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"Come here."

Iwaizumi blinked, " . . . Huh?"

"Iwa-chan," Oikawa whispered, "Iwaizumi!"

Iwaizumi jumped off his bed and turned his beside lamp on. The light was dim but much better than moonlight.

When he directed his attention towards Oikawa, the latter seemed to be frozen in place, clutching his blankets tight, eyes unblinking.

"What?" he demanded as he hovered over Oikawa with panicked eyes while Oikawa looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Iwa-chan." he slowly tilted his head up to stare at him with wide eyes.

"Yes, Yes, what is it?"

Oikawa swallowed, "i think there's something in my bed."

". . ."

"I'm not lying," the other hissed, "there's something in my bed, I swear!"

"Oh my fucking god."

After a while he managed to convince Oikawa to get the fuck out of his bed.

Then they were both standing there in their boxers in the cold, staring at little ants crawling over the sheets.

"What is this?" Iwaizumi glared at the bed.

"Bugs, can't you see?"

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, "it was rhetorical." It was 1am at night. He could not deal with this shit, "you... you should go shower." He offered instead.


They stood there, just observing the bed.

After a while, Oikawa said, "they're called ants. . . Just in case it wasn't rhetorical."

Any sympathy he was feeling for Oikawa before was kicked out the window.

He scowled, "I know they're ants, you absolute moron."

Oikawa gave a few dramatic head shakes, "kids these days."


"You're barely 29! Get over it!"

Oikawa blinked, then smiled at the floor shyly.

Iwaizumi huffed, "what?" Oikawa's smirks and smiles always pissed him off. He didn't know how people found him charming.

Oikawa shrugged, still smiling, "you googled."


Yeah. . .

His face flushed.

"How the hell did they get here?" Iwaizumi nodded his head towards the bed, changing the subject immediately.

"How would I know, Iwa-chan?"

While Oikawa was ranting about how he could never sleep in this room and he'd sue the hotel for ruining his life, Iwiazumi raked his brain, trying to come up with any sort of explanation.

"— I mean, it's me! Oikawa Tooru! How could they make me sleep in a room with bugs? I'll end their whole business— how can they treat me like this? It's just unacceptable—

In the morning, they woke up, they got dressed. And after that they ate their breakfast in the dining hall, not in their bedroom. And then they went—


It felt like a light bulb clicked on in his head.

He cut off Oikawa mid sentence, "—It was you."

Oikawa paused, ". . .—what?"

"It was you. You were eating chips in your bed in the morning—

"What are you talking about—

"You were!," Iwaizumi stepped forward, now a foot away from Oikawa, his accusatory finger pointed at Oikawa's chest, "right when I got out of the shower— I saw you! You were eating them on your bed and you hid the wrapper as soon I saw you."

"Oh," Oikawa squinted, he hesitated for a second, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly, "right."

"Right? What do you mean right? These ants have probably contaminated the whole room by now. What are we going to do? There are no other rooms left. We didn't even pay for this room." he rubbed his forehead, frustrated, "We can't just go and yell at them when it's our fault—"

Oikawa smirked at him.

Iwaizumi's shoulders fell, "oh no. Please don't. I have no energy for this— it's 1 am in the morning Oikawa

"There were bugs in my bed! In my bed, on the floor, in my shoes! Everywhere! Is this how you treat your guests? Just let them sleep in a bed full of bugs?"

Iwaizumi covered his face, groaning.

Oikawa was going off at the near bald manger who's face was completely red as he attempted to reason with Oikawa.

Iwaizumi could not do this right now. He leaned back on the couch. Why does Oikawa have to be like this? He always had to be way too much. It was his own fucking fault.

Also where does he get this energy? Sometimes it felt like Iwaizumi was the older one here.

And now Iwaizumi had to sit in the hotel lobby as Oikawa yelled at the manager on their irresponsibility.

"Sir, sir, please—

"I will not stand for this. Are you aware how much I payed for this room?! Only to find all kinds of insects in my bed—

Iwaizumi shook his head in disbelief.

They did not pay a single penny.

Oikawa got the room by being a hoe, not because he payed for it.

"Sir please, listen to me, I will clear out and clean a room for you immediately, I'll transfer all your luggage myself, just please— give me 20 minutes."

Iwaizumi watched Oikawa tilt his chin up, squinting at the manager, "fine. But you better make it quick."

Iwaizumi leaned forward to rest his elbows on his thighs, hands clasped in the front.

The manager nodded quickly a few times as he rushed towards the reception, typing on the computer with excellent speed. 

"You're such an asshole." he scoffed as soon as the other sat down.

Oikawa laughed.

Iwaizumi peered up slowly and saw Oikawa's eyes crinkle on the sides, lips curled and mouth open.

It was a genuine laugh. It was true. It wasn't forced. It was bright but not blindingly. It was like the moonlight which filtered through their balcony every night; soft, comforting, full of tenderness.

Iwaizumi urged himself to look away.

He couldn't.



How are u guys doing???
Im so tired of studying dear God let september come already also lil nas is so cool guys I like his gay lil musicvids

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