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Day 1 of putting up with annoyance, Iwaizumi marked a day off in his mental calendar. Even though the day hadn't even started yet.

He knew the week wouldn't go fast by any chance, not if annoyance himself was there to torment him.

"Should I wear red or black?" Oikawa was asking now with a bright smile, he was holding up two tailored suits in his hands.

Iwaizumi lifted his head up from the pillow to scowl at Oikawa with squinted eyes.

The red one did kind of look good. Anyone else would look like a fire extinguisher in it but not Oikawa.

He'd look like a god.

Not that Iwaizumi ever planned on saying that out loud.

Iwaizumi was still in bed when Oikawa had turned on all the lights half an hour ago, claiming that he needed atleast an hour to get ready. It was 8 fucking am.

He just wanted to go the fuck back to sleep.

"Tell me, Iwa-chan?" Oikawa mumbled distractedly as he inspected the red suit closely, scratching the collar.

He glared at Oikawa who raised his brows, smile in place.

Iwaizumi smiled back sarcastically and held up a middle finger.

Oikawa grinned, snapping his fingers, "black it is!" he disappeared into the dressing room. some pop song played from his phone and that brat turned up the volume.

Iwaizumi groaned in his pillow.



Oikawa watched as Miya atsumu (ugh) flung himself on Iwaizumi who caught him by the waist before they both could fall.

Behind the yellow haired disaster, Sakusa kiyoomi rolled his eyes and tucked his mask up higher, walking towards Oikawa. He bowed down in front of Oikawa who gave him a smile in return, "how was your flight?"

"Okay." Sakusa grumbled, he threw a glance behind him towards Miya then frowned at Oikawa, "could've been better."

Oikawa laughed, "aw, Kyoomi-chan. . . he's not that bad!"

Yes, Oikawa thought bitterly.

Yes he is.

Hanging off Iwa-chan like it's nothing.

Sakusa shook his head and and stepped aside.

Oikawa raised his arm and waved furiously at Sakura who was running towards him, Hana behind her carrying both their luggage and wearing the most irritated look on her face.

He engulfed Sakura in an embrace, "fucking hell!"

"You dumb whore!" Sakura yelled at him.

"Could you two not curse in here?" Hana sighed.

Oikawa put the 5'4 gremlin down who grinned up at him, "I missed you so much!" she gave him a smooch on the lips.

Oikawa picked her up hurled her over his shoulder by the as she squealed playfully.



Better miya: ????

Kurhoe: ????

Better miya: you would not believe this

Hana: yes we won't. Goodnight.

Better miya: :(

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