Folks, ifin ya are still with me, sorry fer that abrupt endin. Gots myself all worked up! It may be the past folks, I can still get a might worked up over it! Yep let's say, I felt the pain a that day. Well, I am ready ta start, I reckon. What's that? Ya say, Ya want a tea, I can hold fer spell.
Oh, they call me baby driver, once upon a set wheels. I did not serve, I did not serve. Likes a bridge over, troubled waters! The sound of silence.
Oh good yar back, told ya couldn't carry a tune. Ready? Folks that Dram12 ya know that Tim. He is ready now, so let's start!Folks, I was firin fast I could reload, that Sharps. Barrel was hot as fire! Why ya could a lit a pipe off that barrel! They was bottled up in that wedge!
Must a been near 200 a thum. Folks, those poor soldiers they started ta turn, an run. Ya see they couldn't, just ta blame many of thum. They was packed tight! They started climbin over the barrels wagons bags a sand.Folks it turned inta a free fer all! Why saber in my right hand pistol in my left! Slash turn shoot! Stab slash, move shoot! Kick shove a fella back, stab him! Sam White Hell! Tryin ta fight, steppin on the dead an wounded! Only thin a fella could do, is kill then kill again! Folks the smell a blood, blood sprayin from the wounded, the screams, gun fire the clank a steel on steel. The thud of bodies hittin each other! Ya could smell the sweat, urine, vomit, an defecation!
Folks, it was the dance a death! Step kill, turn kill, step, step right kill, spin step kill! Folks, we finally gots thum pushed back! That's when they ran off!
Some tripped over the dead as they ran, others crawled towards help, an they lines! Ya could hear the wounded, askin fer they Momma or they wife or girl, back home. Some were askin fer help, they sayin they didn't want ta die.Tam looked a might bloody, asked her ifin she was hurt? She say no, blood wasn't hers. She say ifin I look like ya, she hesitated a bit folks. She say yar not hurt are ya? Folks, Tam been in some rough situations, she looked a might worried. Folks I hugged her, told her I was fine. Smiley say, good ta see ya two alive. He say, Common, Tam fear took over me, I hid under a wagon an some crates.
Tam took Smiley by the hands, told him not ta worry. We wouldn't look down on him. He was still brave fer not runnin. Besides he fought till they broke through. Couldn't ask fer more, Tam say bet more than few ran off. I said hell I would a ran, couldn't ta blame many ta run through. Smiley say ya sure, ya don't think me a coward?
Hell folks, he weren't no coward, ifin ya think abouts it, hell he was the smart one. I say nope don't think that way at all, we won't say a thin about it. Smiley went off ta help with the wounded.
Folks this fight went on fer two days, Smiley he stood his ground, didn't hide at all. Folks that third day they started befer sunrise. They attacked we pushed thum back. We were down ta just reserves by that time. We was all tuckered out. Both sides lost more than enough, lan sakes wounded was almost as much as the dead. We had no time ta fix meals or rest hell we took ta relievin ourselves close ta that wedge.
That third day, folks a Company of Ohio Rangers an one a Carolina rode in hard. They rode between the arch an the Army a Arizona. White flag with the Arizona Ranger Commander. The Nobels took out they Speaker or some Lands call it, Head Nobel or President Protemp. Seems they took over they Government and sent him ta Arizona Ranger Command. Ohio an Carolina will put him on trial.
Folks, this all came ta late, young Smiley was killed that mornin early. I stood watch over Tam, he died head on her lap. She held him an talked ta him till his last breathe. Folks, I felt like I lost a son. Smiley was a good friend, I'll remember him like a son.
Folks, Rangerin is a hard life, it is harder than most. I abouts gave up on it, those few days in Navajo Land. I will probably abouts give up on it again. Rangers they don't last long, they give up or gets killed. Most die befer they 30, hell I am a might close ta that.
Me an Tam left, few days later. We rode tagether near a month after. Till that day, we made Biloxi, folks it pains me ta talk abouts it. When she left, she tell me, Common I am with child. It is yars, no worries Common I'll be fine. Ya have no need ta come along with me. Folks, I chased after her, Tam pulled her pistol, told me stay back. Not ta follow her. I have not seen her since then. Folks my first love chased me off. Heart broken I wondered the Land.
I lost my way, the Law didn't mean a thin, Tam was my heart fer near 2 months. She just up an left me.
Ya know folks, it just made me stronger after. Ya see I am Ranger, Common Howard, I will protect the Lands an enforce the Law best I can. Well folks till next time, an thanks fer yar time.
Just Common
MaceraHi, folks, I am Common Howard, some say the World has gone backwards. this I truly know might just be fact. Ya see I am a Ranger, the Law these Thirteen Lands. Once fifty we've fought changed the way the Land looks. Once United, but now separate, bu...