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Ahh Uki art <3

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My Instagram is @/t33fth


"You told him!"

Uki looked up from where he was lying in his bed towards Hotaru who was at his bedroom door, hair messed up and tie loose.

"It's the middle of the night." He croaked out, voice raspy from sleep, "how did you even get in?"

Hotaru was having none of it. He walked over to stand beside his bed, hovering over him.

Uki stared up at him, eyes wide and waiting.

Hotaru frowned.

Uki smiled and reached up to curl a hand around the other's tie.

Hotaru grabbed his wrist before he could, "I'm not here for that." He sounded mad. Nothing that couldn't be tamed.

"Oh? Why then?"

"Do you have any idea what happened tonight?"

Uki dropped the facade, getting up to sit crosslegged on his bed. His hair was tied in a loose braid which he flipped back then silently patted the free space on the bed in front of him.

"No." Hotaru was stern.


"I'm not a dog."

"Sit." He frowned up at Hotaru.

Hotaru didn't, instead glared down at him,"Do you get off on making me feel like this?"

He raised an eyebrow, "like what?"

"You know like what."


Uki reached forward to take his pants zipper between his teeth.

Hotaru flushed instantly and grabbed a handful of the other man's hair on reflex. he pulled, causing Uki to look at him, "I said I'm not here for that."

Uki let out a sigh.

"You told him."

"He deserved to know."

"You promised!"

"I did no such thing. You did all the talking."

Hotaru breathed out shakily, "Oikawa left him."

"What?" Uki blinked up at him now in disbelief and reached to hold his hand. Hotaru sat down then, one hand tightly holding Uki's and the other clutched into a fist.

"Hajime came to me. Saying I ruined everything and that Oikawa will never look at him again—god. Do you know they had sex?"

Uki looked at him, stunned, Oikawa would have told him, hell, he would have come for advice and to rant for hours about all the ways he could mess it up. Correction: Oikawa would have told him if it was planned. "you're kidding." he said.

Hotaru shook his head, "didn't Oikawa tell you?"

"I'm. . . not much interested in his sex life."

"Hajime blurted it out, it's not like I have an interest in that either."


"No it's— it's just that Hajime is picky, I don't know. He told me he can't sleep with someone if he's not in love."

"He told you that?"

"More like shouted it at me in a room full of his employees."

"That's more like it."

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