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Evenin folks, take a seat. They won't be any foolery, or waitin so lets begin. Bit a background, like a say befer we doubled the nightwalkers, ran an information ad in the papers both thum. It was a very short, but sweet sayin fer all the young ladies ta move in pairs, between six an six from evenin till mornin. Or try an avoid travel between those hours.

We informed business owners, ta tell they employees the same thin. The hard part, this one does not tend ta kill in one part a town. Folks meanin the bodies aren't always found same part a town. Doc say he hasn't even seen a pattern ta, what Doc call his dump sites. The thins we have done, could help or just make it harder ta catch this one. Then again it could save a life, that is the important part a this. Folks try an save some lives, pain an grief.

So two days after, mine an Docs thinkin a when this a start, folks it started. Least ways we think it did, young lady was reported missin last night. She didn't make it home, after her job. She worked at Borden Billiards an Saloon. Owner, say she waited tables an was eye-candy.
Name Lilly no other name known. Mister Borden say, he offered ta walk her home. She respectfully declined it.

Mister Borden gave us her address, it was the same as the one, from the reported missin address. A Miss Bonnie Mallow, reported her missin me an Doc went ta that address, number 5K Barlow Alley. Folks like most tenements, in the poorer district of the city. They doors are down a dark alley. Sometimes ya have four or six people sharin a room. Lilly an Bonnie share the place, they must do well. Only two livin in the place.

Miss Mallow, works across the street at the Ale an Whisky, Pleasantry girl. She say they are licensed, just like the Law say. I tell her, me an Doc aren't worried about thins like that, just findin Lilly is our job. Asks her could ya answer some questions, about Lilly an where she might gone or happened ta her? Miss Mallow say yes.

What did, Lilly do at her job?

She waited tables served drinks, kept the customer happy, spendin trinkets. Ya know makin the customer think he was special.

I asks, just ta make sure, she wasn't off makin extra trinkets. She didn't leave with any customers ya know of ta make a few extra trinkets? After hours now did she.

She say, no never. Lilly say, her body is hers. No man, but her husband a touch it. When she gets a husband. Lilly had no want a bein a Pleasantry girl. Most she done was hug a customer or got him ta buy her, those over priced watered-down drinks. So Borden's girls could stay sober an work.

Doc asks, what time does Lilly normally gets home?

She say, little after the Ale an Whisky closes. That is about two in the mornin little after, Borden closes at one, no Pleasantry License.

Doc say, how soon after, ya got home did ya report it?

Just seconds after, Nightwalker escorted me home. Soon as I saw, Lilly wasn't here. I shouted fer him ta come back. The place showed no sign a her even, makin it home.

I asks does this Nightwalker do this all the time?

Yessum, she say, he does been doin it now fer a year.

I say, think that a be it fer now. Miss Mallow ifin ya think a more. Ya just let the City Rangers, or Constable know, we a come an talk. Oh an that Nightwalker, his name is Tad Cort, right? That is the one on the report.

Not sure about the Cort, but Tad is his name. I say thank ya, we look fer her now, just try an not worry.

Interview with Tad Cort.

Folks, befer I go on, I am hopin this ain't the killer, at work. My befer hand work, won't mean a thin. I wanted ta cut his supply chain. May not a worked.

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