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Iwaizumi Hajime was the love of his life.

Oikawa woke with a jerk.

His throat was dry and his eyes crusty.

The piercing morning sunlight blazing through his bedroom glass wall certainly didn't help at all. It was taunting him.

He turned on his back to stare at the ceiling through narrow eyes and blinked a few times to adjust to the light. A quiet sigh escaped past his lips.


What a dream.

And then his hand accidentally brushed against his naked thigh and he sat up in shock, instantly pushing the covers off and staring down at his bare . . . um.


Oh fuck of fuck oh shit shit fucking shit.

No no no no.

Oikawa pulled his boxers on.

This cannot be happening.

It wasn't a dream?


He panicked, flopping back in bed and hiding his flushed face in the pillow. His breathing had gone fast now and his heart was about to jump out of his chest—

Which Iwaizumi had touched so gently

No no no no no—

He swallowed.

Iwaizumi had. . . touched him. All over. They had sex. Sex, The kind which was so pleasurable that Oikawa had mistaken it for a fucking dream.

And then he blinked.


Iwaizumi lied to him. . .

He leaned far to his left to peak down at the floor and was surprised to find it clean. No sign of alcohol or pieces of smashed glass.

His gaze snapped to his nightstand. Some Advil and glass of water covered by a paper note sat on it. Oikawa picked it up and drowned the water in one go.

He looked at the note.

Let me know when I can see you


He rolled his eyes and crumpled up the paper, throwing it out the door.

"Darling!" For 11 am in the morning, Uki seemed to be smiling a little too bright, "you're finally up."

Oikawa grumbled out a hum and fell back on the bed, back against his pillow. He pulled the covers up to his collarbone and then felt silly about it, it's not like Uki hadn't seen him shirtless.

But it felt raw. He had sex with Iwaizumi Hajime. He didn't want anyone to see him or the traces of Hajime on his skin.

Uki sat down a tray of breakfast on Oikawa's lap and then took a seat beside him on his bed.


"I hate when you give me orders."

Uki grinned at him, "I love giving orders."

"Yeah. I can tell," Oikawa rolled his eyes as he stabbed a fork into some scrambled eggs, "this is so bland."

Uki flicked his knee, "easy. It's the only thing I know how to make."

Oikawa stabbed the eggs again and shoved a forkful into his mouth, "this tastes so," he said while chewing, "couldn't you have made something better."

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