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In the mornings, Uki stirred a spoon in his black coffee. Too sugars. Not too hot.

Paris had been left behind and morning birds of Tokyo chirped outside his kitchen window like clockwork every day.

Their home was in a quiet neighbourhood now. Half an hour away from Oikawa and Hajime's. It was best for shoyou to not switch schools so often.

It wasn't best that someone with Hotaru's qualifications worked a plain job with a plain salary and 9-5 timing. Promise to Hajime remained intact and Hotaru was earning an honest pay now.

Even if all Uki wanted was for them to cuddle in bed all day.


9-5. Him and Hotaru aren't made for a 9-5. They're made to conquer the world.

And personally not to be woken up at 8 in the morning with stupid fucking birds. But that's the only way he can see Hotaru before his stupid fucking 9-5 job.

He groaned, rubbing his eyes with his index and stirring the stupid coffee faster—


"Yes, love?" He whipped around with a smile and looked down at Hotaru, handing him the coffee, "I made this just for you."

Hotaru was shaking his head with a knowing smile and patted a hand to Uki's cheek, "Shoyou's getting ready. We're going to get icecream on our way to school."

Uki fake gasped, "you never let me have icecream in the mornings!"

The other man sat his cup down on the counter and let out a dramatic sigh.

Hotaru in a tie was such a sight, Uki thought as he gave him an innocent smile.

Hotaru rolled his eyes, cheeks heating up, "Keep your smiles away in the morning."

"Why?" He leaned closer prompting Hotaru to lean back.

"Shoyou's in the house."

"Oh my god why do you treat me like I'm always in heat?"

Hotaru seemed to be fighting a laugh, "don't say that. You're so not funny."

He reached out to wrap an arm around the other man's waist, "how dare you say that to your husband?"

Hotaru blushed, looking away, "boyfriend."



"Mmmhm," Uki smiled, planting a kiss to his cheek, "love."

"Husband." Hotaru mumbled.

"Oh now you like it—


They jumped apart to find Shoyou running towards them. Uki scooped him up and gave him a spin, "it's never papa anymore! Little Shoyou you don't love me anymore."

Shoyou ignored him with a giddy smile, "we are going to iwa-chan today? Finally finally! I've waited years!"

"6 months..."


Uki smiled, letting him down, "you know this is the first time we're going to see them since forever. You have to be nice and presentable to their son."

Hotaru gave his arm a little punch, "shoyou knows that, don't you sho?"

"Yes! ... but what if he's scary."

Uki laughed, "he's a kid. Just like you"

"I'm not a kid. I bet he's smaller!!"

Uki messed up his hair, "go to school first dum dum."

Uki bid them farewell with kisses like that's the last time he's seeing them.

He dialled his favourite number.


"It's 9 in the morning," Tooru groaned in the phone.

Hajime pulled him closer, nesting his face in the crook of his neck. Tooru always smelled so good. It was addictive.

"How's my favourite son~"

Hajime could hear Uki's annoyingly deep voice from the phone pressed to Tooru's ear. Hajime kisses his neck.

"Not your son and I'm telling Shoyou—

"Nooo. I just wanted to know what time we should come."

"Uki you've asked the same thing like 100 times."

"We're just excited! Now that Hotaru's forgiven—

"Not." Hajime mumbled in his neck.

"— I figure it we could all enjoy some family time as soon as possible."

Oikawa groaned again, "you know what time you bastard. Hang up."

"Okay! BUT another important thing . . . what colour should I wear—

Tooru hung up. Tossing his phone on the other side of the bed.

"Hajime-chan?" Tooru mumbed sweetly.


Oikawa wrapped his arms around the other man, "that was sooo romantic."

"Who said I'm trying to be romantic?"

Oikawa smiled at him. Hajime's heart almost gave up the way it beat so so fast.

"You okay?"

Hajime hummed, "yes."

"Seeing him for the first time since that party is a big deal."


"give me the signal and I'll kick them out."

Hajime looked at him and kissed the slope of his perfect nose, "Tobio should have his grandparents in his life."

Soft smile spilled on tooru's face, "you're even hotter as a dad."

Hajime laughed, "you're stupid."

"Stupid in LOVE."

"Mmhm. Have to go wake Tobio, his tutor will be here in an hour."

"We should start sending him to a school now."

Tobio wasn't ready to be around other children. They'd go to the park and he'd rather play catch by himself than interact with a child. Grocery shopping and Tobio had to hold both their hands at all times.

Sometimes he thought Tobio was just scared to be left alone.

"He needs more time."

Tooru nodded, kissing him on the mouth, "hot dad." He whispered.

Hajime was the luckiest man on earth.


Wattpad was banned in my country bruh.

If anyone's curious abt the boy I was talking abt. We've been together 6 months now. And he likes being called husband

I'm a simple man. A man has long dark hair and a pretty smile and I'll call him my husband 🙏

Thank u guys for sticking around I love u guys sm


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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