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Disclaimer that this is a work of fiction. It's only hot and seggsy because iwaoi is involved. In reality if I could pack all billionaires and shoot them to Mars Using only my arse i would

☮︎︎ peace & love <3


Iwaizumi Hajime resented his father.

As if thrusting an entire company upon your 24 year old son wasn't enough, he just had to screw up and engage in a rivalry with the only person in the world Iwaizumi hated even more than his own father.

He despised that jerk's perfect hair and his million dollar smile. The worst part was that the fucker wasn't even unattractive. He was legit a model, had magazines printing his photo shoots and interviews every single month. He was hot. and that asshole knew it. He got off on knowing others knew it well enough too.

Self-made Billionaire, now 29 years old.

Iwaizumi had, shamefully, googled his Wikipedia page, reading the entire thing, even personal life and then had restarted his laptop to get rid of him completely.

Oikawa fucking Tooru.

Even his name sounded bitter on Iwaizumi's tongue.

Iwiauzmi stared at him now from his own office. He was chatting with his secretary, feet propped up on his desk.

Iwaizumi averted his gaze.

Their buildings sat perfectly across one another. And if that wasn't just the cherry on top, Iwaizumi's office directly faced Oikawa's. Directly. With complete glass walls, Iwaizumi could see him all day if he wanted.

He could witness Oikawa getting railed on his huge fucking desk by popular men, women and others every single day. That jerk had no shame too, always kept his blinds open as if taunting Iwaizumi for not getting any. Which was mostly why Iwaizumi kept his own blinds shut almost all day.

A knock sounded on the door. He muttered out a 'yes' and Miya Atsumu walked in with a folder in his hand and a grin on his face, "sup boss."

"I specifically told you not to call me that."

"but you're so much cooler than ya dad! also boss is fucking cool. Like we're in a mafia or something"

"What is it?"

Atsumu sat down and and leaned back, "I come bearing good news."

"Does it have anything to do with Sakusa kiyoomi?" Iwaizumi asked with a frown, clearly remembering all the times Atsumu had barged into to his office without waiting for permission, ranting about sakusa doing literally anything. It sucked that the curly haired man worked for that asshole because really Sakusa was good at his job.

"Huh? No! I only talk to ya bout him when kuroo and Bokkun are out of the building."

"Wow, truly glad to know I'm not your first choice."

Atsumu raised his eyebrows, "would ya like to be?"

"Fuck no."

"Great! Let's talk business." Atsumu opened his folder and and pulled out a neat envelope, "Yet another one from yer beloved shittykawa."

"How's that even good news?" Iwaizumi snatched the letter from his hand, annoyed, " and he's not my anything."

"Ya I'll be ready for yer enemies to lovers ark when it happens. That jerk even sprays perfume on these every time. Who does that on business letters!" he sighed, "I fucking hate him."

Iwaizumi stared at the white envelope, bearing Oikawa's personalised stamp. He ripped it open, breaking the wax seal.

"What does it say?" Atsumu peered.

Iwizuzmi frowned as he read on, "it's an invitation."

"To where?"

". . . A party."


"God I hate him, Sakura. That bastard. Coming in my office and demanding a contract."

Oikawa complained. He was lying on a giant bed fully accompanied with a satin canopy and silk sheets. The bed sat in the middle of the only bedroom which was hidden from the glass walls, one place he could disappear off to for a while without worrying about public eyes or cameras.

He stretched his arms above his head and whined, "God, Hes such a pain in the ass."

Sakura flopped on the bed beside him on her stomach and snorted, her voice coming out muffled, "are you sure you wouldn't want him to be a pain in your ass."

"Shut up! It's not like that!"

"It's not?"

"Obviously no! His company screwed over mine. We went through an absolute traumatic fucking loss."

"You mean money. You lost money." Sakura deadpanned.

"It was traumatic nonetheless!"

Sakura turned on her back to prop her legs on Oikawa's stomach, "what are you going to do? Will you give him that contract or not? It will benefit our company too."

Oikawa groaned, "I know. Which is why I can't decide. He's so annoying. He sounds like he hasn't lost a day in his life."

"You haven't either."

"That's different— I'm perfect. Regardless, I don't know what to do. When I first saw him at that ceremony I knew he was going to be a jerk. And he continued to prove that. And— and how old is he anyway? Coming in here to annoy me whenever he wants."

"You literally do the same everyday."

"No I don't." Oikawa pushed Sakura's feet off his stomach. Sakura groaned, "you need to get laid like right now," she mumbled under her breath, "bitch."

"I will fire you!"

"You can try, you whore!"

Oikawa fake cried, "Sakura I can't do this today. Give me a solution or don't bother."

Sakura rolled her eyes,"just Invite him to your party."

Oikawa screeched, "no way! he's going to tell the world what an alcoholic I am"

"He's wouldn't be able to, it's a private party. Invite him and figure out if he's serious about this contract or just trying not to get on your bad side. By talking. Talk to him, nothing else okay?"

Yes. Oikawa thought. Yes. He could do that. He could invite him. Figure out if Iwaizumi Hajime wants the contact or wants to bring Oikawa's fall like every other bitch that has ever walked through his office.

What worse could it really do? They already hate echo their and It's not like Iwaizumi would be able to say anything about the party if he doesn't want a big ass lawsuit.

Oikawa put Sakura's legs back on his stomach and gave her a million dollar smile, "you're a genius."

"I learned from the best, boss."

AHHH IM SO EXCITED!! If you came from 'anxiety|iwaoi' welcome back loves you're in for a ride
Thanku for reading : )


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