Navajo Land Part II

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Yessum, Folks I am back. Sorry fer the wait, the Station been busy. Lan sakes, hard fer a fella ta keep up. It comes, in a flood like they opened the flood gates up! Then it falls off next ta nothin. At the next ta nothin point now. So ifin ya are ready, we a get back ta the story. Now um mm where was I? Du da ddd, yep I remembers now! That blamed Arch! Dids I have ta climb it! Ya ready folks? Then let's get started!

Folks Smiley, laughed some more, as we gots closer. That blame Arch! Well, might tall, yep ta tall fer me! Smiley he was, a touch fun ta be around. Did manage ta keep me from gettin ta overwhelmed about it. Tam kept hold a my arm folks, I drug my feet a touch. No I weren't goin ta stop, by gosh I take this on fer the Law an the People! Tam say, it is might high ain't it, then she tugged at me some. Folks fear, this type a fear, well is hard ta control. Ya must have one thin that bothers ya, most people have at least one, abnormal fear. Tell me, what fear ya have, hell I won't laugh. I promise that, folks Common a never laugh at fear, nope never!

Smiley took us ta the Captain, folks this Captain hell looked like he tangled with a mountain lion. Face had a patch work a scars, same on his right arm. He was Navajo, just like Smiley, could tell from his hat, that fancy beadwork on the band. Name hell, won't forget that one; Captain Ahiga Hatathli, folks that is a mouthful ain't it! That's why I remember it! Seems this Captain is Smiley's Granpa.

Smiley tell him, about my abnormal fear folks, he laughed a touch, then say he needed men ta defend the openin. Folks they was a wedge at the openin, this wedge tapered in from the openin. They had anythin they could pile up or use ta form this wedge. Wagons feedbags filled with sand or gravel, barrels. Ifin the shooters from the arch top didn't stop thum. Why that wedge would gather thum inta a killin zone!

So me an Tam along with Smiley were put at the wedge thin. We left our horses about half mile back in some shade an near water. Folks might relieved, about not havin ta climb that arch. Next three days, they was uneventful. Rest the Seminoles they showed 50 strong, they was put on that wedge like me an Tam. A York Ranger, fightin along side the Navajo, Seminole, an Hopi, lan sakes who a thought.

Folks, the forth day, ya could see the dust cloud in the distance. The Army an Militia were movin forward at us, my guess is those talks did no good.

Folks, when ya think bouts this, my fellow members the same Land goin at each other. My this is worse than any border war. Not that I was a gettin any second thoughts. The Land was wrong those Nobles that were elected are wrong, this whole thin is just wrong! Makes a man, want ta slap the Piss an Vinegar out thum! It took near two whole days, fer us ta see that Army, they was still a dust cloud behind thum.

Day 7 folks, that's when thins gots a might touchy. The Army brought cannon up forward along with about what looked like two Regiments a Infantry an two Troops of Cavalry. Then three fellas rode towards us with a white flag.

Captain Hatathli, looked at me say, Common I want you an Captain Marshal with me, seems they wanta talk. Folks this Captain Marshal Arizona Ranger Company A. Why they wanted me, hell didn't know at the time. Tell ya a bit later, as ta why.

We walked just, a few yards pass the arch an stopped. Those three fellas, that were a walkin towards us. Well, they were dressed I might pretty, folks yessum they were. Brown hats an shirts with ta much gold trim, looked a touch overboard, ifin ya know what I mean. Red pants, brown boots up pass the knee. My gosh! More Brass than needed polished, reflectin the sun.

Folks, couldn't help myself, I laughed some, at the sight a thum. Hatathli smiled at me an say, might over dressed ta be ready ta fight ain't they. Marshal, kept a stern face say, Hatathli ya do the talkin it's yar land. Common ya just do yar best, ta remember all that is said. Bein from York, ya have no inside interest inta this.

Folks, ya see, my job is ta just listen. That way ifin it's comes down, ta what was said. I am not from here, so my words a mean more after, the fact.

Folks, can't remember that Generals name, but his red pants, lan sakes what a sight, why it had brass buttons, an his boots had brass buttons up the side thum. Call him General Fancy, best name fer him. He the one done the talkin.

Folks, General Fancy, he say, General Hatathli the duly elected Nobels of the Land called Arizona. Here by call upon, The Navajo Nation ta relinquish said Land of the Nation ta the Land of Arizona. Folks that is close ta what was said, remember this has been few year ago. Captain Hatathli say, I am no longer a General, I am a Captain now, in charge of tribal defense.

I've been given orders, ta not let you pass! General, you know me well, as well as, I know you. I plead ta you do not force this. Many lives will be lost, that blood will be on you not me. Folks ole Fancy, he say, inform your command they have but 24 hours ta surrender.

Folks as we walked back, I knew neither side would back down. Blood would flow, stain the sand, dust an rocks of this place. Bodies more than could be buried in a day. I mumbled blame fool Nobels. Then I say Captians we best make plans ta attack thum on they rear. When they come at us, ain't just goin ta be sidearms an rifles, those cannon a come inta play, first thin. We ain't gots any! They both didn't say a thin. Lan sakes, hope they brighter than they actin.

Tam ask, well what they say? Tell her best be ready ta fight. This ain't goin ta stop or slow, we gots 24 hour ta gives up. She just nodded, say figures, well not as ifin we both ain't look death in the eye. Folks, I just looked out that Army a facin us, my sure was a might pretty Army.

Folks befer we take a break from this here story. This brings ta mind the time, well back when I started out on my own! When York, decided ta help Virginia with takin Pennsylvania. Ya see, Virginia decided it wanted Penn, York figured it would help, get half a Penn maybe more.

Folks, some of the worst thins I have seen Nobles do, why they plotted an took all a Penn. Virginia she backed down after Penn pushed her back ta they Land. York just pushed they way through Penn. I was a part that fool plan! Still burns me, folks that been a long time ago. How Nobels an greed took ta breakin our Land. Power equals Land, people nothin more! Folks that equals Trinkets! Greed! Folks all it is!

Well my rant is over! Till next time, ifin they is one.

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