

As they gave it to the man the judge said "check the papers inside, make sure there is no contamination"

He nodded and pulled them out looking at them one by one and smiled.

"Are they in order?" He asked and the man nodded.

He handed them back to the officer who handed them to the judge. He opened them and began looking through them. I held my hands together as the judge handed them to one final women and took out the forms.

"Mr Andrews please stand and face the jury."

He and his mom sat up and I held my moms hand that was on my shoulder.

"I now say for everyone to remain calm when verdict is read. If any disruption occurs you will be removed immediately."

We sighed and the judge allowed the women to speak "Superior Court of Riverdale county of Northside in the matter of Elizabeth Cooper of the town of Riverdale versus Archibald Andrews case number BJ777134. We the jury in the above entitled action find the defendant Archibald Andrews guilty of 1 count of aggravated assault and to be sentenced to 10 years in prison. We the jury find the defendant Archibald Andrews guilty on 1 count of attempted murder and to be sentenced to the maximum of 25 years. We the jury find the defendant Archibald Andrews guilty of 1 counts of rape and to be set even for the maximum of 25 years. We the jury find the defendant Archibald Andrews guilty for 1 counts of sexual assault and to be sentenced to 5 years in prison. Finally, we didn't find the defendant Archibald Andrews guilty for 1 count of statutory rape for the maximum of 5 years in prison. Archibald Andrews is sentenced to a total of 70 years in jail with no possibility of parole till 50 years. "

Everything felt weird around me, I couldn't hear anymore.

I began crying as the judge said "please be seated, jury you can now exit thank you very much for your help and efforts."

The jury left and I sobbed and Ms McCoy hugged me.

I smiled and the judge said "Archibald Andrews some words from me, you had such a life ahead of you but you let all of it go with two horrible actions... no one can come back from this. Your sentence begins immediately get him the hell out of my face."

I began crying even more as they took Archie away and I felt awful, his parents looked so upset...but I just wanted a normal life. I sniffled and saw Jughead and he kissed me, I held him and I cried holding him and hugged him, he rubbed my head and I sobbed as my mom and dad hugged me and I sniffled as I hugged them tighter. I was at home and my family and I were having glasses of soda.

"Now...we can move on with our lives and close this chapter and start a new one trying to figure everything out..." My father said.

I smiled and my mom kissed my head and I looked at Jughead, he walked away and I was confused and went over and saw him going upstairs. I went upstairs and saw him in my room, he smiled at me.

I smiled back as he said "I am leaving..."

I then said "already? But you just got here."

He smiled and said "I'm gonna go on a little vacation...to California..."

I frowned looking down as he said "but...I can't go unless...you come with me."

I looked at him and he said "I have an extra ticket."

I smiled and he smiled and I kissed him, he held me and I smiled as I pulled away.

I shouted "double yes!"

He laughed and I said "I'm glad this nightmare is over and we can return to what we want."

He nodded and I kissed him again and he held me and I smiled and he leaned his forehead on mine.

"How about we...go to Pops..."

I smiled and nodded we picked up Pops but as we did we stopped going to the direction of my house. I was confused and looked at him.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He smirked and we got to Pembrooke, he opened the door and I saw Kevin and Veronica with more snacks and I turned around and he smiled and I smiled and Veronica and Kevin hugged me tightly and I cried and laughed holding them as Jughead smiled at me and I smiled back and sniffled.

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