Mighty River

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Folks, glad ta see ya. Come on in out the rain. Have a coffee or tea. Folks we get started here in bit. Beth is over givin Doc a hand at the Bender place. So ifin ya are ready? We a start folks.

They call it the mighty river folks, it starts way up north, an finishes out in the Gulf of Mexico. The Mighty Missisip. Me an Chester, not my Pa, nope my son Chester. We were travelin north along the eastern side the river.

Folks the bridge at Vicksburg, was out. So we followed the Yazzoo River, ta find a place ta cross. Then we'd have ta deal with the Missisip. Late fall both rivers are up. Askin why we need on the west side the river, ain't ya. Wanted Chester ta see that oddity N.O. One an Mike Keefer, besides gotta beat Janet at Checkers don't I!

Need Chester ta see, some a that Law in that Book ain't always right. Book is guide at best, in most situations. I only look at the damn thin ifin I am confused or not certain.

Folks up at Redwood, fella had flat bottom boat river wasn't movin real fast. He offered ta get us across. Took four trips wasn't much room on that boat. Gave the man a straight fer his time. He say the river should be down enough about twenty mile up, theys a ferry there. Should be ok ta cross. Chester he say, Pa we can wait ta see this place. Ya all fired up ta get ta.

I tell him, Folks, this ya must learn son. I don't think it best ta put it off, not one bit. Thins in this here world, need known, especially by a Ranger. Well, folks we crossed that blame river. We headed north an west towards that underground abode. Besides want answers on that other oddity out that ways, at the Tri-point. Remember that place don't ya?

The ride that a ways, wasn't much need in the way the Law. People lives far apart folks. What few towns they is well, ya can avoid thum ifin need be. Most towns, unlessin it's a stranger, they try an gets along. Don't need a person against ya. Might need thum ta help out in times a need. So theys don't squabble much folks.

Did have one of mention, Stage depot, out near Salina abouts a days ride south it. This one had a poster on him, wanted fer killin two out Virginia ways. This Depot had a small Inn an Saloon on the back a hit. We planned on stayin the night. They was a small General Store across from the Depot, an a Blacksmith shop. Folks the depot would need that shop. Plus the farms an ranches would need the store an the shop.

Place was just a place along the road, place ya changed or waited on the stage. Chester wanted some hard candy mint I think he say. Folks that is when it happened, Chester's first stand off! Lan sakes still get the jitters over it! This a come from my copy a his report folks. Gives me a bit ta get my specs on. First folks, my boy he stood his ground, ifin ya didn't know it was with out myself present. Like I say, still gets the jitters over it.

Well, Chester's report folks.

The altercation with Walter Jessup, recorded ta the best of my abilities. Ranger in Trainin Chester Howard.

My altercation started, just as I was leavin the General Store, my bag in hand with hard candy an pickled eggs.

Noticed this fella, givin me a hard look,from across the road. Then he moved his jacket from his right hip. That's when I saw his pistol. He placed the jacket back, an headed like he was goin ta cross the road diagonal ta me.

Ma, an Norm both say never let a man, with gun get ta yar back. This I figured was what he was tryin ta do. I walked ta cut him off, hand restin on my 36. Ready fer what may come.

We met about half the way across the road, he turned ta face me. I say, Ranger Howard, like ta talk ifin ya have the time. He say as he took his jacket off an tossed it aside. Best walk away, Ranger in Trainin, no need a dyin taday. His left hand, was holdin his belt buckle. Right-hand restin on his hip.

I sat my bag down, say we gots no need fer this. Best put both hands high! I sensed he was goin ta clear leather. I pulled an fired, think we both may a shot at the same time. I heard his shot pass me, about the same time he fell. My shot took him ta death. That is the best I can remember it.

Folks, ain't much in the way a fancy type talk now. I saw most it myself, but I could not just jump in. Ranger has ta learn when ta draw or use his wits or just wallop the fool. Besides from my point with out my damn Sharps couldn't a helped much anyways. So Chester was on his own. This is what I saw, folks nothin added ta it.

That Jessup, moved slow an with a set purpose ta get ta Chester's back or at least ta his side. Chester he moved fast, an straight at him, only stoppin abouts twenty feet from him. That Jessup tossed his jacket. Think he say somethin couldn't make it out. Chester yelled also couldn't make that out. Chester sat down his bag.

Folks, I couldn't make spit, felt uneasy ta my stomach. They both pulled, Chester say only two shots were fired. Folks heard four shots. Both fired twice one wild shot a piece. Folks well two fer that Jessup. Chester well, that Jessup cleared leather first. Just a touch faster not by much. Chester may have walked away, but he could have died that day. Folks how my Pa, could deal with those stand offs I was in, don't rightfully know.

Folks till next time, ifin they is one.

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